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Reviews for Snape's Redemption

By : JCB
  • From ANON - Pam on January 15, 2006
    OMG...Please don't let Sev die....'snif'...Great post, please....please post again soon. Thanks.
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  • From moirasfate on January 15, 2006
    Oh, joy and jubilation, you updated! ^_^ I should have reviewed before now, so my apologies. This chapter has been long awaited on my part, so my thanks. I absolutely love this particular post-HBP interpretation. The fact that you include many of the HP characters instead of focussing on just HG and SS is wonderful! This work is beautifully dark, which appeals to my morbid sense of taste, and every every chapter adds another shade of the not-so-sweet adult interpretation of Rowling's work.
    Poor, poor Draco. I will admit that he is in close running in being my favorite character, next to Severus. It was almost too painful to read what happened to him after the night on the Astronomy Tower, but still skillfully written. And of course, Pettigrew's end is justice via karma. *chuckle*
    Anyway, good job, thanks for sharing, and I eagarly await your next update.
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  • From Ami on January 15, 2006
    So far I am really enjoying it! (I've only read to chapter four) I bookmarked it to finish reading later, though. Brilliant work!

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  • From ANON - cupotrevor on January 15, 2006
    the next chapter better start with some snarky response from our favorite potions master about "his" miss granger embracing harry...or i will break down and cry!!!
    otherwise a wonderful chapter!!!
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  • From ANON - chimaera on January 14, 2006
    I really like where you're going with this in this chapter. Great creative thinking.
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 13, 2006
    It's splendiferous! I had been keeping up with your story, but after chapter 19 or 20 I got a new computer and forgot to check for updates. Then I remembered today; it's always nice to see several new chapter waiting to be read!
    I hope you feel better, and I can't wait for the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - elektrik_storm on January 13, 2006
    fantastic! update soon please! hope you feel shiny soon!
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  • From ANON - Tatianna on January 12, 2006
    Wow! I'd like to second some of the excellent reviews above. This story is one of the best pieces of fanfiction I have read EVER. There's action, adventure, drama, friendship, angst, and (I do believe) romance. Your story fits seamlessly in the world JKR has created. I'm stunned and feel very pleased to be reading such a captivating piece of writing. The story simply got better and better with each chapter (and it started out pretty darn good). I look forward to future updates and I hope you are well on the way to restored health.
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  • From ANON - mary on January 12, 2006
    This is good! And I changed internet providers so please update your address book! Thanks! Looking forward to reading the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - Hypatia on January 12, 2006
    Wonderful to have you back! Was wondering if Snape knows yet that oath is no longer in effect, and how it will affect his feelings/relationship with Hermione. Can't remember if I said it before, but in addition to your dead-on characterization of Snape, I think you've also done a good job with Harry so far. Too many fanfic writers make him monodimensional, poufty, or inconsequential. Can't wait for more chapters!!
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  • From ANON - Terri on January 12, 2006
    so sorry you were not feeling well. i really can't wait for the next chapter, i hope snape and granger stay together
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  • From ANON - pam on January 11, 2006
    Great post, please post again soon. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - a_reader on January 11, 2006
    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, I've just gotten caught up with this -- amazing job!
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  • From ANON - Katelynxm on January 11, 2006
    "I have to rescue Harry Bloody Potter. Again." Lmao, I fell out of my chair! Yay! Runion between Sev and Dumbles, and good job keeping both there characters in check! Can't wait to see what Ginny wants to do with the potion...kill Harry because she thinks he loves Hermione? Well, if that's the case then I can understand her misconception but not her reactions to it...killing someone just because you can't have them? It's not like he cheated on her...he broke up with her first...dammit, I'm ranting again, and jumping to conclusions*hits self*! See what your wonderfully thought-provoking story does to me?

    Hope you get to feeling better soon, not just because I can't wait for the next chapter!

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  • From ANON - WanderingLights on January 11, 2006
    Oh thank you for an update oh ill one. Glad you are better. Excellent chapter, evil Ginny?? Keep on, I wait the next update with bated breath.
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