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Reviews for Snape's Redemption

By : JCB
  • From ANON - septentrion on August 19, 2005
    I love this story. Snape is so ambiguous here. Well, I don't know how he will amend to Hermione but I hope for the romance to rise soon. Please update soon.
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  • From ANON - Killer Kadoogan on August 18, 2005
    UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE! Please! I beg of you!!! An impatiently waiting, Killer K ;D
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  • From ANON - Lee on August 17, 2005
    I love it! When will we get more?
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  • From ANON - Obsessive Fangirl on August 16, 2005
    Pleeeeeeease more. I'm anxious.
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  • From ANON - Sasha on August 16, 2005
    Continue soon! I am very interested in this story.
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  • From ANON - lemonade on August 14, 2005
    Ah, poor Hermione! Well, at least she still thinks they can use Snape. I hope she can outsmart him if he is on the wrong side. He's doing some really bad things, but he's also doing some helpful things, like the wolfsbane and the necklace- if they are indeed to be believed.

    So, I'm curious about the unbreakable. If she has to do all she can to help Snape, is she able to help the order at all if he really doesn't want the good side to win? Do her intentions count? If she does what he asks, but still helps lead the order to victory, does she die? And if he forces her to try to end Harry, will she have to die if she doesn't do it? Soooo many questions.... very intriguing.
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  • From ANON - flaming eyebrow on August 14, 2005
    More more more!

    pee ess: you win at the internet. This story's awesome. ^_^
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  • From ANON - tehla on August 10, 2005
    I like this so, so much. You write very well and everything is as if I am picking up right where I left off with HBP! Keep up the great work!
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  • From ANON - paige on August 10, 2005
    I'm enjoying reading this so far. Love it actually. Has a certain 'feel' about it. It's well paced, and well written. And you update fairly regularly!! Yay for you. I take it this isn't going to be romantic. Sigh. Is Snape really going to redeem himself though? He's not doing such a great job by using Hermione in that way. Anyway, I look forward to what you have planned next. Write soon!
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  • From ANON - GeekGoddess on August 10, 2005
    Wonderful...can't wait to read more....update soon....please.
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  • From ANON - anon no more on August 09, 2005
    We still don't know where Snape's allegiance lies but neither does Hermione so I guess that works.

    Sneaky Remus. Maybe he is taking the place of empty cynic seat. How long can he be both disbelieving and supportive?

    Great story. I hope for more soon.
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  • From ANON - pyewacket on August 09, 2005
    This is an amazing story. I would say more but I have no words at the moment.
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  • From ANON - Christy on August 09, 2005
    I just have to say this story is awsome! One of the best and I hope you update soon! I am very interested in Snapes true loyalties and what he needs a baby for. Will he let Hermione help raise it??? More soon please! (Poor Draco! What willl become of him now?)
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  • From ANON - christy on August 09, 2005
    This is a very good beginning! I like this story very much so far! Good job!
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  • From ANON - Susan on August 09, 2005
    Another fantastic chapter. I guess it is not so dark after all. LOL. I am pleased that most people love this story and that you are keeping it going. I love the pacing and even the oh-so-evil cliffies.(and hangery is a wrote it). Update when you can. Of Cabbages and Kings!! Cannot wait for more, hun.
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