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Reviews for Redemption of a Snake

By : kanui
  • From ANON - anon on December 23, 2006
    again a spectacular chapter! i'm really impressed with the amount of details and effort you put into this fic. you've managed to create something different/new and still have it flow beautifully and with all bases covered. i'm liking how you are able to give enough details and information that is enough for the time being. and the plot twists! you're one of the few authors in this fandom that still manage to keep me off balanced at times. hmmm and i have to say your descriptions of the otherworld is quite lovely- rhythem and word choice are wonderful!
    ahhh... i dunno what else to comment on except that you totally own this fic! i'll be honest and tell you that this is one of the stories i will be looking forward to updates from this fandom. it makes me sad that you don't get the amount of reviews you deserve that let you know that readers really enjoy this story. i can only imagine it's only because of the pairings (but i heart them!). this fic is memorable and i just hope that there is another update soon. :) thanks so much for sharing and continuing your work!

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  • From ANON - anon on December 23, 2006
    wow.. it's been a while. i guess my only excuse for not reviewing is that i lost some interest in the hp fandom, BUT i go back to read the memorable fics and see if there were any updates. you didn't fail to please and you definitely made this a worthwhile read!
    i truly like how much you've come to develop the characters.... you've given them all interesting dimensions especially with draco and his demons. love the character interactions and i just can't get enough of your dialouges. i know it seems quite strange to say, but it's true. priceless moment with sirius! and its nice to see hermione stand up for slytherins.
    i also like how you manage to keep readers in suspense and not reveal everything at once. very nice use of mystery/intrigue at it's fullest potential! so many questions- like what luna and ginny know about draco. but an evil cliffhanger in this chapter!
    more in the next review- but i will say that these lines caught my interest in particular:
    "Harry wondered how his housemates would react at Sirius Black, hero of the war, with
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  • From ANON - Jaden Isabella Berry on December 20, 2006
    I've been meaning to read this for a while now, but kept putting it off because I'm already reading fifty-million other stories. I'm really glad I've finally gotten to it-- it's EXCELLENT.

    I love the plot; the twists and turns are brilliant. What I really love though, is Draco's cunning. ;)
    Great job; can't wait for more. :)

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  • From ANON - Azure Fate on August 29, 2005
    Yay more story! I actually read it on the other day ^_^

    Loved this chapter, some really crazy things going on! Looking forward to the next.

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  • From ANON - Tarallynne Moon on June 28, 2005
    Oh, dear Gods... I have to say, this is one of the best stories I've read in a long while. The plot turns and the thought and precision you've put in every chapter is absolutely amazing... I can't wait for more! ...I fear I've become addicted...
    All My Love,

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  • From ANON - Azure Fate on June 27, 2005
    Aw what a nice place to end. I loved the chapter it was excellent, descriptive, and well written.

    I would have liked to have seen what Draco had to do in the Shadow World to save Sirius; it would have been cool to find out what the Shadow World was like, although I imagine that you
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 27, 2005
    i love it! it was a brilliant read. i love draco's cunning. i love remus and severus. more importantly i love the plot! please continue with it asap!
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  • From ANON - Azure Fate on June 25, 2005
    This story is the absolutely amazing! The plot is so masterfully developed, and the characters are divine. I really hope you feel inspired to write more and finish this incredible tale.

    I can
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  • From ANON - Lisn on June 10, 2005
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