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Reviews for Nekojins

By : Hebinekojin
  • From ANON - sbkar on July 25, 2005
    Poor put-upon!
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  • From ANON - Shinigami24 on July 24, 2005
    By the way WHY didn't Harry mention that the witch who died's son grew up to become Voldemort! So since it's the Minstry's fault that Voldie turned out the way he did! The wizarding world should know that, they created Voldemort, and NOT pressure Harry to fight for them! They created Voldemort, SO they should UNDO what they did!
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  • From ANON - Shinigami24 on July 24, 2005
    *falling over self in laughter* RA! The possiblities...You do realize that Draco will scream bloody murder when he finds out what Harry and Blaise did? *snickering* Well Severus, Blaise and Harry's dad James is a Marauder, so it isn't surprising that your 2 sons are hell on wheels! *muses* No wonder the Hat wanted to put Harry into Slytherin! *LOL* Loved Harry's line, pity Draco made him cross it out! I would have gladly paid to see Fudge be handed over to Voldie as a plaything! *evil laughter* Update ASAP! Who did Charlie marry?!
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  • From ANON - GruenerWackelpudding on July 22, 2005
    me again...first things first...I think I don't understand your story....there sooooooooooo many why do sirius and lucius act like they love/like eachother, when they couldn't even stand the sight of eachother before the wedding??? and what aout that mate thing? and why is Blaise called Zabini? and didn't james had brown eyes?
    what about the spy? why is snape so nice to harry? when in the book he admitted that harrys FATHER (that would be james!!!) is the reason he hates hary this much....
    then I think you beginn to overtake thing by adding charlie and his lover....not a tone about hogwarts, herm, ron ect.
    and even if you're french they are malfoys not malefoys that sounds an awful lot like male toys....I think it should remain malfoy...
    I'd like to say some other thing but I forgot them already after ticking of the questions...
    hopefully you answer

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  • From ANON - GruenerWackelpudding on July 22, 2005
    I'm going to read the rest of your story but I wanted to ask why didn't james and snape take harry in? I mean he is, after al, blaise' halfbrother...and why didn't the inheritance show sooner? is blaise that much older?and even with voldie james has more from harrys blood than petunia does and hogwarts is considered one of the savest places in the uk, isn't that part was a little illogical to me but try and read the rest as well
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  • From ANON - Shinigami24 on June 25, 2005
    *muses* Funny...I could have sworn Bill was open-minded...Since he's nothing like the other Weasleys...And I thought Gred and Forge wouldn't care who their brother married...Gred and Forge might be Gryffindor, but I think they have some Slytherin qualities...Who did Charlie marry?
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  • From ANON - Tig on June 24, 2005
    Lol! I love this, this fic revels in crazyness and I love you for it! XD
    Oh my...
    It funny without being stupid and the lunacy never gets boring, plz continue. I'll keep check for new chapter with great anticipation.
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  • From ANON - Phorcy on June 09, 2005
    Great Story, all those chapters in one go thankyou. Please finish it.
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  • From ANON - Tiamat on June 08, 2005
    I like the way your story is going! The only problem I have is that it tends to be annoying seeing Malfoy spelled wrong so many times. Even if they are calling them Malefoy to make fun of them you should when talking about their house spell the name correctly. Beside the Malfoy name thing I enjoy your story very much.
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  • From ANON - Shinigami24 on June 07, 2005
    *cracking up* RA! It's Gred and Forge all over again! Blaise and Harry are finishing each other's sentences like long lost twins! Pls have Blaise and Harry pull the twin act in the whole school! i wanna see Ron and Ginny's reactions to that! They can claim it as a prank!
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