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Reviews for Haunted

By : Serpentina
  • From Reianimefreak on November 25, 2007
    love it! i wish you will continue with it!
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  • From JaceDamian23 on August 22, 2007
    aww old voldie likes draco. cute

    Oh, what now....," I sighed, reaching over my shoulder and tearing a piece of parchment off the back of my robes. Scrawled across it in black ink was written 'FERET SEX, 1 KNUT'. I turned back to Weasley and Potter who were doubled over now, tears of laughter streaming down their faces. "Can you get any more unoriginal?" I tsk'ed, flinging the paper at them, "Oh, and 'ferret' is spelled with two R's, you imbeciles..." That just made them laugh more, a small crowd gathering to see what had happened. I stomped off down the hall, trying very hard to keep the red from my face.

    lmfao that is hilarious

    "Yeah, as much as I could in the moonlight," I sat on the edge of my bed, "Tall, dark hair, dark eyes, almost as handsome as myself..."

    Crabbe rolled his eyes and snorted from his seat at the chair, "You really think you're hot shit?"

    "Why, yes, I do," I smiled, "That's what all the ladies tell me

    haha you are very hot *winks* lol

    Now I sat at Slytherin's table, prodding at a mound of hash browns and wishing I was still asleep in my dorm. I remember having the most wonderful dream about the Dark Lord taking over the school. I hadn't wanted to wake up from that. Ever

    hmmm wow. bad dream

    "I'm writing my own awful poetry before 'Tom' can fill this page," Goyle started scribbling something out : 'Roses are red, Violets are Blue, Draco is a fairy, And so are you'.

    "Oh, that's just lovely-" I started. I was interrupted by Goyle gasping. The letters were disappearing off the page.

    "Is that trick ink?" Crabbe asked, watching the page go blank.

    "No, it's my quill I use every day," he eyed the book, "That was a little freakish."

    lmfao funnny. love that poem haha

    You asked what it wanted from you, and he said 'You' " Crabbe laughed, "I'm telling you, this guy wants your arse."

    "It's starting to seem that way, Draco," Goyle snickered.


    I began writing something else across the page: 'And what if I don't want to be 'yours', Tom'.

    "Oooo, good one," Goyle laughed.

    The words came quickly, and a bit more sloppy this time.

    " 'You will be mine, Draco Malfoy.' " I read aloud, not liking the harshness of the writing one bit, "Looks like I don't have a say in this."

    More words appeared on the page: ' You don't.'

    i loved that one

    "Fuck you, Tom."
    thats what he wants haha

    nice job. i love this story so far. i hope you update soon
    can you please email me when you write more? i see we cant favorite a story like on

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  • From ANON - .-. on December 06, 2006
    ..=-l;plss xD
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  • From ANON - Tricia on November 01, 2005
    OMG!!This is so good!Please,please,PLEASE,continue this soon!
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  • From ediva on October 21, 2005
    Wow! I wished you would keep righting this story its great!!!!
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  • From ANON - Butters on June 22, 2005
    It's a DAMN GOOD STORY! Yes, yes yes... You SHOULD continue! ^^ I praise you for the pairing. Very well-written. Confusing plot... You need more sex. xD
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  • From ANON - malimillions on June 12, 2005
    Woah, is this chilling! Yeesh!

    But it's interesting that the dark lord has taken such interest in draco... I'm taking it that his tastes haven't changed much since he was 16? But he's right; Draco's idea of using machine guns is supurb.
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  • From ANON - Erin on June 11, 2005
    Awsome, I like Haunted so far please keep writing.
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  • From ANON - Lisn on June 10, 2005
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  • From ANON - heyy13 on June 10, 2005
    Oooo.. Very nice. *grins* Can't wait for another chapter to appear, this one came a might fast if i do so say myself. :3
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  • From ANON - Carmilla Le Fanu on June 10, 2005
    Oh! Very interesting. I'm really liking it. Is this going to be a mutual thing or a n/c. Frankly I don't want anything bad to happen to Draco, but then again I don't see him falling for Tom not even in his human form, or non-human depends how you see it. Please up date soon.
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  • From ANON - Lisn on June 09, 2005
    WOW!! SO GOOD!! MORE!!
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  • From ANON - heyy13 on June 09, 2005
    Interesting... I havent seen this story line befor so i am lead to believe that its yours. ^.^ Its very original and intriguing can't wait to see the story continued. *grins*
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