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Reviews for Snape's Redemption

By : JCB
  • From ANON - Red Writing Hood on October 23, 2005
    Wonderful chapter, but...Malfoy Manor? Ugh! I wouldnt want to be there no matter how gorgeous it is.


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  • From ANON - KatelynXM on October 23, 2005
    Yeah! I loved that chapter! (even though i hated some of the characters in it, i.e-RON MUST DIE!)

    Ha ha, Malfoy Manor- wondering if their are any spells inside the house that woiuld try to keep muggle-born Hermione out?
    Harry and Hermione's conversation was tearful, and so was Hermiones reasoning-how she said that if Snape had used Tonks or Ginny, everyone would have wanted to defend them. Poor Hermione, she thinks no one else loves her. Although, I am hoping that Harry realises his love for Hermione, just b/c I do love drama, and also I hate Ginny. Hmm, De-ja-vu.(probably not spelled right.) Can't she see whats right infront of her? That being Snape's hot ass of course!
    It's like all the people at Grimmauld place are so concerned with getting their revenge on Snape that they don't even care about Hermione any more. ;( and thats sad. Maybe Tonks or Lupin will help.(Lupin just makes sense, and Tonks, well, I like Tonks.)
    This chapter was awesome, Hermiones feelings, Snape's reaction, Bill(dammit, I was wrong!), and your imagery used to describe Malfoy Manor. Most of the time when it comes to decribing places, I just skip through them in a story, but your writing style was just so awesome, I literally could imagine Snape and Hermione walking up the tree-lined road to the manor. Amazing imagery there.
    I wonder what Lucius will think of Snape 'borrowing' his manor. Mwahahahaha! *coughs* gotta stop doing that!
    And thanks for the e-mail, your so nice! Hope you liked the pics ^~^


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  • From ANON - angel eyes on October 19, 2005
    oh this is the worst cliffy ever! update soon! there are so many possibilities of who it could be! loving every line, Erica
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  • From ANON - Killer Kadoogan on October 19, 2005
    Heeelllooo!!! Where are youuuu??? You must update soooonnn!!! Or I will continue to annoy youuuu!!! Tengo que irme! Saluuuddd!!!
    Impatiently awaiting,
    Killer K ;p
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  • From ANON - Estelle Etain M on October 15, 2005


    i'm sure this little review wont mean much coz looking at your 166 other ones ur not doing to bad for urself lol and the funny thing is that i'm an aussie living in the hussle and bussle of the usa and to stick up for my aussie sister had to tell her how great her story is sooo you better keep on writing girl coz a hellof a lot over people love it


    Estelle Etain M
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  • From ANON - Lee on October 14, 2005
    LOL...Ok you review whore, I guess I'd better pay up for my next fix! I love the way you have mainly left the characters "in character", so to speak. Too many fan fics reduce Snape to a cranky, manipulative SOB with no shading to his character. I think he is the favorite character to so many adults because of his depth, which you explore quiet well. The kids in my life who read HP just see him as a "bad guy". Most of the adults I know see him as a very powerful wizard - many of us agree that he is very close to being the equal to Voldy and Dumbledore. Also, what was that anti-adoption thing earlier? I am pro-choice and feel that women have the right to control their own bodies and chose when to procreate. I have NEVER heard anything about adoption being cruel. Is this something that is thought outside the US? I have two adopted little sisters who are over 20 years younger than me. If anyone ever suggested that it was cruel for my parents to take them out of foster care and adopt them I think I would have to give them a good tounge lashing, and not in a good way.
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  • From ANON - lemonade on October 13, 2005
    HA! Hermione is researching for an end to her enslavement. Good girl! And who on earth could be sneaking in? Is it Moody? He's a tricky bugger. Shacklebolt? He's an auror, must be a little slick when it comes to refugees. Mr. Weasley? He lives at the Burrow, right?That would make him a non-occupant. LUCIUS?? He IS a relative of the Blacks... maybe kreacher let him in. Wait....I got it! DUMBLEDORE BACK FROM THE DEAD!! (okay, just joking) ;D

