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Reviews for The Death of a Soul

By : Roedhunt
  • From ANON - lemonade on October 20, 2005
    Wait... are you giving him an out? He can become unbound? If he becomes unbound to Severus, can he escape and find Ginny? Or is this a taking-the- long- route Severus/Harry romance? Is this where Harry gets to fight back like in your teaser? He was married to Severus, it doesn't actually say he has to be married forever for the life debt to be paid. *smiles with glee* Well, I didn't see that in the contract, anyway. :D Severus did actually rape him, (well, Harry wasn't willing) that gives him a legal leg to stand on according to the agreement- maybe he could hire a wizard lawyer (like he DIDN'T and SHOULD HAVE before he signed the contract) and they could change it to just a bonding like Severus and Hermione tried to. If I got it right and the Wizengemot forced this on them without option, perhaps the wizengemot could take responsibility.
    If that doesn't work and he remarries, then defeats Voldemort, does he get to cash in his own life debt to Severus, demanding a divorce? Or... once the reason for the 'marriage of convenience' is fulfilled, or the danger of Voldy is removed, does he get to get out of it? I can't see Severus giving in that easily. This whole "being able to be unbound" thing is opening up quite a few possibilities. By the way, what does Dumbledore mean when he threatens to 'step in' and take care of things? I'm a little creeped by him saying that, lol.
    I'm glad to see Hermione charge in and help Harry-FINALLY! Maybe she and Ron can help him even more. *wink* (run, Harry! run!!) (Or am I supposed to be rooting for Severus? Don't be offended if I'm totally on Harry's side right now and that's not what you are shooting for. This isn't in the Snape/Harry category, I assumed it was okay to hate Snape in this fic. ;D )

    Wow, sorry for the caffienated question-fest. Carry on, you *apparently* have piqued my interest. ( Says captain obvious.) ;D
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  • From ANON - KatelynXM on October 20, 2005
    more, like soon.
    umm, this is gonna turn into slash, isn't it? Cuz now that harry changes his vows he might actually start to enjoy sex with snape and then fall inlove with him.. oh well. not that i have anything against slash, its just that this story was so original.

    *looks at snape plushie* i knew it.

    Snape plushie: What can I say? I'm dead sexy.

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  • From ANON - deb on October 20, 2005
    lol !! hehe lol hehe! ah lol hehe im going to laugh me self to death great update and update soon!
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  • From ANON - acr on October 20, 2005
    What's Dumbledore up too? Sorry, I just see him pulling the strings here.
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  • From ANON - debby on October 20, 2005
    Update soon please cant wait forever lol!
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  • From ANON - Mandy on October 19, 2005
    Excellent work. Whilst overall some parts have been predictable the precise detail of how you did each step haven't been. I'm looking forward to the rest of the story.

    Soon please

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  • From ANON - Enelen on October 14, 2005
    And I just read that nobody knows why is it that Harry simply won't enjoy "that": I think I guessed - he made a vow at the wedding not to... Am I right? I know I am :) But I don't know if it will last forever, for anyone, or is it only Snape?
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  • From ANON - Enelen on October 14, 2005
    I so hate Snape/Harry (prof/student) and rape fics, but I so love this one! :) Does it make sense? You wrote at the beginning, that there won't be deaths, only of a soul, but I'm practically aching to kill someone... Snape, Dumbles, the half of the Wizarding World... Where's Voldemort when one would need him? Anyway, I would like to know, if there's divorce in the wizarding community, or if it would get better if one of them died (for the other one, of course XD) Heh, forget it, I think I will simply wait and see... :) But that "no death" simply doesn't make sense. You surely won't make them live like this even after? Please? And tell Snape he's a selfish bastard for me, will you? :)

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  • From ANON - KatelynXM on October 12, 2005
    Two Chapters! OMG, so much awesomeness, too little time! Gonnna hypervenilate (probably not spelled right).

    Hmmm, i can't wait too see the battle with the dark lord (aka dumbledore). hee hee. I have retarded hypothesiss.

