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Reviews for Snape's Redemption

By : JCB
  • From ANON - KatelynXM on October 29, 2005
    dammit, was wrong..again. stupid rudolphus...grumble, grumble...calling hermione fat....

    why does he and herms have to have sex every day now? i didn't know a body would reject a feotus if they didnt. For some reason rodolphus makes me think that he looks like that guy hadrian who is in those aff adds for slash fiction.

    Why did roldolphus call snape 'brother"? is it a death eater thing? Im so freakin curious....grumble.........

    Snape/anyone who is not hermione..*shudders at the thought*....nooooooooooooooooooo!

    hee hhe, jus kiddin' with you.

    great chapter, -XM
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  • From ANON - Killer Kadoogan on October 29, 2005
    Luuuv'd it!!! I must have more! Soon, please! Happy writing, mi chicquita! Tengo que irme! Salud!
    Killer K :)
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  • From ANON - ~*Kallie*~ on October 29, 2005
    Great Story!!! Please Update Soon.
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  • From ANON - angel eyes on October 29, 2005
    yay another great chapter :)
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  • From ANON - Hypatia on October 29, 2005
    O update soon, bright angel!!! Thou art as glorious to this is a winged messenger of heaven.

    Your rendition of Snape continues to delight and amaze and serves as a delightful counterpoint to all those wimpy, sticky-sweet Snapes out there in other stories. You've managed to channel the real deal.
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  • From ANON - SteffieSnape on October 28, 2005
    Sorry! It's me again! I wanted to add something I forgot! I like how he is letting Hermione explore, and that she is willing to do so!!! Wow....... I can so totally see her doing some more exploring and doing something extremeing satisfying.... something that will make him growl like a lion or something wickedly sexy! muahahahhaa! you know.... bring down his strong hold a pec or two! waaaaaah hooooooo! ok, that is all..... for now! hahahaha! Toodles.... again my friend!!
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  • From ANON - SteffieSnape on October 28, 2005
    Ch.17 - OH!!!!! He smiled!!! awwwww!!!!!! and yesssssssss!!!! That was so freakin hot (the sex)!!!! And the subtleness is starting already, muahahahhaa! Severus noticing things about her... hmm........ it is making so much juice I can't stand it!!!! I want more! hahahahaha! Oooooo..... and what a delicious cliffy you have there! Was that Lucius perhaps or someone else? Man o man..... I love how you are showing the small signs of not-affection-like but his slight concern and protectivness over her. weeeeeeeeee!!!! Really.... I see something forming in the future, muahahahahahaha! Again, that's just my Snape-Hermione obssessiveness coming into play, hahaha! Well.... I also suppose I can forgive you for not responding. Another chapter is definitely more fun! yaaaaaaaaay!!!! Hope it's not too longnow! Can't wait for more! Keep it up! Toodles!
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  • From ANON - Aiden on October 26, 2005
    You are the master of the evil cliffhanger. I am guessing that disembodied voice is Lucius, no? Snape's act of stealing Draco's portrait and his regret over his death is touching. Nice juxtaposition with the ironic tone of his internal voice.
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  • From ANON - Barbara on October 26, 2005
    Can not wait to find out who was speaking at the end. I am looking forward to a hoping this will become a romantic Severus/Hermione story soon.
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  • From ANON - J.D. on October 26, 2005
    I had good intentions of doing quite a bit of homework tonight, but first I thought I'd stop by aff for a moment. And of course, your story (which I've been trying to resist knowing it would do this) sucked me in completely. Thank you.

    But seriously, it's an awesome piece and I can not wait for the next chapter.

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  • From ANON - Hypatia on October 26, 2005
    What light through yonder window breaks?? Tis Juliet!!! With a new update!!!

    Looks like we're not eating Kraft dinners here, Juliet...even with fancy ketchup packets. You've bought us all real fur coats, and boy, do they feel good!!!!

    I absolutely love this piece, as you might guess. Thank you so very, very much for gifting us all with your wonderful story. If for some reason you're unable to update further (which I hope NEVER happens!!!!) the piece you've begun has been so very satisfying, that I'm sure we all might continue it telepathically and psychic-ly into eternity.

    I'm sure JKR is reading this also, in awe, but she doesn't review. We do, and we love you!!!!
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  • From ANON - KatelynXM on October 26, 2005
    performance anxiety...oh god...too funny...for words..*falls off chair in histarical laughter*...

    but what is not funny is that cliffy! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Its either lucius, or someone who's not lucius....wait...

    Don't let lucy hurt hermione...or do...i always love a little drama... talk about ruining the mood, nothing like a almost-kinda-arch-enemy-but your not really sure- but hes still a total muggle-born raised hating arsehole- to suddenly showup when you and your partner are both naked to turn you off....oh wait, lucius is hot...*thinks dirty thoughts*

    oh i can't wait for the next chapter-wrting up a draft is a good excuse! And i love how you explained the work severus had to do in order to break into malfoy mansion. he's been waiting a while to do that...

    although, hermione deseveres a least a little comfort(emotional, sex is great but still..) especially after what ron said(so mean!) and what harry said, (so kind and yet cruel) and combined with molie and the other adults reactions, she must feel horrible. Also-was mollie about to call hermione a scarlet woman in the one chapter (the one right before this-)???

    You are awesome. Awesome author(I LOVE THIS STORY!). awesome person..for writing me an email and leaving reviewer responses...and your disclaimers and A/n, they are hilarious...don't send me a cat..ha ha ha ha

    This chapter was so awesome, i was laughing my ass off, reading intently, and then WAM! horror time, and then the cliffy...

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  • From ANON - cat on October 26, 2005
    so this is a story about me, today i was driving home and was thinking 'i really really hope there is a snape's Redemption update today. that would make my day twenty biggillion times better' then i thought 'but its the middle of the weeks so it is unlikely' and then there was an update right at the very top.... you make my day so good. please continue
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  • From ANON - HedwigsHaven on October 26, 2005
    Hmmm, that was the most unfeeling sex I have ever read. But I suppose that goes in the line with how you are showing Snape and his situation with Hermione. More please!
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  • From ANON - Killer Kadoogan on October 26, 2005
    Ooo, girl!!! Who is it? Who is it? You must realize by now that you have a very annoying habit of leaving us hanging. Silly twit. But the wonderous shagging did soften the blow a bit. Poor Hermoine, didn't she learn anything from those sex books she read? What am I saying?! "Poor Hermoine". More like stupid Hermoine! Doesn't she realize how many of us would kill to have a go with Severus?! A great hot chappie, dear! Hope you are able to update soon! Happy writing, mi carazon!!! Tengo que irme! Salud!
    Killer K :}
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