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Reviews for Exotic

By : Horuseye
  • From alma on September 23, 2007
    good chapter.
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  • From alma on September 23, 2007
    Still loving it.
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  • From alma on September 23, 2007
    Totally loving it.
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  • From alma on September 23, 2007
    good chapter.
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  • From alma on September 23, 2007
    Awesome start.
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  • From ANON - cola on September 22, 2007
    Totally love this story & I am ecstatic to see it updated.
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  • From Aalto on September 22, 2007
    Still a good story. I just hope the next update won't take as long as this one did.
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  • From ANON - ScathingSarcasm on April 24, 2007

    Aww... so warm and fuzzy.
    I can't wait to see where
    this goes... your creativity
    is quite attention grabing!
    Needless to say, I will
    definetly be checking in

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  • From ANON - Griffyn on March 30, 2007
    I hope you are planning to finfish this stoy its a really good one. Please email me when there is a new update on it as I would like to read it. I was saddened when I saw that the last update was last year. I hope you haven't abandoned this story as I have just found it.


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  • From ANON - krista_shadow on December 10, 2006
    *taps foot impatiently*
    pretty please with cherries on top *sad puppy dog face*
    i love your story... and have been waiting ages for an update

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  • From ANON - kyouteki on September 28, 2006
    this story is very interesting! You characters a very cute too! I really love the way harry acts and I can't wait for him to become voldemort's spouse!
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  • From ANON - Leil Silver on September 05, 2006
    Awwww.................such a touching scene.
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  • From ANON - momoko on September 04, 2006
    good chapter
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  • From ANON - miku on September 04, 2006
    Aww xx The last scene was so cute xx I can't wait for the next chapter xx
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  • From ANON - zoe on September 03, 2006
    What a cute end to the chapter. Poor Sirius, his the last of his most noble family, mustnt Lucius feel lucky.

    Hope that you will updat agin soon
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