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Reviews for Kiss From A Rose

By : Cupiditatis
  • From ANON - wormey on August 20, 2005
    i hate camille already. GO ANGELINA!!!! will angie eventually cheat on adrian with oliver? i gotta know. Keep up the good work!

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  • From ANON - wormey on August 18, 2005
    Ohhhh!!!!!! This is so good! I never thought i'd like any fanfic that didn't include Sirius, Lupin, Snape or Hermione as a leadinf character!! This is so awesome.. I cant wait for you to finish this.
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  • From ANON - WriterLady1031 on August 17, 2005
    Woo hoo! Another chapter that was worth the wait! I just love your writing style, dear. I am eagerly awaiting the next chapters because I'd like to see how things go down at the party and afterwards. Please continue!
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  • From ANON - Lily on August 17, 2005
    This is an amazing story. Please post more soon. I hope Angelina and Adrian fall in love or something. I would have thought that his grandmother would be more evil than she is, but I like the way you portrayed her. ~Lily
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  • From ANON - WidowMaker on August 17, 2005
    I'm really glad that this is not just a jump-in-bed-at-every-moment story. I'm so tired of them right now. A romance that has to build thru trust is just what i needed.
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  • From ANON - Pam on August 16, 2005
    Hey, you really should update this fanfic. Its really great so far and to see that it has been apparently abandoned for a year or so breaks my heart. Update soon please? You really have a great way of writing.
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  • From ANON - tdk on August 05, 2005
    Ooh, Perfect chapter. Everyone would like (and needs) a kindly old grandmother like Sophia. Adrian's family's reaction was just like I expected. Sigh... still, Adrian and Angelina make a nice couple when they both realize it. ^_^
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  • From ANON - WriterLady1031 on August 05, 2005
    Yay! Another chapter--and it was as good as the others--that was well worth the wait! Please keep going because you're doing a fantastic job with all of the details in the setting, the character expressions and emotions are genuine, and it all just moves along so nicely. Too bad that doesn't have an email update notice because that would be grand!

    Either way, I look forward to reading more. ^_^
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  • From WriterLady1031 on July 21, 2005
    Awesome story! I'd love to read more, so much so, that I check back every day to see if there's been a new chapter put up. Hopefully, we'll get more soon... ^_^
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  • From ANON - Lily on July 15, 2005
    I have fallen in love with this story! & Ch 7 was spot on perfect! Can't wait to read more, but completely understand as I will be busy reading the HBP tomorrow.
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  • From ANON - tdk on July 15, 2005
    Aww, poor Angelina. What a harsh memory. Although I liked how she gave the ring back in such a dignified manner. At least Adrian is openminded...anyway, good chapter.
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  • From ANON - Sapphic Jade on July 14, 2005
    *taps foot* Did you have to leave it at that? Now I'm going to be over here waiting very impatiently for the next update. Though with everything that you have written so far I know that it's going to be well worth the wait.
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  • From ANON - fraser on July 14, 2005
    your story rocks, i can't wait for the next update, i love it already
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  • From ANON - tdk on July 03, 2005
    Well, you know I like it already. Any Angelina themed story out there and I'm there to read it. Good plot too. Keep up the great works now.
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  • From ANON - auntbecky on June 17, 2005
    I can't belive i've come across such a well written story. I love you're characterizaions, and your lay out. Makes the story move fast. Normally, i don't read Angelina stories, but im glad i gave this one a look.
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