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Reviews for The Death of a Soul

By : Roedhunt
  • From ANON - Mistyana on August 01, 2005
    I have to admit that I was greatly enjoying reading your story up until chapter seven. I loved that Harry was strong with his convictions and just didn't roll over and take it up the preverbial arse like he seems to do in most of the Snape demands Harry's hand in marriege fanfics that I read. I have read alot of them. True most of them start with Harry not wanting to Marry Severus however he just hangs his head curses his fate and Dumbledore. Then discovers after a few months, weeks, days, Hell sometimes it only takes a few hours of mind blowing sex to realize that he was wrong and he falls in love with Severus and they have children and live happily ever after. In your story however he was fighting to live his own life I thought that was awesome. Now I'm just confused however. Minister fudge had threatened to strip Harry of his magic thus Harry surrendered his life over to Snape like I saddly knew he would. Though ot was great while he was fighting it.

    Now this is what confuses me How the hell is the minister going to strip Harry of his Magic. He was made Voldemorte's equal when he tried to kill him when he was a baby. The whole wizarding world couldn't destroy voldemorte without Harry and yet Fudge is going to strip Harry of his magic take away his memories and send him packing back to the muggle world. Why didn't they do this to Tom Riddle it seems that bit would have saved them alot of trouble. Speaking of life debts doesn't the wizarding world owe harry one big time. However those are just my thoughts I hope they don't upset you because they are not meant to. Your story is great

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  • From ANON - liza123 on July 30, 2005
    Wow. NO choices what so ever.

    Very well written. I was in tears as I read.

    As Harry is slowly accepting that he has no control over his life, it will be interesting to watch his reactions to his so called friends. Perhaps Harry could get, I don't know how, something like a date rape drug, which he could take to make the marital rape that I feel you have planned just a little easier.
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 29, 2005
    good so far though harry is a bit bitchy keep up the good work
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  • From foxracerchick129 on July 13, 2005
    Ooh wow holy crap. Harry dont! You cant kill fudge, I know he's a bloody prick .. but you just cant. Please say some one stopped him. ...

    The chapter was lovely even though i know you despised writing it, lol . Will the sex between Harry and Sev always be non-con ... ? Or will Harry come around eventually, and realise his undying love for Severus? lol

    Love it! ** Hands you tons of lemondrops and chocolate frogs in thanks ** - Jessica
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  • From ANON - vanessa on July 13, 2005
    this story is wonderful!!! there were moments when i felt like i was going to cry,
    i feel soooo bad for harry. Oh please update soon, i need to know what happens

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  • From ANON - vanessa on July 13, 2005
    this story is wonderful!!! there were moments when i felt like i was going to cry,
    i feel soooo bad for harry. Oh please update soon, i need to know what happens

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  • From ANON - tweenyrules on July 11, 2005
    This story is soooooooo good, there are alot of stories abotu forced bonding out there and it has always annoyed me that harry has just accepted it and didn't fight for control of his own life. keep up the good work and please update soon!
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  • From ANON - acr on July 10, 2005
    Okay, how is this marriage supposed to protect him and Snape?
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  • From ANON - Amberstone on July 10, 2005
    Oh! Dear! GODDESS! I need more. RIGHT NOW!!!

    I know this isn't going to be a happy story. I'm not sure if it's going to end with even a little happy. However, I don't care. I was
    just left hanging after your last chapter. I am in total aggreament with Harry. Its his life. He done eveything expected of him, so
    why this?...why now? And SNAPE (*spits*) his reason's are his my ass. If it's anyone being selfish it's him. All the way. He can't
    honestly expect Harry to just sit smile and agree with this and to not tell him why?

    BTW why is Snape doing this? he'd better has a damn good reason.

    and I just know everything is going to go downhill from here, I just know it. I can't wait until your next chapter. It's soon right?!?
    I usually dislike agnst stories and sad stories but I can't help but read them... all the time. And I would really like to know what Dumbledoor
    thinks of all this ( I don't like the man much but he does play a pretty big role in everything ) and why he's sided with Snape in
    it (and he did side with Snape, that I am fully convinced off. He or Snape didn't even try to sit Harry down and explain eveything
    that is going on, or the reason's behind it, before springing this on him)

    How do they expect Harry to accept these responsibilities and act like a man and then to not to extend the same curtosy to him
    regarding this or anything. They treat him like a child who doesn't know any better. Part of life is about screwing up, sometimes
    royally, but learning from it. Not just growing up and automatically *knowing* how eveythng is supposed to be. But no, somethings
    going on so instead of going to Harry and saying 'we have a problem...' or 'these are my reason't' nope, not Dumbledoor or Snape!
    Not those two. They just get together and go 'Here's how we can fix it, lets make Harry do it. Who cares how he feels about it, It'll be
    better for everyone in the end. LA LA LA LA LA!! and Harry'll adjust and accept that he has no choice in anything for the rest of his
    life (because that is what this is)

    I'm curious about the whole non-con, no comfort thing. Snape did appear to not want to cause Harry any ... well..... umm He did
    say that Harry would get most every thing out of life, job, study, etc. You know everything, except freedom, choice & love. But I guess to Snape
    those things aren't that important, even though he has the choice to them and probablly wouldn't give them up without a fight, Has he thought of
    that huh?huh? but he didn't seem to *want* to *HURT* Harry but from the warnings it looks like he is going to, very much.

    I hate SNAPE!!!

    and I really, REALLY, hope that you don't have Harry fall for Snape, or if you do (which I still hope you don't) make Snape WORK for it
    and it not to happen in just one chapter, multiple chapters would be good where the greesy fuc*er absolutly and totally SUFFERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    for it.

    Oh and Dumbledoor to, I want to see him *break* when he see's what this did to his bloodly pawn of a golden boy!

    But I really want to know what happens, you have me hooked and I need a fix as soon as you can. Would it be possible for you
    to email me when you release a new chapter?
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  • From ANON - Help Yourself on July 01, 2005
    Update!!!! Cookies?????
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  • From ANON - Lily White on July 01, 2005
    Great Story...Starts almost like "Where Others Fear To Tread" which I totally loved, but is, at the same time, different. Can't wait to see what you do with it. Can't wait for your next update.
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  • From ANON - auburn on July 01, 2005
    Love It! Update soon, please.
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  • From Mdunlap on June 26, 2005
    It's too bad Harry and Ginny didn't run away when they had a chance. This could get ugly. I'll be waiting.
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  • From foxracerchick129 on June 18, 2005
    Aww bold boys, Now Harry, you and Sevvie get along and play nice. Lol, I love it so far. I'm not a big fan of HP/GW, but Harry with Snape is my favorite. I cant wait to see what happens next, or why Sev wants to marry Harry in the first place?

    Love it, cant wait for more! - Jess
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  • From ANON - Petalsoft on June 17, 2005
    Poor Harry. I feel real sorry for him. It just doesn't seem fair that all his options were stripped away from him like that. If I were him, I'd go ballistic! Keep writing.
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