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Reviews for The Death of a Soul

By : Roedhunt
  • From ANON - acr on November 23, 2005
    The plot thickens. Poor Harry. Great story.
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 23, 2005
    K, that just left me with more questions but at least those questions have direction now. I love this fic and am happy that u decided to update so quickly :D!!!
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  • From ANON - Storm on November 23, 2005
    Yay another update. I'm so happy, I love this story and can't wait to see what else happens. And yes I loved the pissing contest as well.
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  • From ANON - Katelynxm on November 23, 2005
    HA! I guessed it! Behold my fan-fiction figuring insignificant things out skill!

    Ooooh, I loved Hermione and Ron in this chapter, although Hermione was a little mean to Ron, I admired that she finally ahd the courage to confront Harry, although she might have wanted to talk to Harry before she told anything to Ron. BTW, loved the cliffy..made me go ooooooooooooooooooooooh...

    I loved Snape and Malfoy's pissing contest too. I was cheering for malfoy-I mean Draco the whole time! Althoguh Snape's little smirk at the end worried me. I absolutely hate (not you or your story, I'm solely refering to Snape) how Snape keeps trying to make Harry feel, well, guilty. It's horrible! ooooh, I wish just once Harry would try to run, or yell or hit (well, hit again^^;)!

    Can't wait fo rthe next chapter, your beta is awesome!!!

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  • From ANON - Lady Gray on November 23, 2005
    Finally!! Harry is up to something? and what is this about a bond, how is that different than a marrige. what is malfoy up to? thanks for updating so quickly...
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  • From ANON - paige on November 23, 2005
    I'm actually wondering what's with Harry and Draco. Harry's depressed. He's not fighting enough. Why's Draco helping Harry? Is he a good guy? or at least on the side of Light? Is he in love with either Snape or Harry?
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  • From ANON - Kris on November 23, 2005
    Intense! Snape is abusive. That isn't regular and moderate relations, that's rape. Harry may have agreed to fulfill all the requirements of a spouse but as defined by who? Besides isn't Snape violating the marriage contract? "...Forbids either spouse to be emotionally, mentally, or physically abusive." and " have sexual relationship is entrenchment on a right of a spouse for personal freedom and can have consequences in accordance with law." Please keep writing.

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  • From ANON - mab on November 23, 2005
    Please continue.

    Am enjoying the story, though I am surprised Harry hasn't thrown himself off the top of the astronomy tower yet.
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  • From ANON - Lady Gray on November 22, 2005
    oohhh, something deep going on with Malfoy, does he have feelings for Harry?? It seems like it... And SNAPE GRRRRR!!!, he is lying to harry, thats what the ball with the arrow is right? harry CAN say no, surely 'all the responsibilities and duties of a husband' is a relative concept that doesn't mean snape has all the power. I hope harry gets it togethere soon and begins to fight back, maybe with malfoys help? AND if the new vows overide the condtions from the original marrige contract does that mean the restrictions that force harry to stay living with Snape are lifted too? I hope you update soon.
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  • From ANON - Cootie on November 22, 2005
    A word used in the chapter and ends in -ive. . . Hmm. . .


    Silly Roedhunt! That's not even a real word!! Who do you think you're fooling?

    Ne, I can't figure out what's going on. In earlier chapters I thought Snape might care for Harry a little (even if he was insane and misguided about it) but now he's just being completely evil! He swore to Albus that he wasn't a rapist, that the idea was abhorent to him but now he doesn't seem to care if Harry's willing or not. So what happened? Who's evil and who's not and who is in league with who and what is Harry going to do??
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  • From ANON - Ramos on November 22, 2005
    Every time you come out with another chapter I tell myself I won't read it, because it just makes me pissed off. I don't like your Harry - he's given up. Right now my fantasies include Harry being unable to produce a Patronus when a dementor attacks Snape. Then, Harry can keep his beloved Kissed husband in a closet for the rest of his very long life, all the while shagging Ginny Weasley and being disgustingly happy.
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  • From ANON - cat on November 22, 2005
    I do love this story, and think you're doing a great job with it, as always. I must admit though, I'm getting a little antsy with the progression of things. Yes, there are clues that there is more to the story- Snape is clearly lying to/deceiving Harry in some way, and Draco seems to hold some sort of key to the whole scenario, but we've known that for ages. I don't know how much more of it I can handle. It occurs to me that this may be precisely your point, given the title. If so, trust me, you're there. We are all dying for Harry- everytime I read this I feel like my soul is about to die for him! (I mean that as a compliment- not a criticism)

    It's just wonderful and I admire your ability to spin such unique and emotionally-involved, complex storylines. I'm just dying for some answers, and I really want you to send give Harry some sort of reprieve/inner strength soon because I don't know if I can handle any more of this angst!

    I hope that this came out as a compliment, because it truly is. I don't think I've EVER read a story that I was so emotionally involved with. Bravo!
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  • From ANON - JJ on November 22, 2005
    So Snape is lying and Harry is too beaten down to do anything about it.
    I hope he fu*** Snape and Dumbledore over really good.
    If you had to live with that, I'm glad I' still single. Now if my kids would just go to college, I might enjoy it.
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  • From ANON - Katelynxm on November 22, 2005
    yeah, Draco to the rescue! Snape was , i mean he was, he in a drunken rage or something? Somehow managing to show his true colors while lying all the same...hmmm, this story just keeps getting better..or sadder..whitchever one..loved harry punching snape in the sternum.

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  • From ANON - Anon on November 22, 2005
    I am glad to hear that u are not married to that man anymore, as he doen't desever to be married to such a talented writer. Or anyone for that matter. I really love this story and I like all of ur readers would appreciate a quick update.
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