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Reviews for Freud and his Friends

By : Alexa
  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on August 08, 2005
    Uh oh! Why do I suddenly not like "Frank"? Sounds to me like Draco and Harry just need to sit and talk. Harry can be a bit selfish it seems. Need chapter 5!
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  • From Neery on July 19, 2005
    Hey, this is *really* interesting! That's a problem that doesn't turn up often in fic. Maybe because the authors feel it's going to make the characters *too* human, instead of the heros we're supposed to see them as, or maybe just because most slash writers are women, and don't really know how to deal with it. In any way, that means that this is one of the rare plots that haven't been done to death, which makes it even more enjoyable.

    I can easily imagine a shrink behaving this way, so, yes, he's a believeable character. The dialogue style works well for me, because even though (or maybe especially because) there's not "Draco said" "The shrink said" at the end of every sentence, it's always clear who talks.
    I'm not sure I want to see Harry in the sessions, at least not yet, because this really is mostly about Draco's problem, and until he has at least an idea of what that problem actually is, Harry's being there is probably not going to help much.
    I'm looking forward to more of this!

    (By the way, I've been meaning to take a look at your fics for an eternity now, but I'm just really terrible about remembering things like that when I'm busy. Sorry!)

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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 12, 2005
    Hmm. What happens in chapter 3?
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  • From ANON - asd on July 02, 2005
    I like the therapist, a lot. And I like this story a lot. It's really good, and believable and thoughtful. Please continue!
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  • From ANON - Saber ShadowKitten on July 02, 2005
    I like this a lot. The idea behind it and the way it's written. Most therapists, when a couple is involved, have something called "individual" and "joint" counseling. Naturally, as you set up already, this therapist is Draco's individual counselor. Joint counseling can be the same therapist when inviting the second person in, or it could be an additional therapist, where Draco and his counselor would meet with Harry and another counselor where that second therapists counsel's them as a couple, or that second person sees Draco and Harry togther but without Draco's counselor present. I don't know much more than that, as I'm not a psychologist, I just order people into counseling ;)
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  • From ANON - Brittany on July 02, 2005
    Ok Dray, sweetie your dating a man thats just the way they work lol the whole you have to work hard to get them to do something then they have the time of their lives why you sulk thing lol and also the whole offending you but not meaning too but them say they are sorry but have no idea what they did thing lol but i do think Harry should go, it might shed more light for the theropist if he talked to them both. please update soon!!!!!

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  • From ANON - tp on July 02, 2005
    hey, this is a great story idea. very unique, and i am loving it. i can't wait to read more. i am so curious as to what the underlying problems are. do you have an e-mail group? to let readers know when the next chapters are out?
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  • From ANON - Fefs on June 23, 2005
    Wow, Alexa!! This is just to good!! It's so real.. i felt exatly like Draco with my ex-boyfriend. I actually experienced that party thing with Victor!! And in the sex part.. doing it without really wanting.. It's so interesting to read this!! I understood what you said about Draco being the star of this show.. when i sugested those things with Harry and the drama i've never thought that would end the "it" that makes this fic interesting.. Wow! Some day i'll write one fic like this.. not this therapy thing but this confusing stuff in just one perspective... Really cool, congratulations..
    About your question: I wish Harry could go one time with Draco.. and your "Freud" is really cool.. and seems to be a good professional.
    Hugs!! And update soon!!! =P
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  • From ANON - Kyo-nezumi on June 22, 2005
    I like how the therapy is going and Dr.Carring character is just how Imagine a therapist would be and Harry should go to the sessions at one point, He should go by himself to tell his side of the problems and his personal fellings on it, Then have session with Draco present.

    I like this even more now that I understand this si gooing this idea is new show the problems of the characters relationship.

    Keep it up and update soon!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Fefs on June 22, 2005
    What an interesting idea!! It's really good and i'm completely curious to see the next section!! But please make a Happy ending... update again soon!! Hugs!!
    Ps: Are you plaining to let us know how Harry is doing? Like what is he thinking about Draco's boredon? Hope you make some drama like Harry going away and meeting somebody else and stuff like that.. it would be cool to know Draco's reaction to those kind of things in his sections.. Wow.. you had such and intriguing idea!! Congratulations!!
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  • From ANON - aldebaran1977 on June 21, 2005
    After reading all the other reviews, I have to comment again. From personal experience I can completely understand Draco being bored with only the sex and wanting to draw or read in addition to it. It does not mean that the sex is bad or that you do not love the person you are having sex with, but rather a natural development in a long-term relationship. Sex with your long-term boyfriend is just the usual, nothing new and fascinating about it anymore. On the other hand Draco`s desinterest could really spring from a depression as someone else already mentioned. I stay tuned to new updates of the story to see how you solve that misery!
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  • From ANON - aldebaran1977 on June 21, 2005
    I like your approach to the story and I`m eagerly waiting for more therapy sessions and the solution to Draco`s problem (if there is one). I usually prefer first time H/D, but this relationship fic sounds promising to me. Keep on the good work!
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  • From ANON - moi on June 21, 2005
    this is probably waaaaaaaaaaaaay off, but... is draco preggers? or... am i wrong? it just seems like he's all moddy swingy, so that might be it. or i might be stupid, either way. update soon!
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  • From ANON - Brittany on June 21, 2005
    Hmm well this is intresting, i don't see how a person could have this problem but thats the beauty of it isn't it? lol "Well, it would be nice if you could read, or draw during it. In addition." OMG that is too funny lol i want to know what is wrong with him, i mean if he loves him...does he just not liike sex? but then theres the whole annoyed thing, i just don't get it (but thats why i'm not a shirnk lol) i can't wait for you to update so we can find out what is wrong with our little draco (no pun intended). But this is a intresting change from the sex crazy Draco in most stories lol any way update soon!!!!!!!!!

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  • From ANON - Kyo-nezumi on June 21, 2005
    OK WTF I'm really confused well not that confused this was a coming out fIc right so they came out they now live together yad yada yada Draco have ah problems down there so he is gonna see a about his what I asume is depression or something well

    I liked it so this NOT a flame.

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