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Reviews for Snape's Redemption

By : JCB
  • From ANON - Hanna Delacour on August 09, 2005
    Very interesting chapter, with a more than appropriate title. Oh and Dogma is one of my personal faves as well as all the Kevin Smith movies. As to the story... I really do like the direction and form it is taking. I almost feel as if this story is taking on a life of it's own. I imagine at moments the words pour very easily for you. Congrats on a fab job!
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  • From ANON - tuesdays_jupiter on August 08, 2005
    haven't seen dogma, am a BIG Carroll fan. Love the ironic twists, good plot and not a huge amount of filler. Vaya Con Potter
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  • From ANON - luvssnape on August 08, 2005
    As always wonderful chapter. I am always overjoyed when I see that you have updated. I am curious to see how you will make this a romance. Please update soon.
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  • From ANON - kit on August 08, 2005
    oh....oh wow...that's really it, isn't it? I've been going here reading through all kinds of Snape/Hermione fics (my favorite fic couple ^_^) and then found yers and I tell you, I read the first six chapters yesterday and was just, this is really thought out....and slightly...well, a lot more x.x realistic than a lot of the others I was reading...Snape is...Snape, and that is so wonderful. You are doing wickedly awesome! You have no idea how thrilled I was to see that a new chapter was up today ^_^ keep 'em coming!! (yay fer Snape being Snapeish!)
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  • From ANON - Mya on August 08, 2005
    Fascinating!! You're taking the current time and storyline to new heights.. I love all this stuff with the Unbreakable Vows.. very, very interesting. I hope you continue really soon!
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  • From ANON - Jaime on August 08, 2005
    I was all excited to read this... to find a fic that explains the HBP but not have Severus Evil... I thought this was it... but I was mistaken. My heart breaks again, but bravo to the author because she has caught me up in the story that even though my heart is in shards I will continue to read.
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  • From ANON - Griff on August 07, 2005
    Most excellent!
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  • From ANON - amsev on August 07, 2005
    A-freakin'-MAZING! I was going to retire for the night, what was left of it, but then I started reading this story. And couldn't stop. I have to say even though I quite admire Snape's cleverness, I had to empathize with Hermione when she said she was going to kill him.

    Ah, but I hope the story line will prove much more satisfying to her than mere murder....

    Simply CANNOT wait to read more, so I SINCERELY and PROFOUNDLY hope you update soon. Excellently "realistic" (if such a word can be used in context of the Potterverse), everyone is quite nicely in charactor.

    But do please have some pity on poor Draco. Poor little dragon caught in the midst of all the plotting and planning of his elders. I'm sure he's quite insane at this point.

    I will be recommending your story to those whom I know can handle the darkness, and it was plenty dark, even for myself with my fairly high squick tolerance!
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  • From ANON - bikersub on August 06, 2005
    Like this one, will look forward to reading more.
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  • From ANON - gotsnape on August 06, 2005
    I heard about this fic from a reccomendation on Fleab's yahoo group. The description from the poster whetted my desire to read. I flicked over using the link and read the first chapter. Wow, you worked fast to get this up so quickly. I applaude your style and viewpoint. Many of us who are well schooled in HP fanon as well as canon will do well to keep up with this particular fic. I can see you have a dark bent. The way in which you protrayed the death of Black was masterfully handled. We were given a gruesome demise but were not forced to 'watch' it, as it were. Having to recieve the knowledge second hand through Lucius and Severus was perfect. I am interested to see what goes on with Lucius. I have my own opinions regarding his thoughts when he learns that his son, his heir, was used as a punishment for his failings. Will he actually move against Voldemort when he realizes just how far the madman will sink to fulfill his desires? You have used the clues that JK left us to good purpose. We know that RB could not have acted singlely when he took the original locket. Dumbledore told us that no one could possibly go to the island alone. I plan on printing the remaining chapters and enjoying them tonight as I snuggle down in my bed. This looks to be a good ride.
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  • From ANON - Ash on August 06, 2005
    wow! I really want to see where this is going...your chapter names are genius, btw. I love Tori Amos, that lryic fit this chapter very well.
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  • From ANON - anon no more on August 05, 2005
    You are so twisted! and I love it! This is very exciting and interesting. Keep the chapters rolling.
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  • From ANON - Secrets on August 05, 2005
    WTF?! he doesnt want to to stop the dark lord? totally through me for a loop. the whole bearing a child thing wasnt even as surprising as this. you are a great wrtier and i love this story, pleez continue writing. i think hermione was kinda dumb "o lookie just gonna drihnk some strasnge liquid the guy who killed dumbledore gives me, totally not dangerous, doo dee dooo." hhe hee post more !
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  • From ANON - nesscafe on August 05, 2005
    EEE GADS!!! That was... Erm... Yeah... Uh... Well, I'm at a loss, but I do hope you'll keep updating quickly! Thanks!
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  • From ANON - fan fiction fan on August 05, 2005
    Sorry, this is an apalling story, really horrible - not the writing, but the plot. You should have given more warnings in the summary.
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