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Reviews for Not My Father\'s SON

By : CanadiangirllovesHP
  • From ANON - Missi on July 30, 2005
    I'm so glad that you got your connection fixed! I love this fic, thanks for updating, I'll check for more!
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  • From CassandraMalfoy on July 30, 2005
    Great update.
    Hehe, Harry breaking Draco's nose was hilarous!
    Wonderful chapter.
    Please keep writing.
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  • From ANON - harryhollow on July 23, 2005
    I gotta read more!! *yeah baby* *giggles* please please please please update soon!! When you do please please e-mail me!!! I just am amazed by your fanfiction story heheheheheheee...........Remus/Harry are so totally hot!!
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  • From ANON - esther on July 13, 2005
    this is absolutely fabulous. is there a button to push that will allow me to get a message telling me when this is updated?

    anyway, keep up the good work. the only thing that is wrong (for me) is that the sex scenes are not really descriptive sometimes.

    i have to go now.

    good kuck!
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  • From GriffinLillani12 on July 12, 2005
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  • From ANON - Jen on July 12, 2005
    *drops Jaw* That was brilliant. you should really keep writting more.
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  • From ANON - Missi on July 11, 2005
    I love this fic, it just warms my heart to see them care so much about eachother. I sure hope Rone gets less clingy, but him being clingy makes for endless story possiblilties....
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  • From ANON - Missi on July 10, 2005
    SQUEAL!! I love this fic. I so can't wait for more!!
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  • From ANON - Missi on July 08, 2005
    I hope everything works out for them! GO GINNY!! I'm so glad she's helping-so many fics have her falling apart or turning evil when Harry falls in love. Thanks so much for updating!! I can't wait for more!
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  • From ANON - Missi on July 07, 2005
    Are we sure the red headed boy's not a natural blond? j/k I so can't wait to hear the plan! This is gonna be so interesting, and either disgustingly simple (and work) or horridly complicated (and fail-causing Molly to faint, Ron to scream, and Hermione to to be a bitch) isn't it? Thanks so much for this update! I can't wait for the next one!!
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  • From ANON - sadpanda on July 06, 2005
    finally someone yells at hermione about the house elves. it's always bothered me the way she does that. this is a great story.
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  • From ANON - Missi on July 06, 2005
    Chap 25 is AWESOME! Remus' so sweet, but I'm dreading the inevitable "Red Head Ron" moment-he's being a moron, I can just feel it. Can't wait for the next update, and thanks for this one!
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  • From ANON - Missi on July 05, 2005
    OMG, TFF. Not a pawn-I love it! These updates rocked-I can't wait for the next installment! This fic is so amazing, thanks so much for writing it!!
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  • From ANON - Missi on July 04, 2005
    Thanks so much for updating! Poor Remus, having to transform. Poor Harry, having to be a performing bear. I can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Missi on July 03, 2005
    They are such a cute couple, and I can't wait to see if Moony likes his little friend. I sure hope they don't have an Alpha fight or something. Anyway, *squeal* thank you so so much for the yummy smuttiness action! This update was great-I can't wait for the next one!
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