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Reviews for Snape's Redemption

By : JCB
  • From ANON - moepi on July 23, 2005
    Wonderfull, more please.

    Cheers Moepi
    AKA Mich
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  • From ANON - Lorena Snape on July 23, 2005
    Your bio says this is your first fic? If so, than I am quite impressed. It's well-written with very few errors, it drew me in and held my interest. I too believe that R.A.B. must be Regulus, and I agree that there must be more to Dumbledore's trust than what's been told us so far. Keep up the good work - I look forward to more!

    lorenasnape (at) yahoo dot com
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  • From ANON - Jaime on July 23, 2005
    I am very much enjoying this. I finished the HBP 48 hours ago and was heartbroken... the loss of albus and at Snape's hand. I have adored snape since the second book. He is my fav and I expected him to be good in the end. I agree with Hermoine in your fic. There is more to the headmasters death then meets the eye... atleast I hope. If not I can just completely cover myslef in fanfiction like yours that is so well writter it could pass for a peice from JKR herself. Well done and I can not wait for more.
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 23, 2005
    This is a great story so far (and my god you must have a fantastic imagination to think this up within a week of the release of HBP!) Hope to see more chapters soon :)
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  • From ANON - paige on July 23, 2005
    I'm liking your story so far. It's well written, and very dark - I was in the mood for a dark story. I'm glad your updating frequently. Hope you keep it up til you finish. All the best.
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  • From chronicallybemused on July 22, 2005
    An absolutley excelent begining. My friends and I thought R.A.B might be Regulas as well, I am glad to see we are not the only ones. I'm really interested in how you are going to get snape back on the "light side" or if you are at all. I kinda have a thing for snape and now all my friends are like " what do you think now?". I still have some theories as to what happened as I am sure we all do but any way great story can't wait for the next chapter. Love and kisses, Devi.
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  • From ANON - Vampire_Exotica on July 22, 2005
    Once again BRAVO! Fantastic chapter. Can't wait for the next update! You are a brilliant writer.....may I have your brain? Mine isn't working all that well.....I'll give it back eventually .....well maybe.... :) !!!
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  • From ANON - dryade on July 22, 2005
    You are an evil, evil woman! What a cliffhanger!
    I love this fiction and I'm becoming more enthralled with it chapter by chapter. Great work. I can't wait to read more.
    Oh, and thanks for the quick updates! Really wonderful.
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  • From slygriff21 on July 22, 2005
    Ohhh. Interesting. I can't wait to read more. Update and soon. Please!

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  • From ANON - Vampire_Exotica on July 22, 2005
    Love this! Hope to see an update soon! Going to miss dumbledore though! Pity she had to kill him... :'( Love where your going with this!
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  • From ANON - Don on July 22, 2005
    Aha, YES! Another one who thinks there is something more to the Snape that was portrayed in the HBP! I can't wait to read more of this story!
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  • From ANON - Mary 22 on July 21, 2005
    OHO! I love this Thank you so much for wirteing this plz continue plz?!
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  • From ANON - lemonade on July 20, 2005
    I like what you are doing. I have to say my heart broke when I read about Snape in this last book. It doesn't seem fair that nobody bad turns good. *sniff* Snape was my hope and was. I was hoping someone would write a good fic redeeming him, and you are gallantly filling the job. Bless you!! (((hugs)))

    I do have some help for you, though. The term is 'cast aspersions', not 'aspirations'. They mean very different things.
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  • From ANON - celticreeder on July 20, 2005
    I'm so glad to see that there is someone who has seen the little pieces that point at the possiblity that Snape may not have been as bad as HBP suggests. I've been making mental notes regarding these same passages. Your story is really interesting so far. I look forward to further chapters. I think it will be interesting to see the types of stories regarding SS/HG pairings that come about with all of this new information. ^_~
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  • From ANON - brittie62 on July 20, 2005
    Wow - that was quick to pull all the theories together! Love your line of reasoning. Keep it up.
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