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Reviews for The Death of a Soul

By : Roedhunt
  • From ANON - deb on November 20, 2005
    oh please update lol looking forward to the next chapter
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  • From ANON - mad4mag7 on November 18, 2005
    Wow! Roedhunt, this is a great story. Every time I read it my stomach gets this big pain in it for Harry. Nobody cares how Harry feels as long as they get what they want. I feel really frustrated that people are so cruel and oblivious to everything that Harry's going through and because nobody's listening to what he wants. Poor Harry. I can't wait for the next chapter to find out what happens and how Draco is involved in everything. I'm also in the midst of reading your other stories, here and at the Wonderful World of MakeBelieve and I'm really enjoying them also. Keep up the excellent work. I can't wait to read more. Thanks for your hard work.
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  • From ANON - Amber on November 18, 2005
    Not a bad story, certainly better than most around here. Just two things. Firstly, concerning Snape's character, you're written him pretty well, most of the time, but in some places it's not very consistant. I understand that you want to keep his motives in the dark for a while, but his character seems to be changing quite a lot. I remember one chapter where he was relieveing memories of being raped and trying to persuade himself that he was not like that - and in this chapter, I think everyone can agree, he was quite evil. It just doesn't seem in line.

    But still, you've written Ron, Hermione, and Harry pretty well, and the plotline's great so far. I'm curious about the ending - if it does end up a happy snape/harry, I think we can trust you to do it realistically. :)

    Keep going!
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  • From ANON - avihenda on November 18, 2005
    snape is so horrid. makes my skin crawl.
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  • From ANON - Storm on November 18, 2005
    That bastard! next chapter please. I hope Harry bites it off.
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  • From ANON - lena on November 18, 2005
    excuse me but oh shit. Man I was right sad just doesn't cover the scope of this fic. I really hope you have something terribly nasty planned for Snape and Dumbledore. Great update.
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  • From ANON - FluffNutter on November 17, 2005
    Ooooo..... he's an EVIL bastard! More more!!!
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  • From ANON - Katelynxm on November 17, 2005
    AHHHHH! Kill Snape!!! Pleasuring Harry-my ass.

    Yeah, Snape wants to keep everyone away from Harry I see -So he can brainwash him, maybe?
    Something your *required* to do in a *forced* marriage, kinda comes out to same thing, huh?

    I liked how we got to see a lot of Ron and hermione in this chapter, and of course, Draco's appearence is always welcome. Maybe he's not in love with Harry, but he does want the marriage to end so that Harry is weak enough for the Dark Lord to kill, thus avenging his father...hmm, just a random thought.

    OOOh, that was such an evil cliff-hanger, poor Harry! Please tell me someone interrupts, and Harry can find and excuse to leave. Draco, Hermione, Ron, anybody!!! But, please don't make it so that when Harry , umm, pleasures Snape, Harry gets turned on too-or something like that.
    I can't believe Snape is trying to make Harry feel guilty... Hmm, raped, defeated,used, confused, humiliated,heartbroken, depressed and guilty... Yeah, Harry is probably gonna kill himself if his knight in shining armor doesn't come wisk him away soon....

    I love this story, can't wait for the next update!!!
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  • From ANON - NightShade on November 17, 2005
    I started to hate your Snape. I want him killed and given as food to dogs. Hermione is silly. But I'm not sure what to think about Draco. This story is wonderful!
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  • From ANON - lady Gray on November 17, 2005
    Your story is painful and wonderful. I was inspired to write a poem based on it. I am posting it here for you to look at. I might post it here if you have no objection (it is based on your idea after all) hope you like it.
    Death of a Soul. Birth of a Blade

    Once I lived.
    Once I laughed and I cried
    Once I bleed
    Once I loved. No more

    Now I am a thing.
    Now I am burned and frozen.
    Now I am beaten.
    Now I am shaped and honed.

    A soul no more
    nor yet a man
    I am become..
    The Sword of Light.

    I live no more.
    Not yet to die
    I am to kill
    then to be no more.

    I hope you update soon... how long do you envisison your story being.
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  • From ANON - Narcissa Black on November 17, 2005
    I am a true Hermione/Draco shipper, but I must tell you, it even pains me to admit it, your story is my favorite one on this whole site. I think I must be feeding off Harry's despair, nothing ever turns out right for him. He is thwarted at every turn. What is Draco up to? He clearly knows something, but his trustworthiness to Harry is laughable. I really like your With A Dragon's Heart and The Kinkiness of Harry, too. Every time one of them gets updated, I almost want to do the little dance that we used to do on the trading floor the day that bonuses were announced every year, AKA, the money dance. And we're not even paying you.

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  • From ANON - deb on November 17, 2005
    what the hell Malfoy knows somthing, snape wants it and harry doesnt wonder how it will all turn out? well hate to say this but i hope he stays with snape! please update soon your chapter was small
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  • From ANON - butterbutt on November 17, 2005
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  • From ANON - butterbutt on November 17, 2005
    Oh mi gosh. What the hell is WRONG with these people!!? Snape can't be that dense can he? Oh I'm so pissed. I don't know how Harry's going to deal with what comes next. From here on I can see Harry either spiraling into complete shutdown or slowly winding into explosive homicidal rage. I'm so excited. I can't decide which to root for! The anger and hate would keep him alive at least until he destroys Voldie but wouldn't it just serve them bitches right if Harry stopped caring altogether and they were suddenly left without the BWL to save them. HA!

    The whole situation is exquisite. I can't wait to see what happens.
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  • From ANON - Wyadr (Otherwise Known as Mark H) on November 17, 2005

    I certainly didn't want my comment to come across as a criticism of your writing. That's not what is was meant to be about.

    I suppose I was/am angry at the plot you've created because, up until the last two chapters, the characters were close enough to canon for me to feel that you were doing a good job in creating an AU story with a good plot using the existing characters.

    In the last two chapters though, it's like you diverged "too far" and, also, the story is really a depressing one (as far as what you are portraying). The later makes me angry for the lead characters, but the former means that I can no longer picture them as the Harry Potter (etc.) that we are using - know what I mean.

    Anyhow, I will probably still log on to see what happens (a bit addictive the story), but I am put off by the OoC nature of the characters now.

    Kind regards

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