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Reviews for Untitled D-G-B Smut

By : tkmoore
  • From Angeleyes on January 08, 2022

    Loved the concept of this book I really did but someone who is a virgin isn't going to jump straight into not only Anal sex but double penetration with barely any preparation Blaise told her well make sure your ready for him due to his size but barely touched her ? Doesn't make sense 

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  • From TNBrat on August 01, 2014
    O+. Hot! Wishing for more! Honestly, more than just hot "smut". Would love to have more of this story or another version. I like the parings & like the caring & like the "smut"! Written better then most. Too bad the author isn't still around!
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  • From tishtosh on June 24, 2007
    wow that was good.

    please write another.
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  • From ANON - Anon on March 12, 2007
    he he he. I checked out the site since you mentioned it. Finally, I can review this fic! Loved it! Now I'll try to review it elsewhere...again! Thanks for the heads up on this site.
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  • From ANON - mp on October 03, 2005
    U HAVE to write more fics like this one - because this is certainly a threesome classic smut already...
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  • From ANON - firefly820 on September 08, 2005
    This was so hot!!!! Please mail me when you update. I'd love to join your jl too. The person that she mentions as the 1 who got her into d-g-b is draca on here. If you decide to read her other stuff or want the story undecided complete (there are a few glitches with the story on here) she's dracademented on FF.

    Please keep writting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Cac on July 22, 2005
    Oh and the title, right, I knew I'd forgotten something. Let's see, your plot isn't about some action/suspense/fight-the-evil drama o that takes away some commonoptions. The central focus is - well I'm gonna skip the blah blah, but how about Dream Come True? Corny, yeah, but the first I could think of. Found Dream? Dream Come True (I kill myself)? Or just 'Dream' or something, I think it should focus on Dream, accented by finding/acheiving type words - I mean, Losing the Dream(and this is the title of a book) wouldn't be suitable right, so. Hope this helped. Writing stories is hard/. Finding titles, I like that. Wait, are my titles corny? Other people's titles anyway, which I of course don't have much chance to do.
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  • From ANON - Cac on July 22, 2005
    Very sweet and good - no wait, in that sentenve good doesn't sound right. The story was very good, and I ould love to see more of your work.
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  • From ANON - ashbash on June 23, 2005
    Love the story, can't wait for the sequel...I did a search for your friend, dracademented on the site, and the search came up blank...what's her username on this site?
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  • From dracomalfoysmistress on June 23, 2005
    ohhh I really hope thats not the end. you have the beginnigs of an amazing plot line. Please continue
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  • From on June 23, 2005
    I absolutely love Blaise and Draco. No matter if they are together, or with someone else, as a threesome, it's a beautiful thing. I hope to see more of them, from you.
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  • From on June 20, 2005
    I love it when people write about Drac/Blaise, no matter who they are with
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  • From ANON - Petalsoft on June 20, 2005
    What a nice threesome! I love how the guys treat Ginny. Can't wait to read the rest. Thanks for updating so quickly!
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  • From ANON - shelby on June 19, 2005
    wow, that was really good, it got me all hot and bothered, please update!
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  • From ANON - Dreamweaver on June 19, 2005
    I must say, I love those Slytherin sandwiches. :) Always works up my appetite. LMAO. I hope you manage to find a suitable title, it will really set this off. Nicely done. Oh how's that for a title? "Slytherin Sandwich"? I'm sure you'll come up with something wonderful. :) Look forward to more.
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