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Reviews for Freud and his Friends

By : Alexa
  • From ANON - Blondel on January 13, 2006
    Oh God. Draco isn't the only one who needs therapy, is he? I seriously doubt the poor guy expected to be raped for real when he started "the game". I don't know what shocked me most - that Harry didn't stop even when Draco was screaming in agony, or that he just rolled away from him afterwards and went to sleep without making sure Draco was alright. No matter how drunk you are or how great the provocation, it doesn't excuse brutalizing the person you're in love in such a manner. Draco could have been seriously hurt - he was *bleeding* and traumatized afterwards.

    What this will do to their relationship I have no idea, but I'm definitely going to follow your story to find out. I think I've been hooked.
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  • From ANON - Akusaa on January 13, 2006
    yay! you updated!

    And what a chapter.

    Well, I feel soory for Draco. I mean, I know he wanted it...but not like that! Not without preperation! OMFG evil Harry!

    I CANNOT wait for your next update to find out what happens the morning after. Harry and Draco have to be together FOREVER *muwhahaha* so Harry should do grovelling!Harry to Draco and do what he wants! lol, really cannot wait to see what happens.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on January 13, 2006
    OMG! I'm stunned. Speechless. I... uh.... is that what Draco wanted? Or does he realize what he had? I need chapter 11! What happens next?
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  • From ANON - tp on January 08, 2006
    Yeah a new chappie.
    This was more of a setup really I think, the intimacy issue is interesting and a stuck at the hip spell sounds kool. You know I really love h/d but I can totall see this story working its way into splitting them up for their own good. But what I thought would be kool, was if they added a partner, turn it into a triad, ya know? someone who can help draco out in those areas that harry can't or won't go into, and who can be for harry someone that draco doesn't always want to be. Just an idea, anyways I think it would be way cool to read about a joint session with Draco and Harry at the shrink, where they could both be more open in their feelings regarding the situation/relationship. It'd be cool to get Harry's point of view. I'm also curious to see how the whole sex thing goes, now that Draco's so excited will Harry be able to live up to the buildup?
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 03, 2006
    Great chapter update soon!
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  • From mysticneko on January 03, 2006
    I think Harry's POV in this story would be refreshing and help the story along. Maybe give Harry a chapter, though the story really isn't about him... The chapter could be where Harry goes in by himself to talk to the doctor. Maybe then the doctor could have more insight into their relationship.
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  • From ANON - Nitasha on January 02, 2006
    *Will hate you if you make Harry and Draco break up*

    I was wondering if they take turns in bed? Is Draco always bottom? Is Harry always top? Or do they switch?

    xD I find handcuffs to be an awesome surprise and a great jumpstart for sex should it ever get boring.
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  • From ANON - Akusaa on January 02, 2006
    OK, I'll try and be specific, though I'm so tired I may just go into fan-girl mode.

    I really like the way you've written Draco, he's one of the most realistic Draco's I've ever read. You haven't glossed over his 'darker' side as most writers tend to do which is really refreshing.

    I so agree with Draco when he talked about how Harry would behave in a relationship! He would so badly feel he would have to be all loving and 'make-love' not 'fuck'.

    I think it could be very interesting to have Harry join in a few sessions.

    But now I wait for...the games!

    lol, hope you update soon.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on January 02, 2006
    I don't want them to break up. *sigh* Can't wait for chapter 10!
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  • From ANON - MiDemoni on January 01, 2006
    The story is great and I really want to read more, so update please... X3

    My only problem is that I'm seriously starting to hate Harry. I mean he sounds horrible to Draco. The whole relationship is all about what Harry wants: his friends, his work, his decisions, his needs. Draco is the "wrong" kind and he "owes" so much to Harry for being with him... I think somebody should smack some sense to Harry! What kind of boyfriend lets the one he's supposed to love to think so?

    Draco seems to be sweet and caring not to mention very serious about their relationship. He deserves to be treated better. (I'm nearly crying here just because Draco sounds so lonely...)

    So oh please, let Harry to grow up and give Draco the man he loves! Pretty please.

    (And oh yeah, it's 3 a.m. in Finland so I'm pretty tired and taking Draco's pain maybe too personally. Sorry if I sound a bit loony n_n')
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 25, 2005
    great story loved the mental analysis. i wonder where this will take thier relationship. And what was with the relieved look harry gave draco?
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  • From ANON - tp on November 04, 2005
    I like the way things are looking. The characters are believable, and the shrink is kool. I love reading sessions and getting an incite to draco's characrer. And if a too fluffy harry is draco's problem in sex, I could see Harry being more dark, he isn't all puppies and goodness in the books. the boy has a temper, lol.
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  • From ANON - mysticneko on November 01, 2005
    I think its believible. The conversation seemed kinda rushed at times but I chalked that up to Draco being nervous. The Harry part and him not being able to be selfish is believable too. He is pretty self sacrificing at times so it seems right for him to be uneasy about this.
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  • From ANON - BitchOfDarkness on October 25, 2005
    The chapter was great. Yes, the talk seemed realistic. Yes, Draco seemed in character. Yes, Harry seemed in character. Cant wait for more.
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  • From ANON - Echelon on October 25, 2005
    such a quick update and one where they finally talked to one another! I'm loving this fic, caught hook, line and sinker, and I love how you've shown a vunerability about the romance. So many fics are 'and they all lived happily ever after...' as Draco goes completly OOC.... this is a real breath of fresh air! Thank you!
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