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Reviews for If This Were A Normal Day...

By : DracosBloodyKisses
  • From ANON - Andrew on June 19, 2005
    Don't STOP! This is even better than I'm beautiful Damn It! In my opinion. Please don't stop! You rock!
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  • From ANON - Pixi on June 19, 2005
    outside of a few typos and grammer mistakes (which very well may be the result of uploading, i've seen some really shakey shite on this site as of late) this is very good and quite entertaining. Can't wait for the next chappie
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  • From ANON - angel on June 18, 2005
    thank you for the great chapter i love this story soo much please update soon i cant wait in till then i just love this story ..... and hermione's mom and dad are really really bad people and im glad draco was there for her and im glad draco's mum was so great about it too ... well in till next time later

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  • From ANON - Stephanie on June 18, 2005
    Great story! I loved all your works, especially 'I'm beautiful, damn it! ' Post more soon

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  • From ANON - Shannon on June 18, 2005
    Just finished chapter four and I am really liking this fic already. Just one thing, I noticed that you keep refering to Hermione as a "muggle" when in fact she is not a muggle. Muggles are Non-magical people, and she is a witch so she is therefore not a muggle. She should be referred to as a "muggleborn" because if she were a muggle then she would not be at Hogwarts, see what I am saying? :) no biggie just thought I would point that out. Great job so far!!!
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  • From ANON - Jordy on June 18, 2005
    OOOOOOOOOOO update!!!!!!!!!!! please please please!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - bonniegirl on June 17, 2005
    omg i really love this story... i hope you update soon! please update soon i need to know more!!!!!
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  • From ANON - angel on June 16, 2005
    i really really like this story i cant wait in till you update sooo please update soon thank you well later for now

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  • From ANON - Narcissa Black on June 16, 2005
    You know, I've never liked Ginny Weasley. Her brother Charlie, well. But anyway, this is good. Draco to the rescue. He could be a hero. I know it.
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  • From ANON - HiddenAllusion on June 16, 2005
    Interesting beginning... I'm looking forward to see where you go with this!
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  • From ANON - Stephanie on June 16, 2005
    I love this story! It's really funny! Post more soon please!

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  • From ANON - Stephanie on June 16, 2005
    I love this story! It's really funny! Post more soon please!

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