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Reviews for Hate it or Love it

By : PoisonedInk
  • From ANON - dragon34 on September 27, 2005
    OH, this is so adorable. Please update soon. Harry's puppy lines are so cute. could you please email me when you update ?
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  • From ANON - jess on September 18, 2005
    that is just to funny
    i like the not eating part but didn't he think he would destroy the house?
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  • From ANON - Belly on September 17, 2005
    Awwww....such a *cute* story!!! Harry is adorable and Lucius is so adorably clueless. Loving it! Pleeeeeeaaase update soon. It's great reading a fanfic with an original plot, and yours is so cute and funny as well.
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  • From Tamura on September 17, 2005
    i think it took all my willpower not to crack up every other moment. that's fabulous. please continue. though he is still a dog so i imagine the slashy parts won't be up for awhile.
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  • From ANON - Kimiko on September 14, 2005
    It's soo fun... poor puppy err Harry :) Can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - yoblossom on September 13, 2005
    hehehehe.... nive chapter, can't wait for more
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  • From ANON - Blackrose on September 07, 2005
    SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUUUTEEEE. Poor Harry though. Man I hate to think what's gonna happen when Harry turns back. UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - jess on September 05, 2005
    stupid school it gets in the way of everything!

    i love harrys thoughts their funny

    so will harry destory the house?
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  • From Queerbee on August 30, 2005
    *puppy eyes* I'm dying here! I need an update, I checked everyday and theres been none. Do you have writers block, did you dissapear, *pops head in computer to search for author* I need an update. *calms down* sorry. I just love your story!
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  • From ANON - anubiset on August 27, 2005
    I hope that the updates are not too infrequent. Where do go to school? I always wanted to go to college, never went though.
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  • From Queerbee on August 26, 2005
    finally! great chapter please update!
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  • From ANON - NessSachiel on August 24, 2005
    I love it! I do not care how ofen you will update, as long as you will do that :D
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  • From ANON - Lioncourt on August 24, 2005
    I can't wait for Lucius to find out it's Harry! Please update!
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  • From ANON - koki on August 24, 2005
    love it
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  • From ANON - yoblossom on August 23, 2005
    So will Harry do as he promised and destroy the Manor? ^^ Glad you finally updated, and I can't wait for more
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