    Hmm, wondering what he means by "willling" cuz harry did position himself and allow severus to umm, something him. Maybe sev should buy harry some porn, or some other kind of stimulation. Or sev and all the other ADULT wizards who have completed school should get off their asses and try to defeat the dark lord themselves. I'm also thinking, that if in his weakened state, voldie reads harry's mind, and then imperiuses Ginny to tell harry to run away, and then captures harry! Oh, i cant remember, is hagrid dead?


    -Xm (p.s-waz i drunk during that last review? geez.)
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  • From ANON - v v on October 12, 2005
    argh! damn cliffhangers! I am quite enjoying your story - it is a clever premise. My theory as to why Harry collapsed ties in with his diminishing magic. He's been neglecting himself so badly that it is only his magic that has kept him from physical deterioration. Now, though, his magic has lessened to such a degree that it can no longer "keep up", hence the collapse. If Harry/Severus dies, does the other partner die, too? Or are they freed from the bond? If Harry does die, I'd love to see everyone's inner thoughts about their contribution to his demise. Especially Albus' and Severus' realizations that they, essentially, killed the best/only hope against Voldemort.
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  • From ANON - KatelynXM on October 12, 2005
    Yeah, another chapter! I feel I haven't left a 'stupid' review in quite some time, so here goes. Prepare for randomness:

    *In Debate Class*
    Brendoner*drops a speech* Oh Eric!
    Eric: Nya, What?
    Brendoner: I dropped my Aff case, could you pick it up for me?
    Eric-Nya, Ok.
    *As he leans over to pick up the case, Brendoner stares lustfully at his behind*
    Eric:Here you go, nya. Now I have to go get circumsized. Bye, nya. *Eric Leaves*
    Brendoner: I will cherish it forever.

    *Like, 10 seconds later.*
    *Brendoner dropps his Aff case.*
    Brendoner: Oh David!
    *David comes over*
    Brendoner:As you can see, I dropped mt Aff case, silly me. Could you pick it up for me?
    *David picks up Brendoner, and eats his head.*

    Thats it for The Adventures of Brendoner In :Nice Aff! Case, that is.
    (This makes fun of my friends, they are not really like that, but they do beg to be made fun of.)
    God have mercy on my soul.

    Sorry bout that, great chapter-XM

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  • From ANON - Lady Gray on October 11, 2005
    Another great update! I am so mad at Dumbledore and Snape, what aren't they telling Harry? What is the bond that they both have to be willing to complete. It is just the marrige contract that is causing them to get sick or is there something else! Great story, can't wait to see what happens next
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  • From ANON - JJ on October 11, 2005
    NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NONONONONONONONON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Evil cliffie!
    There is so much hurt and pain in this story, if I didn't hope for a happy ending, eventually, I'd give it up.
    What is going on here? I understand that Harry is loosing his magic--deliberately. But what is the point of the story?
    Is it only "let's see how much we can make Harry suffer?"
    Until then,
    I respectfully say...
    Please update soon!
    I check this one every chance I get on line!

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  • From ANON - NightOwl on October 11, 2005
    Ow, it's painful. I hope they will find some way out of the situation, to break the bond or fulfil it... But I'm not much optimistic considering the title of your story... It's good, very good.
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  • From ANON - desperate contention on October 11, 2005
    i thought harry couldnt get lil harry to work because of the wedding vows.
    You said something about contracts, i think maybe on your live journal site, so that might also play a part.

    yeah in the vows he said
    "Because of this contract, you are allowed to take your pleasure by using me as a vessel, but as long as we are married, there is nothing you will be able to do or say to me that will arouse me, entice me, please me or satisfy me, for those desires within me no longer exist"
    but maybe that isnt binding...

    or maybe you asked why he fainted...
    but you (well snape) told us about that earlier

    ok, i just confused myself :P

    very good chapter, it seemed a little bit short, but maybe thats just my impatience
    cant wait for the next one

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