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Reviews for Not My Father\'s SON

By : CanadiangirllovesHP
  • From ANON - Shadow2008 on September 05, 2006
    YIPEEEEEEEE YEAH! :D UPDATE ! Cannot wait for the next one !
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  • From ANON - Jordan on September 03, 2006
    REALLY Great story cant wait till next chapters the last one i saw the title and was hoping that Harry only said
    that he was gay and not dating Remus ya great keep going
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  • From ANON - Shadow2007 on September 02, 2006
    WEWT I LUFF YOU! :D YOU UPDATED!!! and I love the story just a much!!! Please continue! >D I cannot wait for the next chapter.... or 5!
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  • From ANON - Jordan C on August 31, 2006
    OMG this is the best Harry Potter Fanfic i've ever read plz update as soon as possible your a very talented writer plz keep going it was so good iv been up sense 4:00am and I just finished at 8:24am it was so great i couldn't stop reading it XD
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  • From ANON - Shadow2007 on August 30, 2006
    I Literally almost cried when i got to the last chapter. I want to read more so much :D!!!!! I cannot wait till the next chapter is released. Seriously is it done yet?
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  • From ANON - kyouteki on July 25, 2006
    I absolutely love the remus/harry pairing! Especially harry's attitude! The way the characters act is very cool!
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  • From ANON - jbuggenz1 on December 15, 2005
    i read this in one afternoon. Your story is very engaging and i love the charachter development. I would love it if you could email me when you update. YOur story shows great promise.
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  • From ANON - angel on November 24, 2005
    wow this is a great story i lust love it .... i love how harry just told albus that he wanted and took it .... please please update soon and keep up the awesome work and later for now

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  • From ANON - Rose on November 08, 2005
    absolutely wonderful... it's like... x_X sooo awesomeful! x_X I LOVE IT... so... when are ya goin' to update? Hmmm... soon?! I can't wait...

    Well must fly...

    Much Love and Sunkist

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  • From ANON - Micka on October 12, 2005
    Very good....I love your story......Update soon please....
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  • From ANON - Kate on September 28, 2005
    Great Story! I 'm really enjoying this fic, please update soon :)
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  • From ANON - Tiffany on August 26, 2005
    This story is amazing. I hadn't ever read any Harry Potter fan fic, and I loved it. Please keep it going. I much prefer your take on Harry and Remus over JKR's.
    I'm never going to be able to see them with Tonks and Ginny ever again.

    The characters are developing very well.

    thanks and keep it up!

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  • From ANON - Missi on August 26, 2005
    I missed you, but this chapter totally makes up for it! Thanks for updating and I hope you do it again soon!
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  • From ANON - Ciar on August 14, 2005
    Sooo good! Love the story, and once again I'm up all night reading. Adultfanfiction is proving to be bad for my sleapinghabits >_
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  • From ANON - lena on August 04, 2005
    that was good timing, i read the fic a while ago and i was just rereading it when you updated. i squealed when i saw 'next chapter' after 29. please update soon, this is a truly amazing story and i can't wait for more.
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