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Reviews for Freud and his Friends

By : Alexa
  • From GreenEyedCat on October 05, 2006
    Bevore you read this you have to know that I do not have much patience.

    I know we have to put Draco back together but couldn't you hurry that a bit and let us see him in all his glory again?
    I want Harry on his knees begging for Draco to comm back and Draco in his generosity allows Harry to carry him home!
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  • From ANON - babychan on October 05, 2006
    This is my favorite fic. I am always looking for updates. Such great advice. ^_^ And real emotion. I love the message in this fic and that is that you have to love yourself. Be happy with yourself. You have to *like* yourself. You can't live through someone elses eyes and you can't live to please someone. It took my divorce for me to realize that and I am truly a better, stronger and *happier* person. I truly hope people will learn from this fic. It is an important message. Again, I love this fic. Can't wait to read more ^_^
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  • From ANON - mysticneko on September 28, 2006
    It sucks I can't log in. :( Thanks for the email when you updated. I don't even know whats going on, on this site anymore. I miss it and hope that they finish soon. T-T

    Now for your review. That was quite a twist. First Harry actually going through with the domination thing and the breaking up with Draco. ._. I don't know how to feel. Kinda like how Draco felt, actually.
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  • From ANON - Jess on September 26, 2006
    I wish i could take a pick at your brain. This fic is so fantastic and original that is absolute torture to wait for an update. I'm glad that now Draco is going after a life of his own.. I did that same mistake and gave up everything for a person. This is really stupid, and my reaction was the same as Draco's.. I hope you're planing a happy ending though.. Mine was not and i'm still bitter about it. Congratulations! Your writing skills are fantastic.
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  • From GreenEyedCat on September 26, 2006
    Ok Draco get yourself a life and power and what ells and then com back and teach Harry where he belongs!
    And I mean it!

    and you my dear writer" GO AND WRITE MORE STORY!" ;-)
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  • From ANON - Dezra on September 26, 2006
    Is that the end of the story? I hope not, I always loved the idea of Draco and Harry working things out in the end.
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  • From ANON - Lee on September 03, 2006
    Hey, are you going to update anytime soon?
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  • From ANON - Lee on August 06, 2006
    This is one of the most unusual and amazing plot I have ever seen in HP fanfiction catagory. I think it was couragoeus of you to attempt such a hard plot and I strongly urge you to keep on going! Please, Please update soon, I'm in agony everyday to see that this story hasn't been updated yet! (oh, by the way...I think I told you this before, but I like happy endings...for BOTH! ..Argh, sorry! I'll shut up about this now!) Sincerely, Lee
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  • From ANON - Madison on July 31, 2006
    Wow, I love this story! Maybe on some level because I can relate, my husband and I had a problem very much like this when we were dating (to much info I know lol) but people seem to think that just because your in love with someone the sex is perfect... and that's not the case. We saw a therapist as well so I can say first hand that this story is very realistic. Your an amazing writer...keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Lady X on July 30, 2006
    wow...i really like this fic. it is very good. I cant wait for more.
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 30, 2006
    *is speechless*

    Ok, I just found and read this story. That must be one of the most unusual HP-Fanfics I've ever read. And I've read many. Congratulations. A great idea and an even better realization.

    *waits (im)patiently for update*
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  • From ANON - Lee on July 30, 2006
    Gosh, this is by far the MOST interesting and compelling story I've EVER read!! Please, please update soon, i can't wait. Oh, and by the way I know that you said you won't guide what happens to them and what not, but I just wanted to say, I AM a fan of happy endings...For both people of the couple...
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  • From ANON - Dezra on July 29, 2006
    WOW, interesting point of view.
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  • From ANON - Anna on July 08, 2006
    That's it! you leave it at : "I think we need to see that shrink of yours." !!!

    'My,my, we are in trouble'

    Can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - Anna on July 08, 2006
    um.. well.. erm I knew it was coming but I didn't see it being like this... erm... Alexa, you had better make sure they end up together now! lol

    You did good,
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