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Reviews for The Death of a Soul

By : Roedhunt
  • From ANON - Jay on July 24, 2006
    Please udate soon... I must say I like your story and want to read the rest please^^
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  • From ANON - Redlightspin on July 22, 2006
    very good drama. two things where is she and why did he
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  • From ANON - Echo on July 18, 2006
    Poor tortured Harry. Earlier in the story I was actually feeling a little sorry for Snape trying so hard to get Harry to accept him, but he turned out to be lying b*@#$%d.
    So what happened to Ginny? Is Draco going to make his move now that Snape is out of the way? Please update soon.
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  • From ANON - Alison on July 11, 2006
    Great story! Please update soon! =o)
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  • From ANON - sunsparked on June 27, 2006
    very good! but sad. i love it. but did snape die?
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  • From ANON - Jessica on June 22, 2006
    OMG!!! I can't wait to see how it ends!! You are a genius!! A mastermind of brilliance!!! I actually cried for four or five straight chapters!!! I felt so bad for Harry. Will he and Malfoy get together, or will he reunite with Ginny? I hope he gets with Malfoy, but honestly, I don't like het but you made me enjoy Harry and Ginny for the first two chapters! Please update soon!!!
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  • From Roedhunt on June 12, 2006
    To StaplersBreak:
    It's a pity you didn't review on my LJ because then I could ask you specific questions regarding your comments. You did make me think on numerous things that you said. You had several excellent points and I am working with others to correct them, so I thank you for that. That said, however, you had also made some very rude (and yes honest) comments. I really could've done without hearing that you rather watch a gruesome carwreck vs reading one of my chapters. Honestly, if you didn't care for the fic, why comment at all? Unless... you A.) enjoy flaming someone or B.) can't review *without* restraining your nasty opinions that could've been done a LOT more tactfully. Almost sounds like you're a Snarry fan. As for the point to this story, *snicker* it FANFICTION! But it IS good to know that I had provoked *some* kind of emotion from you. Enough to comment! That made my day. *grins big*
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  • From ANON - StaplersBreak on June 08, 2006
    I am frustrated. I hate your story. I despise it. But I cannot keep myself from reading it.
    I must still be trying to find the point to it. No luck so far.

    Some parts are realistic. I know that I would be acting much the same way if I were in Harry's shoes. Other parts are utterly preposterous. So much that the scenes are convoluted to fit a certain contrived path that only you really understand. None of the characters intentions or motivations are addressed very well, if at all. The best job is done on Harry himself, but that fizzles out in later chapters. Maybe they all went nuts, hmm?

    It's just one of those stories where no one really knows what the f*** is going on but the author(ess). At least, I hope you do. At some points, I have to wonder. I think that I'd get more entertainment watching a particularly gruesome car wreck. I feel like I just witnessed one after reading a few of your chapters.
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  • From ANON - emi on June 08, 2006
    Absolutely wonderfull. I have been waiting a long time to see this come to a head, and so wonderfully you've done so. Thank you for weaving such an intriuging tale.
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  • From ANON - madrigaelle on February 09, 2006
    Hello? Anyone here? It's been a while since the last update. Please tell me you have not given up on this story! This is my favorite so far. Keep it up you're the best!
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  • From ANON - Ari on February 06, 2006
    Wow, that was interesting. I was a little confused but I am guessing it will be cleared up a little later. Keep at it, but damn. Update soon.
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  • From ANON - JJ on February 02, 2006
    That was very exciting!!!!

    I don't believe that Voldy has anything to do with what is going on. Harry is just tired of being screwed. Period. I can see why he's doing this. He's never counted to anyone. Even Ron and Herm. only seem concerned because he no longer is taking the lead in the fight against Voldy. I can't wait till your next update!!!
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  • From ANON - Ginger on February 01, 2006
    That is the best story I read in a long time!!! I do not realy know, who is behind what, what intentions snape, dumbledore, the ministry, voldemort and finaly harry( in the last chapters) have, as their behavior, or the implications of the plot are a little bit confusing sometimes! But I like the way, harry never lets them win! I will hope he will find a way to free himself of snape and find ginny!!! I also think, that it is good, that he is exploring his slitherin side, but he has to learn, who is really on his side, so that he will know against whom he can use it! Thanks for charing and I hope you will update soon!!!
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  • From ANON - manx on February 01, 2006
    I hadn't read this for quite some time. It had been one of my favorite stories. I came back to it because I saw an update. Now I'm just going crazy!!! Will Harry forget about Ginny? Will he and Severus work things out? Will he end up with Malfoy? Or will they even be friends? You left it so there are so MANY ways this could go. I can't believe Snape was reduced to tears! I can't wait for more!!!!
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  • From ANON - Narcissa Black on January 31, 2006
    Would abject begging get another chapter for us? I will beg, plead, quiver, whatever stirs your fancy, to get another chapter. There are a lot of stories on this site, and I have read a larger percentage of them than I should have. Do you know what flashes through my mind every time I hit the Books link on the main page? Maybe Death of a Soul will have been updated. Perhaps if I visualize it more...
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