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Reviews for Trapped

By : NaturalDisaster
  • From PrincessDaisy on June 29, 2005
    I feel that i must confess, I've only just got into Harry Potter myself. I really like it and I want to hit myself for missing out. But I've read all five books now and am eagerly awaiting the 6th. This is one of my fave fanfictions, because I like Umbridge and I always imagined her to try it on with Snape or Malfoy Snr. This is great because she is almost stalking him and inflicting fear into him - which I didn't think possible.

    I do hope you continue with this theory of Umbridge wanting Snape. If they do get together they could have the potential to be positively evil. YaY

    Hugs & Kisses

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  • From ANON - Marty on May 22, 2005
    yet another masterpeice chapter ;) can't wait for the next one
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  • From ANON - Marty on May 08, 2005
    this story is great, whens the next chapter coming out?
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  • From ANON - Catpower on April 29, 2005
    Poor Snape - what a ghastly dream. A very promising start and I hope you continue this story. I really like the idea that it is happening parallel to OotP and Umbridge is a very interesting character that you don't often see in a fic.
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  • From MyBlackHeart on April 26, 2005
    Umbridge?! Oh my!
    I want to know how Snape reacts!!!
    Go on! ;o)
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  • From Danine on April 26, 2005
    Wow, your first fic? It's really good. Umbridge is a nasty, wretched, vile thing, and I'm truly sad no one writes about her! How happy this made me to see her name in your summary. I simply cannot wait until the next chapter arrives, and I pray for poor Severus Snape's blackened little soul. Hugs and cheers!!!
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  • From lightgoddess on April 24, 2005
    I do believe that this is going to be scary. Poor, poor Severus being the object of that toads affetions. LOL! I'll be reading more, I assure you. Can't wait to see just how many time she is going to embarrass and mortify of him.
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