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Reviews for You Just Run

By : Evilevergreen
  • From ANON - roxierose13 on December 10, 2006
    whoa, that was... interesting. I think I read one like this once, okay, well not like this, but with the same pairing, or it could have been Cedric/Flint. (god, i have such a hard time seperating Oliver and Cedric in my mind. Not sure why) Aynway, this was really good. although I am slightly disappointed by the lack of slash ;) lol. I do like Terrence, though... maybe we have a spin-off of their relationship? :D Haha, this was fun, I actually read the entire thing in one sitting (something I almost never do anymore). Anyway, you've officially distracted me from studying but it's late so I'mma go to bed :) Good fic! Interesting pairing.
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  • From ANON - zane on September 28, 2006
    wow. that was such a good story. i like the history you gave them together, especially with the fact that the Flints were made to be the good guys. Marcus was great, too. you gave his temper and anger a reason, which is nice and refreshing. even i'm glad, even with all the angsty stuff that the end came out well. and it had to make me grin, cause personally i'm a fan of flint/higgs.
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  • From ANON - Starscream'sGirl on September 27, 2006
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  • From ANON - Getty on July 18, 2006
    EXCELLENT WORK!!! You have taken the improbable and made it not only possible but believeable. Keep up the great work.

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  • From Redcandle17 on June 29, 2005
    You've finally updated! I loved it. Marcus as a child is just too precious. And Marcus sleeping with his arm around Oliver was very promising. It was a very sad chapter. I hope the fic isn't going to end as tragically as "Let It Go" did.
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  • From ANON - alex on May 29, 2005
    very, very nice so far. interesting take on both the wood family and the flints. i can't wait to see how it pans out in the future!
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  • From lysa1 on May 25, 2005
    Promising and interesting start. I am very fond of Macus, and I love to see a story featuring him. I look forward to the next chapters.
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