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Reviews for Snape's Redemption

By : JCB
  • From ANON - Killer Kadoogan on October 06, 2005
    Most excellent indeed, dearie! So good to know you're back! Hope you had a very relaxing rest. I must say you really did come back with a bang! I love the animosity between these two! It's so hot!!! Can't wait for some more good shagging! You write it so well! Happy writing, mi chicquita! Tengo que irme! Salud!
    Glad you're back!
    Killer K ;D
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  • From ANON - SteffieSnape on October 06, 2005
    Ahh brilliant! I was wondering how he'd get a wand again, haha! Well I'm glad you solved that, woo hoo! Oh, poor Ron.... so thick sometimes, sheesh. And drat it all..... I hate it when the chapters end, haha! Ah well, all good things must come to an end I suppose. So when's the next chapter?! huh huh huh?! heheheheh.... I'm so anxious! And I loved how you tricked us in the beginning! Very clever and well done! I had to reread it to realize what was going on, haha! You had me fooled, woo hoo! Ok, update soon! Yay! Toodles!

    Oh and one more thing..... so is Snape falling for Hermione yet? GAH! I need romance! hahahaha! He's already looking at her "swaying hips" or is he just that horny? LMAO! Who knows.... but we know he's a sex god so yee haw!
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  • From ANON - KatelynXM on October 04, 2005
    Poor hermione, so humiliating... Not to mention the others, this is like the second time this has happened to them. I did like Ginny in this chapter, especially when snape put that spell on her and called her annoying. Whoo-hoo you update fast. No really, compared to other authors (like me), who take forever to post, your chapters come pretty quick. And I really like how you responeded to your reviewers in your authors notes, thats so nice. Me like attention.
    Hmm, some other things to mention. Yeah, snape totally seems like the kinda guy who would hide wands. And speaking of Snape, the snarky bastard, wonder were hes gonna be for the next five days? Confronting Lucius? He would have to be careful, and have lots of Hermiones numbing balm. Or some of his own (he would probably scoff that hermiones was inferior.)
    I can't wait for Ron nagging Hermione over what Snape said, or Remus and the Weasly parent's conversation with her. Although they might be a little mad at her, leaving them alone and immobilized with Snape. Oooh, so much to look forward too. I love this story! ^~^

    p.s- I love your story titles too, they are just so cool and imaginative.

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  • From ANON - Darque Hart on September 26, 2005
    Hmmm -- You get to go to the Greek Islands and we get to Review! What kind of trade off is that? Don't you DARE give up this story!! [You do and no more reviews for you;-) ] You said it was your first fanfic ... be proud of yourself and what you have created, you are doing great. Oh, and Peter being eaten by Crookshanks --just desserts-- absolutely loved it!
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  • From ANON - anon no more on September 21, 2005
    Great chapter.
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 20, 2005
    I can't wait for the next chapter, please update soon. ~Joani
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  • From ANON - KatelynXM on September 19, 2005
    Yes! Another Great Chapter! Woo-hoo! #coughs* hee, sorry about that. Any way, to make your nice long review easier to understand(and to keep me from going into rant mode lol) i am going to write a list of everything i love about this chapter!

    1. Hermione almost breaking the vow, it was cool how you portrayed it and i have always wanted to know what would happen if someone did break an unbreakable vow.
    2. Voldemort and bellatrix (he was 'bored' eh?) hmmm, wonder what that says about voldie, cuz you know the books say she is pretty.
    3. VOLDEMORT HAVING A CHILD? I can't wait to see what you name him/her.
    4. Aww, snape smelled like the love potion- how sweet, and mildy disturbing considering hermioine somehow had the hots for snape while they were still in school.
    5. WTF was with Lucuis?? I seriously hate him now.
    6. Yeah, i can't wait for the encounter at grimmauld place, i cant belive i have to wait till oct 5th! oh well, somehow i will survive.
    6. Is hermioine ever going to get dressed?
    7. Hmmm, you gave one of the the death eaters a name, yaxelly or whatever, the same deatheater who was suposedly going to rape severus. Does this mean we will be seeing more of him?
    8. No Ginny in this chapter. I hate her.
    9. Voldemorts character, you totally nailed him!

    It is so okay that this chapter is short, it doesn't make your writing any less satisfying to read. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT stress yourself! If it takes you three months to write the next chapter than go ahead, it would totally be worth it if it meant you could do the best you could on this story.

    godspeed- or insert whatever being you may or maynot worship and then add a speed to the end-
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  • From ANON - Hypnobarb on September 18, 2005
    One of the cleverist stories I've ever read with amazing plot turns. Great work!
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  • From ANON - lemonade on September 18, 2005
    Whoa!! The duplicity of Lucius. This complicates things, (moving into Grimmauld) as Remus is already suspicious of Snape, and they all suspect he's banging Hermione. Hmmm.... quite complicated. Lucius had better make this worth it, and I thought he was obliviated!! How did he get unobliviated? Was it the dark lord? Bastard!!!

    Have fun in the Greek Islands! Can't wait til you update, but totally sympathize as to the reason why you can't.
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  • From ANON - Barbara on September 18, 2005
    Yeah, an update. I will take updates of any kind. Long, short, I don't care. Update again soon.
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  • From ANON - Killer Kadoogan on September 18, 2005
    What! No Alan Rickman! Then who would watch such a movie?! Just jokin', but I have no idea. Great to see an update! Poor Snape! Having Voldemort after you can't be fun. But, really, why must you go away? Don't you realize it is your sole purpose in life to sit in front of a computer and write for US? Tut, tut, miss! And to leave us all with that evil cliffie! Shameful, that's what it is! Once again you have outdone yourself with the latest chapter. Can't wait to see where this all goes! Update as soon as you get back- and better make it a good one for making us wait!!! Seriously, have a marvelous time, sweetie! Let your muse get plenty of rest so you can come back with a bang! As always, happy writing! Tengo que irme! Salud!
    Pouting quietly,
    Killer K ;p
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  • From ANON - SteffieSnape on September 18, 2005
    Awwwwwww.... two weeks?! TWO WEEKS!!! AHHHHH! Well have fun, hehehe! Great chapter btw. It looks like Snapey is in quite a pickle, eh? So those scumbags have his wand, right? Hmmm.... and now he's definitely going to be a dead man. Oh dear.... I hope these next two weeks go by fast! I can't wait! Toodles!
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  • From ANON - septentrion on September 18, 2005
    two weeks without an update ! I sure will find them long, your story has the smell of amortentia for me ;-) I'm very curious of what will happen to them in 12GP, what will the others's reaction be. They'll have to aknowledge their blossoming feelings too. Snape called her "Hermione" and she semlt amortentia on him. And what game is lucius playing ? So many questions... enjoy your holiday and come back with some savory chapters, please !
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  • From ANON - anon no more on September 18, 2005
    fantastic story
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  • From ANON - SteffieSnape on September 17, 2005
    ahhhh lovely! Very lovely!!!! Oh man I hope you update soon!!! *faints* Severus is just so darn sexy *purrrrr* I hope he's not on Voldies side... I'd die! Hmmm..... I wonder if Hermione is going to start caring about him, and then fall in love?! Muahahahahaha! Ok, can't wait for more! Toodles!
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