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Reviews for Beyond This Point Lie Monsters

By : Hijja
  • From MaryAnn on July 28, 2007
    Great story, loved how you wrote all those complex characters and the interaction between them, so realistic and layered. Each of them very original but convincing, very well done. The storyline was interesting as well, original and believable, yet twisting the Light-over-dark-idea deliciously. It made me late for work bc i loved it so much I couldn't put it down:).
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  • From ANON - Sarah on July 30, 2005
    Ack, I loved this. I've found that in all the other Lucius/Harry and Tom/Harry fics, Tom and Lucius always seem too.. nice or soft or something, in this though, they were perfectly dark and evil. Yay. I loved it almost as much as Harry did. I thought Harry's darkness was a nice touch as well and it all seemed very real. Good work.
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  • From ANON - Huh? on July 24, 2005
    I was so sure I reviewed this before... Oh well I guess I better start over (although you wont have the overall feeling that I put into my previous reviews since the effect of the fic has by now worn off). I really enjoyed reading your fic, and was quite surprised to find that you only had seven reviews for it. From my point of view it was well written, not only from the plot point of view but grammatically speaking as well. Dark, yet at the same time quite enchanting. It was thrilling to read and I can only hope that you recieve the reviews you deserve. Well done for this fic.
    My name is Memdrake
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  • From AkumaKawa on July 22, 2005
    Wow. That is such an aweosme story. Is there going to be a sequel?

    Keep up the awesome work, Coolsa.
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 20, 2005
    I like it very much, I only wish we knew for sure if Lucius and Tom did fall in love with Harry in the end, I'm not a fluff addict but I do like to know these things, on the whole I loved it, long chapters, great plot, realistic characters and not a spelling mistake in sight! Well done I like it very much as I said and hope to read more of your stories...if not a sequal??? *looks hopefull*

    I also loved how Tom and Lucius remained realistic as I may have said before and I thought them very cleverly written. I didn't like how Lucius was going to remain married to Narcissa, in the same house and everything but hey I guess thats just me.


    Crimson Regret
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  • From ANON - TyRisha on July 16, 2005
    oooo. i like it. i've never really been one for threesomes but i like this one.
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  • From ANON - A Person on July 16, 2005
    Sorry, that last review posted came up blank I think. Anyway, I first read this story when I was first acqainting myself with LV/HP and TR/HP stories. I haven't read it though since you posted the first chapter. I'm so glad I finally read the finished work! I loved it!
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  • From ANON - icestar on July 15, 2005
    :nods: lucius is very clever. and go harry! his half formed plans... meh especially the ending.

    lovely story. ^_^ :thumbs up:
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  • From ANON - sbkar on July 14, 2005
    A different Harry...neat!
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  • From ANON - IrIdeScEnT on July 12, 2005
    Wow...I love it!! Its very good. But...where is the lemon?!?!
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