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Reviews for What Twilight Brings

By : bryn
  • From copewithit on April 19, 2005
    it's very fluffy and there's not really a plot. however, it has potential to be good. it would need a lot of work though. you would have to add a lot more detail than there is and you would have to expand on the actual events that are happening. like, why was Ron being a jerk? since when aer Sirius and Hermione an item? How exactly and when did Harry defeat Voldemort?
    broadening your views on things like that would create a better fic and the reader would be looking for more, even tough you wrote that it was the end.
    Another small thing, you ending was abrupt and really had no point, which gave the same illusion to the reat of your work.
    keep writing though, i would love to read more!
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