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Reviews for The Beauty Found Within the Beast

By : ShilohDarke
  • From ANON - chriancar on August 12, 2005
    Breathtaking. Please do e-mail me when you update this story. I really enjoy the fact that it has a plot line and when L&H do reach a state of intimacy if will be well founded and beautifully set up. Good mercies I could so fall for this Lucius. He is very complex and compelling. Please do not lose those characteristics.
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  • From ANON - kbluesmom on August 11, 2005
    Well worth the wait I assure you. And Draco's ghost was an inspired bit of writing I must say. Excellent! Keep it coming as quickly as life allows. When you are finished with Lucius, could I borrow him? My birthday is next Friday and well.. you know..he would make a FINE prezzie.
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  • From ANON - Sorceress Black on August 11, 2005
    HOLY SHIT! Awesome chapter! This is getting very good now that they have both admitted to themselves that they want one another. Yes! the soaps have reappeared I was wondering when she would bust those things out, damn but that would be nice to have those naughty soaps lol. I like that Harry and Ron contacted her its always nice to have them around one way or another, and that Harry what a prat, won't even let Hedwig go in lol I liked that. Oh and I am assuming that was Draco's spirit lurking in the corner right. I like that you have him and Narcissa there in spirit, they kind of replace the candlestick and the clock fellow in beauty and the beast. thanks for notifying me of the update, I just love this fic as you can see I read the new chappie the second I saw your email lol. Keep up the great work and update soon I just cant wait to read more!!!! Shannon
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  • From BrianChattillon on August 03, 2005
    Originaly I thought Lucius was a right bastard when I saw the Harry potter movie (the Dobby sock inccident one)
    Now I find myself at a quandry. Whaty Lucius suffered I wouldn't wish upon my worst Enemy.
    It's a testiment to his inner strength that he hasn't offed himself. Too much malfoy familty proide that Lucius to take the cowards path. For that Merlin Bless him.

    I always thought Riddle turned into a sadistic litrtle bastardf. What Voldmort did to lucius is a new sickening low even for him!
    I felt a tear in my eye when Hermoine was visited by Narcissa. I hope that Draco too will give his blessing to this union.

    I hope Voldie Rots and dies in his own filth! I truelly dispize the Voldie in this story, Such a fucking COWARD!

    Sorry ranting I know My appologies, But this story's voldie has me so fucking ANGRY!
    I hope Ron decidesd in the name of his Freind Draco's honourt to fight alongside Lucius and help cement the L/H connection
    Hell I don't evem mind iof the redheaded weasel becomes a solid freind of Lucius when he sees what horrible devistation Voldmort wrought upon Lucius (Remember Ron CAN see invisible doors and secret areas great for spying and gleaniung info and little known a well hidded pensive perhaps?)

    I look forward to seeing more on this It's going on my faves
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  • From on August 03, 2005
    I really do love a good love story, it's great and I can't wait to read more
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  • From ANON - camerilla on July 31, 2005
    Nice fic...pls update.
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  • From KathleenTrinity on July 29, 2005
    Wow, your story is amazing! Beauty and the Beast has always been one of my favorite movies, and books. The combination of that and Lucius Malffoy is way too hot. I can't wait to see what happens next. Are they going to do anything interesting after dinner?
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  • From ANON - Labdhi on July 23, 2005
    I love your stories. I'm following this one from site to site, depending on which one updates it first lol. Keep up the good work :-) .
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  • From ANON - JTBJAB on July 23, 2005
    Yay cool, story, i hope you update soon - you could move this into the Lucius/Hermione section because then it would be easier for your readers from pureblood to find it, if they so choose like i did to read ahead.
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  • From ANON - Shannon on July 23, 2005
    WOW! This is so great so far!! I read chapters 1-6 and am in love with this fic! I rec'ed it at, and I hope to get to read more soon. Until next time, cheers!
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  • From LadyGlewen on July 21, 2005
    OK obviously Lucius is heading towards some sort of feelings for her, but I think he may be using his endearments towards her a little to soon. They way he addresses her seems a bit to affectionate for him right now, it makes them seem more like a couple you know? Anyhow I still very much love this story, please keep going with it! I look forward to their "dinner date" :)
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  • From ANON - Melissa on July 21, 2005
    I really beginning to love this story. Please continue with it.
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  • From ANON - alexia on July 20, 2005
    wow this story is amazing never before have i read such a pairing as this i love Lucius Malfoy and Hermione Granger pairings but this is breathtaking i swear ive swooned a thousand times this is even better than the movie beauty and the beast which incidentaly is one of my favorites never have i read it retold so well if only people like you could publish these works and then imagine them in movie form now dont misinterpret me i am not an asskissing reviewer by far and if i thought that this story was shit i would feel it my rightful dutty to inform you of such things as it is i find this story more than facsinating the last time i read such a story the pairing was Severus Snape and Hermione Granger. the story was awesome for lack of a better word but i think yours is better betraying the actual pain of Lucius and with no interferance really from any other parties but themselves i hope that you update soon i awate with bated breath. YoUr NeWEst FaIthFuLL reVieWeR Alexia
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  • From Lizski on July 20, 2005
    Fantastic! I really look forward to reading more of this. As someone else who also appreciates the Jason Isaacs version of Lucius Malfoy, I can TOTALLY understand the desire to keep the image. I really like how you've adapted the 'beauty and the beast' thing as well as having Narcissa's ghost encourage her with Lucius. I'm really looking forward to reading more. (And, believe it or not, you may have actually motivated me to get back to my own writing! Thanks!)
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  • From ANON - Rosalind on July 20, 2005
    Is it getting warm in here or is it just Lucius? That was a great chappie! I love the way you are building the tension between could almost cut it. Anxiously awaiting the next installment!
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