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Reviews for Snape's Redemption

By : JCB
  • From ANON - Bertha Jorkins on August 03, 2014
    This fic is seriously amazing. I loved it from start to finish. I felt like everyone was in-character, the plot was utterly fantastic and I didn't have to slog through mediocre prose like some fics with interesting premises but horrible executions. So thank you for making this fic and posting it - so much!
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  • From vonHardenberg on December 13, 2010
    Quick and easy, incantations, etc. are commands and use the imperative form of the verb which has a singular and plural form in the first active conjugation. Any noun may also carry meaning like an English preposition. Magic will usually use the nominative (base) form. Google it "Latin for _________!"
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  • From pstibbons on July 11, 2009
    Fantastic fic. Glad that the youngest Weasels died, that Hermione got a career, and that Lucius didnt completely get away with it.
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  • From pstibbons on July 11, 2009
    best lins:

    “Congratulations, Professor,” Hermione mocked. “You’ve boiled a mouse.”

    I’m not stupid.”
    “Some days, Miss Granger, that is debatable.”
    She gave a wordless squeal of frustration and stamped her foot.
    “And that little display, of course, completely changes my mind,” he muttered

    “You really are a stupid, little girl,” he hissed, spittle flying into her face. “Do you think I give a FUCK about Voldemort! I only want to protect what is mine.”

    He began speaking again, but Hermione was too shocked to listen. She was, she realised, exactly what he called her: a silly, little girl. He did not care about anything or anyone but himself and what he perceived was his. The knowledge bowled her over.

    “If I disobey you, I die. If I die, then so does your child.”
    She began to see why Snape liked control so much. It was rather exhilarating.

    It had been their second year at Hogwarts and both of them had been twelve years old.
    It was the first hug that Severus Snape had received since his mother died.

    Hermione and Lily really were frighteningly similar, he reflected.

    “You do know that Ron Weasley is an idiot,” Severus replied conversationally as he reached over and casually stroked her breast.
    “Oh, yes,” she replied fervently.

    “’sokay,” he heard her mutter sleepily. “I know where cup is…”
    Suddenly, Severus Snape was snapped out of his post-coital bliss and wide awake.

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  • From pstibbons on July 11, 2009
    best lines:
    He reflected how her initial … protestations of staying at Malfoy Manor did not prohibit her form availing herself of the luxuries found therein.

    (True. After all, she did continue to eat Hogwarts food after finding out they were made with slave labour)

    I would not trust Lucius Malfoy as far as I could comfortably spit a dead rat.”

    (I like the emphasis on the word comfortably)

    Once laid on a house, this curse would stop anything inside it (be it elf, portrait, ghoul, or human) revealing what happened between its walls. Lucius had experimented with the spell until it was modified so that only he would be able to know what was occurring at any given time. However, he had not protected himself against the duplicitous nature of Severus Snape.

    He had also never told Dumbledore of this ability to spy on Lucius; it was for him alone, not for Dumbledore’s crusade.

    Snape decided to remember how the betrayal kept her silent. He wondered if he could possibly ever arrange for it to happen again if she became too talkative.

    “Maybe I cannot be bothered tonight,” he muttered.
    “Oh,” Hermione exclaimed. “Oh, I’ve read about this! It’s called performance anx…”

    “I can be in control? ...I can … try … can … do … things? Things that … that I want?”

    To his surprise, Hermione bounced up in the bed.
    “Oh, this is wonderful,” she exclaimed happily.
    Severus blinked slowly, not sure that they were talking about the same thing.
    “See, I’ve been reading up on sex from your books and it’s absolutely fascinating. Did you know..."

    “No,” he hissed. “Keep moving up and down as well.”
    “Why?” she gasped out.
    “Extra credit,” he groaned.

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  • From pstibbons on July 11, 2009
    Wow - fantastic chapter

    best lines:
    She wearily rubbed her aching forehead, dried blood flaking off her fingers, as her confidence in Molly Weasley’s intelligence plummeted even lower than before.

    knowing her luck they were reading the translations from the Medici diaries – basically, how to poison a whole dinner party and survive.

    All he’s done is taken one of the Horcruxes and made a scarlet…

    “She’s become a liability,” Bill stated. “We can’t allow …”
    He stopped abruptly.
    “Can we please leave now, Miss Granger?” came Snape’s weary voice. “At least before his bloody bride turns up and starts hexing me too?”

    “Wow,” Harry breathed. “Much as I hate the bastard, that was slick. One minute he was down there with Crookshanks, and next minute BAM! Ron’s rant is over.

