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Reviews for Snippets of Desire

By : SilentCall
  • From ANON - tina on September 22, 2005
    that's really hot! i really like your story, not just because it's hot but it makes me want to know what will happen to them later!!. pls update soon
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  • From ANON - doragon41 on July 28, 2005
    wow this is hot! cant wait for more!!!
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  • From ANON - Quidgal on May 18, 2005
    First off, I really liked this first chapter. Please keep it up! Secondly, I was reading your other fic, Mistaken Identiites, and when I was about half way through it I thought to myself, 'Man, it'd be cool to know what's happening on Harry and Ron's end of this.' Well, low and behold, I get to the end of the fic (which, by the way, I LOVED!) and you say that you're writing a Harry/Ron fic to go along with Mistaken Identities. Well now, if any of that actually made sense, I'm off to go to bed; I'm quite tired at this moment in time. Keep up the great work and I'll be looking for your update!
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