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Reviews for Neville\'s Fantasies

By : DeeLeit
  • From ANON - ginny weasleypants on September 25, 2005
    Dee! I loved your story! I never knew you could write so was brilliant! I really like how you portray Neville. It's almost exactaly how I picture him. And even though it obviously didn't happen in the real PoA, you made it seem like it did. (I sort of wish it had too. and I can definately see Neville playing with the loveable stray.)
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  • From ANON - RandH4ever on June 22, 2005
    How is it possible for Ron to get one of Krum's condoms when Krum was around in FORTH year and this story takes place in THIRD year?
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  • From ANON - SnapeSlave on June 10, 2005
    Dee Lightening, you already know i loved this...

    I really really loved the interaction between Neville/Sirius. And you made me laugh out loud at some of the dialoge between them. Really great stuff - and of course, the Sirius/Remus! *sob* Incredible and sweet...I simply adore PoA timeline fic...and the note from Sirius to Remus...*sigh*...

    Your imagery is also very nice, the way you describe things, so in depth. I very much enjoy that. And I look forward to your next work! I never cared for Neville. At ALL. Now, I am seeing him in a whole new light...
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  • From ANON - Shinigami24 on June 09, 2005
    *cracking up* Way to go Minerva! I've never seen Draco this meek! *LOL* Poor Ron, Seamus and Dean! I think they learnt more than they wanted to know about Harry and Neville's sex life! *grins* Sirius the matchmaker! I bet whereever James is he's laughing at Sirus playing matchmaker for his godson and Neville! I know that Frank and Alice both were in the Order, and Neville and Harry probably have the same b-day. So chances are the Longbottoms and the Potters probably were friends.
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 09, 2005
    Hieeee! Neville's home, Neville's home! Woo hoo!

    *eh-hem* Now that I've composed myself, let me say (again) that this fic was so sweet. There were times when I literally squeed out loud, like when Harry grabs Neville's hand, before Neville had even said anything about the way he feels. *sigh* I love boy love.
    And McGonagall needs to march in a Pride parade, seriously. I think she's the gay/lesbian/bi/trans (did I leave anybody out?) community's biggest advocate! She really let Draco have it! Woo hoo, Minerva!
    A job well done. Little Nev is happy, and so am I.
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