    I love that Harry still treats Hermione with dignity and compassion, and like a human. He seems to be the only one with compassion. Ginny can't seem to manage it. I realize Ginny is smart not to trust the minion of Snape, but it IS Hermione she's disparaging. I hope Hermy hexes some sense into her. Harry seems to be the only one of her school friends that supports her. I think it would suck for him to be a horcrux in this fic, though! :O Snape wouldn't spare him, that's for sure.
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  • From ANON - SteffieSnape on October 10, 2005
    Ch.15 - oooooooooooo excellent cliffie! Ahhhh you are evil! hahahahahahaha! ok, not really, but sheesh! Soooo..... who is not an occupant of Grimmauld place? It wasn't Hermione, was it? Wasn't he just speaking to her? I'm confuzzled!!! hahahaha! Was it Ginny? Did she come back from Hogwarts? Oh dear, I hope they don't hurt him! eek! oooooo.... and Snape is R.A.B in your story? Interesting! Very interesting! Wow, the plot is excellent! I'm looking forward to the shagging soon.... SOON!! muahahahahaha! Hmmm.... yesh yesh, I know how Snape is on a different to everyone buuuuut..... it doesn't mean he can't feel something deep down in that dark twisted soul of his, muahahahahaha! Besides, she's all ready protesting the aphrodisiac sooooo...... man o man.... I wanna see this sex scene where Hermione is not drugged! Snape is gonna have something coming to him I think, hee hee hee hee! GAH! I'm dying of anticipation here! I hope you update soon! Excellent and wonderful read as always! Toodles!
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  • From ANON - Kath on October 09, 2005
    This is a wonderful story thankyou
    I love the way you've kept Snape in character. Make sure he always stays a bastard cause that's why we love him
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  • From ANON - jane on October 09, 2005
    please please please update, it is interesting and different. Snape is so nasty I love it
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  • From ANON - Pam on October 08, 2005
    I just started this story and it's really well done. But the last chapter up... all I can say is:
    NO!!! Who is it??? Why is it too late??? Will Snape be okay??? You are killing me with the suspense!!! Oh, no... this will have an, er, okay ending for Snape right... Snape and Hermione???!!! Maybe I should stop reading; until I can read the end first and make sure it turns out okay??? Now you've scared me... However, you are a top notch author!
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  • From ANON - Killer Kadoogan on October 08, 2005
    Oh, my!!! Who is it? Who is it?! Silly twit! Leaving us on such an evil cliffie! You shall now be properly punished- enter Snape with whips and various other "torture" devices! Mmm... Snape. Sorry, where was I? I can not wait to see where this going; I'm so lovin' the ride! I'll buy a donkey for your very own if you'll update soon. Hmm? Do we have an accord? Cute fuzzy donkey for a really smutty chapter? I'll even paint it Slytherin green! That is my final offer, you review whore! So get writing! ;p Happy writing to the only woman in my life! Tengo que irme! Salud!
    Donkey kisses,
    Killer K :}
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  • From ANON - KatelynXM on October 08, 2005
    Whoo -hoo! another chapter!

    Awesome-nacious. I can't believe Ron thought that hermione would like that kind of treatment. I hope that wasn't any kind of foreshadowing. Also, i can't help but wonder who that mysterious voice was. My guess is Ginny. On account of the fact that she had left earlier and wasn't technically and occupant of the house. Oh well, there is no way she could be a match for Snape and Hermione. My only worry would be that Hermione might protect snape, and that makes her look bad. Or hermione hurts Ginny and turns her into a cute red-hedded version of jabba the hut. Actually, thats more of a hope.

    snape is so sneaky, arriving early. I luv sneaky snape. Then again, who doesn't?

    Dammit dammit dammit! Another freakin cliffhanger you evil evil author you! Oh well, at least cliff hangers are interesting and keep you thinking. And yearning for the next chapter too. Take as long as you want on these chapters. But i am hoping for another chapter by monday(which is my birthday)? pleeeezzz?

    if not than I shall leave you an additional review. Not a mean one! A pleading one.

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  • From ANON - luvssnape on October 08, 2005
    I love the your characterization of Snape. That is how I imagine him. Just a bit dark and sultry. mmmm! mmmmm!
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  • From ANON - anon on October 08, 2005
    this is all getting very tense...and very addictive :)
    gosh, i don't know who to bat for at the moment...*hopes longingly that snape turns out to be good*
    please post again soon!

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