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Reviews for Snape's Redemption

By : JCB
  • From ANON - amsev on September 16, 2005
    Wow! What a story. I started reading it about a month ago and finally came back to it today. What a lovely, complex, twisty plot (and Snape!) you have going here. Well done. I look forward to reading more!
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  • From ANON - Silverfalcon on September 15, 2005
    Great chapter! This is by far the best story I've ever read, and I've read a lot too. Please continue with the story, and don't give up. Can't wait to read the next chapter so update soon:)
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  • From ANON - KatelynXM on September 15, 2005
    Yeah, another great chapter. Ginny is so jealous, i love it (cuz i hate ginny) i bet she'll fell like a real bitch once she finds out about hermione's situation. Fred and george were hilarious in this chapter. And of course, another cliffhanger. I hope Voldie hasn't found out about hermione. Wait! What if Lucius finds out about hermione and uses the info to blackmail snape! That would be horrible! Or not.

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  • From ANON - Kat on September 15, 2005
    This is totally awesome. You do JKR like no one I've ever seen. Please, please take good care of your muse and keep writing this excellent work.
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  • From ANON - Pam on September 15, 2005
    Another great post, please post again soon. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - Miss Jayne on September 15, 2005
    Wow this is brilliant....I got lost with the flow and had to remind myself at the end that I wasnt reading hte real deal. If JK ever needs a ghost writer....
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  • From ANON - SteffieSnape on September 11, 2005
    Ahhh brilliant! I can't wait for the next chapter! I sense a little bit of intrigue for the Potions Master on Hermione's behalf in more than just one way, muahahahahaha! It's hard not to fall into his spell, isn't it?! hehehehehehe! You have to love that man, no matter what. *sigh* So what side is he really on? that smile could have a double meaning, gah! This is Snape we are talking about here, hehe! I want to believe he is against Voldie, but who knows. Snape is very much on his own side, which I think you display very well. Anyway, I can't wait for the new chapter! And when are they gonna getit on again?! And let's hope he doesn't drug her, hehe.... because you know the time he doesn't drug her she's going to have feelings for him! Muahahahaha! It's his natural aura... he is just so damned sexy! *purrrr* Hmmm... he does havea gentleness and I hope Hermione realizes it, weeeeee! Ok, I'll stop hoping now, hehe! Toodles!
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  • From ANON - Silverfalcon on September 11, 2005
    Awesome, I love this story! Your knowledge about literature intrigues me. The way you put quotes from novels, really gives the story a more fascinating output. It relates to both the situation and characters. I haven't seen it done so well. Keep up the good work :)
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  • From ANON - Emily on September 11, 2005
    Well...I had found your story very interesting and I am not liking your Hermione and her attitute.....maybe you have your own politics to voice in the pro-adopting movement, but I don't like Hermione written this way and I chose to stop reading your story. I do respect that it is your story (and it was very good) and good luck with it.
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  • From ANON - Lee on September 11, 2005
    I love the latest chapter, although I wish it were longer. I like Snape's motivation - he is looking out for himself rather than any faction in the war - at lest for now. As for adoption, I can not see how anyone could consider it cruel. In many cases it is the most importaint gift an unprepared birth mother can give to her child.

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  • From ANON - Killer Kadoogan on September 10, 2005
    So good to hear from you again! 'Nother great chappie! Keep 'em coming!!! Tengo que irme! Salud!
    Killer K :)
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  • From ANON - lemonade on September 10, 2005
    Wow, what a chapter!! You took a turn I didn't expect, and I have to tell you I love that about it! He truly is a "bastard Snape", although there are more things to like about him at this point. And he is a descendant of GRIFFINDOR!!! LOL!!! What a punishment. So... assuming he is telling Hermione the truth (and really, he probably isn't at some level) He doesn't want Lucius responsible for the downfall of Voldemort, he doesn't want to help the order, but he does want the horcruxes destroyed. If he doesn't really want Voldemort destroyed, then why get rid of the horcruxes? Maybe he wants that for himself. He wants the child and will treasure (cherish) it, he prefers for Hermione to be involved, but won't force her. He is appalled at a hint that he would victimize his child. When Hermione was asking him why he wanted HER to have his child if she was so stupid in his eyes, (in the last chapter) his, uh... physical reaction seemed to be his response. You raise so many questions, and with your promise to 'redeem' Snape, I have to say I can't wait to see how you do it. I'm sure it will be good.

    I also wonder how Snape will react to Hermione wanting to not be drugged next time. If he can't depersonalize her with the potions...
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  • From ANON - nesscafe on September 10, 2005
    Well personally, I prefer for her to give the baby up for adoption then abort/kill it. I think it takes a lot of courage to have a baby and let it be raised by another family. Just my opiinion...

    Very interesting idea about the Horcrux! You know usually I vote for Hermione & Snape to end up together at the end of the story and maybe I still will, but at this point I can honestly say I'd be satisfied if Snape did end up dying in the end and Hermione was able to move on w/ her life, even if the baby is raised by someone else. Don't know what it is. I think as time goes on I find it harder to believe that love can flourish in a relationship that started w/ forced sex. Then again, I've read those stories and still liked them when they ended up together and relatively happy. Whatever you have in store, I'm sure I will like it. You have a gift for telling a good story! I eagerly await the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - nedgo101 on September 10, 2005
    Am about at the middle of "Snape's Redemption". Brilliant story. I love how Snape stays in character. You have me truly worried at this stage as to how he is ever going to reach redemption, so I will be devouring the story to the end. And your disclaimer quips are hysterical. Keep writing!
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  • From ANON - KatelynXM on September 10, 2005
    Yea! You posted more!
    I absolutely love this story (its on my reccomended reading list) and I love Snape. I still have no idea what in the hell he is up to though.*scratches head* also, what will sex be like between the two now that hermione is drugged, will it still be non-consensual?
    Or will snape (knowing that hermione isn't drugged) actual try to be careful with her? Damn, this story is addictive, and I will be checking back every day to see if you have posted more!
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