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Reviews for The Boy Who Lived to be Voldemort\'s

By : seekersplayrough
  • From ANON - padfoot on April 28, 2005
    Awww! Little Draco and Harry are just so adorable! I remember acting like that as a child. Someone would piss me off, so I'd punch them, then the teacher would come over and make us apologize to eachother. Five minutes later we were off playing with eachother. ^_^

    Keep up the good work, Prongsy! Oh, I shall beta whenever you wish!
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  • From ANON - Horizont on April 28, 2005
    'Draconis' sounds really cool... but I guess a six year old wouldn't appreciate it. XD
    That's so awfully cute! How everyone treats little Harry, simply adoreable! I've been spending the last minutes of reading chanting "cuuuuute" all the time... ^^x

    Great work, please continue! ^_^x
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  • From ANON - akuma_river on April 28, 2005
    Now when the tilte says that he is volermorts do you mean that quite litteraly? As in ALL of him being his? Is draco supposed to ONLY be a friend? You know things happen when kids go into thier teens. Keep up the good work. coolsa.
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  • From ANON - chantalmalfoy on April 27, 2005
    Little Harry and Little Draco are SOOOO cute!

    I can't wiat to see where you go with this.... :D
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  • From ANON - Lyric on April 27, 2005
    hhmmmmm this is an iteresting fic. i would like to read more.
    There that was my polite way to ask. Now.....gimme gimme another
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  • From ANON - Lisn on April 27, 2005
    I LOVE IT!! ::sings for joy:: WOW!! How did you think of a story like this, its freakin AWESOME!!!!! OOOOOHHHH!!
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  • From ANON - acr on April 26, 2005
    Interesting. Voldemort as a relatively stable, decent father figure. Please continue.
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  • From ANON - padfoot on April 26, 2005
    ooh, wonderful so far! can't wait to read more!
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  • From ANON - Poisoned Ink on April 26, 2005
    I love Dark Harry fics!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!
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  • From Danine on April 26, 2005
    Wow, fast update!! Harry is adorable, and Tom is so... hehe I love Tom Riddle, what can I say? I cannot wait for more updates, well, I can, but I don't want to! Hugs!!!!!
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  • From ANON - look at my ding-a-ling-ling on April 26, 2005
    Great story!!! Please write more! I'm dying to know the D.E.'s reaction to Harry! :o)
    Keep up the excellent work
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  • From ANON - GothicAnn87 on April 26, 2005
    Aw! How cute little Harry sounds at age six. He
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  • From ANON - GothicAnn87 on April 26, 2005
    Great story you made. I just love reading Fan Fiction on Slash Harry/Tom with original dark plots with Tom raising Harry. Wicked idea you had for this story. This first part was truly wonderful. I can
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  • From ANON - Horizont on April 26, 2005
    Wow, that sounds interesting! I'm looking forward to the following chapters, so please don't let us wait too long! ^_^x
    *looks at warnings* That makes it look even better.... XD

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  • From Danine on April 26, 2005
    Hmm, interesting. I'm a great LV/HP shipper and I'd like to see more from this story. I do have some questions: How did they explain Harry being dead without a corpse? Are all chapters going to be this tiny (please say no)? And nothing much squicks me(except maybe baby-chan-realated), but how young is Harry going to be when whatever's gonna happen happens? Anyways, update soon, I'd like to read more.
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