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Reviews for Snape's Redemption

By : JCB
  • From ANON - Killer Kadoogan on October 25, 2005
    It's all right about the profound lack of smut! So long as you make up for it with a real doozy!!! O-tay?! A really sour lemon! It was so awesome of Snape to take up for Hermoine! Chivalry really becomes our snarky git- I love that side of him! Keep up the great work, dearie! As always happy writing, you saucy Aussie! Tengo que irme! Salud!
    Your Southern redneck hick reader (yeah, a few of us can actually read),
    Killer K (duelin' banjos play in the background) ;p
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  • From ANON - SteffieSnape on October 25, 2005
    Ch.16 - Wow!!!! Brilliant chapter!!!!!! It was definitely worth the wait!!! And wow all mighty...... Malfoy Manor? This is going tobe a very interesting arrangement. Oh dear me..... I do hope Lucius won't want to take part in Snape's and Hermone's little frolics. EEK! Anyways.... I can't wait to see what you make of this new situation!!!

    And you really got me with the Bill Weasley thing! Excellent! Soooo..... I wonder if he will have more to play in the future eh? I'm wondering now if Snape really does trust Hermione enough, or will sometime, that if she is ever miraculously released of her binding that she will still want to help him. Hmmmm....... I can't wait to see where you go with this, I really can't! It's getting so intense and I just loooooooooves it!!!

    I still dont know if you ever planned this to be some kind of romance story, I don't know..... but I'm sensing Snape's attitude is changing slightly towards the little insufferable gryffindor. Muahahahahahahahaha!!! I am really dying to know what will happen once Hermione has sex with him with out the influence of an aphrodisiac. Maybe it will knock some sense into Snape's head that he doesn't have yet.

    Also, I can't help but sort of feel bad for Lucius. As twisted as he is, like Snape in a way though Snape not as much, Lucius has lost his wife and only child.... because of the master he serves. I'm wondering how motivated he is going to be to really bring down his master. And is Snape really going to do the same? I'm still a bit confused by Snape's intentions and motivations, but that's brilliant because that is the true essence of Snapeyness, hahaha! It's just brilliant my dear!

    Oh, and I'm so sad by Ron's true feelings about Hermione. That is so typical of him but so harsh at the same time. Wow..... I really cannot wait to see how this story goes through to the end. waiting waiting waiting patiently!!!! Can't wait for more! Toodles!
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  • From ANON - Erin on October 24, 2005
    I'd be horrified too, knowing that I was at Malfoy Manor, where Lucius is, and the fact that he was the one who ratted on Severus. I loved Harry in this chapter, Ron is too much of a hot head to understand any of what's going on (even if he figured out what they were talking about).
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  • From ANON - HedwigsHaven on October 24, 2005
    More please! I like how you had Harry answer under the potion, and I am really sad to see they dont trust Hermione but understand why. Very interesting story, keep at it!
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  • From ANON - HedwigsHaven on October 24, 2005
    Wow, very nice chapter, I really like where you are going with Severus, oh and the idea of him doing the dishes just fits so well! ::dies:: great chapter!
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  • From ANON - HedwigsHaven on October 24, 2005
    You tell them about the cruilty of adoption! Jerks! I am adopted myself, thank you very much. Whoever wrote you reviews like that is imature and insensative.
    Okay, that aside, great chapter, enjoying this alot!
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  • From ANON - HedwigsHaven on October 24, 2005
    Okay, you got me with your remark on being needy! I am too! Sniffle. Okay, all whining aside, your story is addictive, I am enjoying it but I must say that I am not into the evil evil Snape. I do hope your story follows through with the title. And I hope to see more of Remus, but thats just me, you go with your well writin story and keep on!
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  • From ANON - Estelle Etain M on October 24, 2005

    YAY a new chapter and as you my have guessed i loved it and let me just say this God Ron is suck a wanker it was great when Snape broke his nose

    hoping for an update soon!!!!!

    Lots of sorrowful love
    *~* Estelle
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  • From ANON - angel eyes on October 24, 2005
    yep this is definetly worse than the last ciffy :)
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  • From ANON - cat on October 23, 2005
    ch an amazing story so good soooo goood its okay that your update took a while( not really) but it was worth the wait as always every time i get on this site i look for you fic cause it is so rfreaking good please keep going and update asap
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  • From ANON - lemonade on October 23, 2005
    Ruin his plans IF she were to die. Sorry. I need a brain transplant.
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  • From ANON - lemonade on October 23, 2005
    Bill!! Is a curse breaker!! Brilliant! I had forgotten that fact. Very clever of you. Let's hope Bill is clever, too. Perhaps with Hermione's cooperation, things would go a lot smoother if she couldn't accidentally die. That has to be worrying Severus, too. It would ruin his plans for her to die, and be quite the onus to bear.

    I noticed that Snape seems to be attempting to take better care of her. Not allowing her to be his shield, healing her head injury. I am surprised at Molly, calling her a 'scarlet woman'. She should know Hermione better than that, but I know she's thought the worst of her before, in canon (book 4- believing Rita). I agree that the Order really shouldn't trust her when she's bound to Severus. Honestly, she doesn't REALLY know who's side he's on, even though she hopes it is the good one. Harry was truthful and wonderful, and about as supportive as he really could be. He's a good friend, but Ron deserved the broken nose. I know he's heartbroken, but if he couldn't figure out that Hermione had gotten involved with things against her will, he might not be clever enough to deserve her. I hope Harry kicks some sense into him. I noticed he wasn't mad at Severus for roughing Ron up. ;D I'm also happy to see some affection for Hermione coming from Severus. She deserves it.
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  • From ANON - Nex on October 23, 2005
    Hey, I just wanted to let you know that this is the story on aff i watch the most! I love it! Snape is absolutley perfect in all his snarky glory...and the story line is amazing. Just wanted to let you know how much I love your story, and your writing!!
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  • From ANON - Jess on October 23, 2005
    Please update! I'm dying to know what's going to happen next!
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  • From ANON - firewall on October 23, 2005
    Nicely done. This chapter helped answer several questions or clarify confusing issues that were puzzling me. Shame on Ron, the ass. Looking forward to the next chapter.
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