    “Harry, do you think I’m a liability?”
    “Yes,” Harry responded, the truth ripped out of him. He hastily clarified his answer as Hermione’s eyes shone with tears. “But I also know that we need you. I need you, Hermione. I can’t do this without you.”
    “Do you trust me?” she whispered.
    Harry’s face showed his struggle against the Veritaserum.
    “I can’t,” he gasped out, unwillingly. “Not while you’re under a magical obligation to him.”

    Snape sighed theatrically. “Once again, Mr Potter, you exhibit your rampant stupidity. Everyone with half a brain knows how a bond can be broken.”
    “Mr and Mrs Weasley didn’t, neither did Remus,” Harry blurted out, still under the influence of the Veritaserum.
    “As I said, everyone with half a brain,” Snape repeated snidely.

    "He has been known to be wrong about a lot of things,” Harry spat out.
    “You are a fool, Potter. A blind, stupid fool. It is a pity you did not inherit some of your mother’s brains, but it just goes to show that Mudblood is synonymous with weak blood.

    (Referring to Harry being more like his Pureblood father, I presume)
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  • From pstibbons on July 08, 2009
    wow... what twists...
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  • From pstibbons on July 08, 2009
    best linse:
    You want what I can give you, Miss Granger. Do not try and hide behind altruistic motives and pretend it’s for the good of your friends. You want it for yourself. At least be brave enough to admit it. Isn’t that what your stupid little House prides itself on? Its bravery? Pity that most of you wouldn’t know true courage if it bit you in the arse.”

    Therefore, Miss Granger, you find yourself in a much happier situation than I was ever in. You see, I value my minions and take care of my possessions. Due to that foolish vow you entered into, you are both.

    “Oh, gods,” she moaned. Her eyes suddenly met his. “Draco … oh, gods … nobody deserved … the blood … and excitement … they … people … turned on…”

    Hermione looked at him blankly. “What on earth can I do to stop Pettigrew?”
    “I need your cat,” he stated bluntly. “That half-Kneazle monstrosity is one of the only things Pettigrew fears in his rat form.”

    “What do you mean? I can’t stay here. Harry … Ron … they need me!”
    “Do they? You were whinging before about how they will not listen to you anymore.

    "Now, Miss Granger, are you going to have some toast?”
    She took a piece, feeling slightly like Persephone accepting food from Hades. ‘At least she got a nice pomegranate,’ she thought irreverently.

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  • From pstibbons on July 08, 2009
    best lines:
    Hermione was perplexed.
    Here she was, in Professor Snape’s house, being treated like an esteemed gust. She had been ushered in, dried off with a quick swish and flick, directed to the couch, offered some refreshment (which she now held in her hand) and without one sarcastic or derogatory comment being cast towards her. She was beginning to worry that she had found a polyjuiced dupe.

    “I believe you would be more comfortable if you released the death hold on your book-bag, Miss Granger.”

    Professor Snape cleared his throat and, once again, raised his eyebrow.
    ‘He should stop that,’ Hermione thought. ‘It’ll fly off his face, one day.

    ...Ooth… youth…Euthanasia. Oh,” she suddenly giggled. “I get that joke now. Youth in Asia.”

    “Sluggy’s party! You know, I had bruises on my breast from that! Bastard,” she mumbled, remembering McLaggen’s rather forceful courtship. “Should’ve done more than Confunded him, I should’ve..”

    All his old work encased in a new cover. But not just his work. No, there were other authors evident in that book. He smiled slightly. So this is what had brought Miss Granger to him. Excellent. The fates really were shifting in his favour.

    Draco nodded, but Severus did not believe that the boy understood what was happening. At least he wasn’t whimpering anymore

    “Oh, Professor,” Hermione blinked owlishly. “I’m sorry – I tried to learn it but the letters wouldn’t stay still. Can we have the test later?” She smiled up at him hopefully.

    “What have I done?” she whispered to the empty room.
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  • From pstibbons on July 08, 2009
    That might have been the most horrific scene of Draco torture I've ever seen...
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  • From pstibbons on July 08, 2009
    Excellent start - glad that Hermione breaks off so publcly with the Dim Duo this early.
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  • From ElementalDemonessSorceress on August 20, 2008
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From ElementalDemonessSorceress on August 10, 2007
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From Mmoirai on January 28, 2007
    Bittersweet. I enjoyed your story very much. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - Megan Consoer on July 24, 2006
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters? Or can you write a sequel to this story please?
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