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Reviews for If This Were A Normal Day...

By : DracosBloodyKisses
  • From ANON - nat on August 21, 2005
    ohmigod this brilliant so far the chapters are a bit short but thats ok , just got to say absolutly loving it keep up the good work
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  • From ANON - lydia on August 09, 2005
    i am confused. Is this a story where they switch partners. where is the love people? i love hermione and draco together dam it.
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  • From ANON - Jane Evans on July 27, 2005
    I can't get enough of this fic! I can't wait to find out what happens! But really, this is a wonderfully written fan-fic.
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  • From ANON - Maritza on July 25, 2005
    Am I logged in? O__o Hmmm... anyway, great story so far! -___- Are you saying the Ron sex scenes aren't over? Gee... you love scandal, don't you?
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  • From ANON - Raven on July 23, 2005
    normally i dpont review but this story just drew me n im in love with i read it i am continually laughing my heart out lol so U OR U GUYS REALLY NEED TO URRY UP AND UPDAT N PLEASE E-MAIL ME THE UPDATED CHAPTER BECUASEI AM AFRAID THATI MAY NOT BE ABLE TO FIND THIS STORY AGAIN

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  • From ANON - Paranoia on July 20, 2005
    Hmmmm......I'm not sure how to feel about this fic. It is good, know, I don't know. I like it, but yet I don't. Can you understand what I'm trying to say?
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  • From ANON - Norah on July 20, 2005
    Ugh, the first couple of chapters were good/ok, but then I got to the fifth chapter.

    What the hell? Your writing just totally changed, and started to lack quality.
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  • From ANON - BuBBlesagain on July 12, 2005
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! why must u torment us this way!!!! me and my friend were reading this, clutching each other in pain when we read hermione and dracos alternate partner sex xcenes!~!!!!! its not fair....sniff....the one to ahve done it should have been just draco, cuz then ron will get so incriminated now!!! he was just starting to redeem himself...*sobs into a wall*

    PS. (other friend-) Good writing though. Props on teh grammar and story line.
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  • From ANON - chloe potter on July 11, 2005
    Hey i miss you, no more emails from you, its starting to get depressing without em'. Hehe anyways i love these knew chappies i really do i cannot wait until Draco and Hermione find out about eachothers little secret. I love your writting and for the few weeks i spent away from it i was sad, hehe. Anyways i have to go but email me and we will ramble, toodloo!


    PS. Good Luck with the next chappie!
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  • From ANON - lucie on July 05, 2005
    that's sad that sarah's internet is off and i speek for myself and dena. Gurl i hope sarah sends you those chapters 'cause i know a hell of a lot of people wil be pissed if this kick-ass story isn't up-dated soon. But anyways keep writting sarah and dena and i will keep reading.
    much love, lucie
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  • From ANON - sailormoonhannah on June 29, 2005
    oh they better be over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Jynn on June 27, 2005
    ok so there i was happily reading you fic when all of a sudden there was no next button!!!!! Please update soon, your fic is awesome
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  • From ANON - Saraphim on June 26, 2005
    Wow, that's so amazing!! I can't wait to read more of it!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 26, 2005
    *sighs contentedly* I love you.
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  • From ANON - bob on June 26, 2005
    Well hi there!
    I started to read your story a little while ago...but I didn't get to finish 'cause I have this horrible disease called FINAL EXAMS!!! UGH! they suck!
    hehe I love your take on the Draco/Hermione love....Your story is fantastic! The pregnancy is super duper and it's making me look at Draco with a whole new view....I like the paternal type's so cute! I totally loved the shower scene when Hemione first feels the baby made me laugh SO HARD!!! And I just have to say that Pansy is a total bitch! And I know Hermione doesn't mean to....but she's leading Ron on.....I hope you can lead them out of the ditch....I really can't see this ending well with her and Ron....and if Draco finds out....oooo I see bloodshed in the near future!....Or a lot of guilt...guilt relationships suck!
    heh I hope that this ends well....I really love your writing style.....and your Narcissa is SO CUTE!!! She kinda reminds me of a little girl when she first goes shopping....of course at an age that she can really appreciate it! I want to go shopping....DAMMIT!!!
    oh well....I'm gonna see if you wrote any other stories! Chances are if you did that I've already reviewed for them....hehe
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