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Reviews for Unforeseen Circumstances

By : fazed
  • From Darkless on June 24, 2007
    Oh the fluff! *floats away dizzily on a great, pink poofy cloud*
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  • From DB1 on May 13, 2007
    @22. awesome story. there wasn't much about hermione, ron in the last few chapters, it would have been good to see their reaction to the new baby and all. but still amazing story I loved it!!!

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  • From on April 27, 2007
    I simple love this story and will read it again and again, you see what I mean.
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  • From Jicky on April 16, 2007
    loved this story.
    liked all 4 characters, and Remus. despite sometimes being OOC, it was fun to read them like this. Daddy Sev and Daddy Remus were cute names to give them.
    oh i liked the voodoo doll idea, especially bashing it against the bed posts.
    sorry don't have time to write more, but in a hurry to hand in assignments ^^''''
    possible suggestion, some sorta sequel to see their lives with babies were born.
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  • From ANON - helena on June 28, 2006
    Ah that was so sweet and sexy,and talk about laugh, raging hormones, frantic husbands loved it.
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 27, 2006
    I swear it's gonna be fun to explain their family situation to newcomers ^-^

    and really great sotry!!! I liked the idea of how to kill Voldie....... and of cause the pairing ;D.....^_^
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  • From ANON - Alison on January 25, 2006
    I just came across this story and I have to say that it was awesome. Thanks for writing! =o)
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  • From ANON - XXnumaseixx on December 15, 2005
    *cries* Even though took me a week to read it, I simply enjoy the love and the humor in it. It was absolutely a A+ fic@ Man, it is just such a happy and wonderful story!!! I want to read it again! @_@ I simply love the idea of the Voldemort voddoo doll, it was brilliant! I DO HOPE U MAKE MORE FICS!
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  • From ANON - LazySnake on December 15, 2005
    This is such a sweet story. You are an amazing author. Hope to read your future stories.
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  • From ANON - JJ on December 09, 2005
    I just finished another wonderful story written by a favorite author. I think most of your stories are on my reading list (sorry, several computer pages at home). How nice to read a Harry has a happy life story. I really liked the Voodoo doll plot device. I appreciated that you carried the story so far as the birth of Draco's son. And I like that Snape had a happy ending too, even if he kept inserting his rather large feet into his mouth along the way. I look forward to more stories. Thanks!
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  • From ANON - Morgan_LeFaye on December 07, 2005
    Another great story!!! Thanks!
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  • From Weirkat on November 26, 2005
    Just completed this and I have to say THANKS! Just when you think it's over and a person sighs wanting more, you give it! I totally enjoyed this. ~S~
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on November 12, 2005
    Oh I hate that this ended! I love this story!
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  • From MapleVamp on October 29, 2005
    This is a wonderful beautiful story i hope to see more like it in the future ^^
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  • From CassandraMalfoy on October 10, 2005
    Excellent ending to this wonderful story.
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