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Reviews for Every Bad Sex Cliche in the Book

By : meleighme
  • From ANON - KatelynXM on October 07, 2005
    yah! another chapter! I love this story, and the way its written, its just so unique. God, i am still laughing over the ending to the fourth chapter. Wonder what Ron is gonna do now. I just love fics with ron.
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  • From ANON - KatelynXM on September 14, 2005
    I absolutely love it! You must post more! I don't know which part i liked best, the random insanity, ron's inner thoughts, the ron and draco scene in the dungeons, or the cliffhanger were snape walks in! This has so much potential, and is so orginal! I will check back to see if you have posted more!!
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  • From ANON - viu on August 13, 2005
    That was interesting. And I love the boys in helpless situation. lol. I 'm a bit evil.:P
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  • From ANON - weasleypants on August 11, 2005
    What in the world is happening here?! at least I can relate with ron, i'm completely confused as well. I hope you know where this is going, because I have no clue. tell me when the next chapter comes out so I can figure this out. it certainly was hot though...
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  • From ANON - Firevega on August 05, 2005
    This is fantastic!

    Hilarious, angsty, so well written, if not a bit confusion.

    One of the best Ron fics I've read in a long while.

    Please update! This is fantastic.
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  • From on August 01, 2005
    Hmm... now it's really starting to get good. Not that it wasn't good before, mind you. So... I dunno, I think I have a theory, but hey, I might be wrong. Only one way to find out, eh? Get the next chapter out soon! I'll be waiting on pins and needles for it. Great work!!
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  • From ANON - viu on July 28, 2005
    poor ron. he was so confused and got controlled/raped by draco
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  • From ANON - Lei on July 27, 2005
    Hey now! I was taking offense to the 'Or something' part, and you know it! So bring me back to 'Seriously OMG the best beta ever!' or no more bunnies for you!

    *shakes the fist you can't see*

    [OMG I am the best beta ever and the world shall know it!]

    P.S. Great fic, by the way. Obviously, since I was somehow associated with it. *ducks* What?
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  • From on July 21, 2005
    Okay, feed the authors time! This is magnificent, great, and crazy all in one. I really, really do love it (and the title, which was great), and I can't wait to see more of it! Poor Ron... he's going to go completely bonkers... Heeheehee, excellent! I'll be waiting for the next chapter. Great job so far!
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