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Reviews for Snape's Redemption

By : JCB
  • From ANON - m on December 11, 2005
    "Hermione whirled to see a naked and battered Severus Snape holding
    Crookshanks in front of his groin by the scruff of his neck."

    Absolutely brilliant. You create movies for your readers to see.

    Look forwards to your continued story when you return from vacation.

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  • From ANON - anna on December 10, 2005
    Wow. This is absolutely amazing. I love this story. I do wish you might reconsider and post a little early, though.
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  • From ANON - Killer Kadoogan on December 10, 2005
    Whew!!! Finally able to leave a review! What with Christmas shopping and other holiday going-ons I have been lucky to get online for a quick read! But, tonight I'm flyin' solo, baby!!! Hubbies at work and the rugrat has been sent to Granny's for the weekend! Woo-hoo!!! Such mixed emotions! Poor Snape! Being gang raped by several deatheaters can't be fun! I love the connection he and Hermione are creating. It's so sweet for him to take comfort with her. I love that he can have his sweet moments and still be a snarky asshole! Brilliant, dearie!!! Can't say I'm not going to miss your wonderful writing, but I'm glad you are getting to go home. You've been away a long time!!! So enjoy your visit and brag about all your weird AFF fans that worship you! We'll still be here when you get back. Promise!!! Tengo que irme! Salud!
    Have a very Merry Christmas and a glorious New Year!!!
    See you next year!
    Killer K :D
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  • From ANON - Pam on December 10, 2005
    Great post, please post again soon. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - rascul on December 10, 2005
    Do you really think that someone who has been coerced into having sex like Hermione was - and I would call that rape - is then going to turn round a couple of days later and go OOOh so I can take the initiative?

    I mean, do you really, really believe that is how anyone would behave?

    You have made me have sex with you because the alternative is that I am going to die, but what the hell, why don't I have a bit of fun while I'm at it?

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  • From ANON - Rose Evans on December 10, 2005
    please let me know when you are going to update. This story is so good, you cant stop reading.
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  • From ANON - cupotrevor on December 10, 2005
    just found your wonderful story only to find i have to wait til after the hols to get more....not sure if i'm on a list on this site so if i put my e-mail could you just tell me when you next update?
    i'm loving this story!!!!
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  • From ANON - SteffieSnape on December 10, 2005
    Oh wow!!!!!!!!!! This was my most favorite chapter yet!!!! This was just fantastic!!!! OMG OMG!!!! What to say and where to start!!!!! I think it tied in very nicely when Hermione decided to go curl up next to him! That was wonderful, I loved it! I actually said AWWWWW out loud, hahha! And then I went YES!!!!! I think if a romance evolves between them then the way you have set it up is extremely believeable and very well done! I like the fact that she does care about him but doesn't realize how much she does yet, and the same with Snape. It's like they know it but are completely onblivious to it at the same time! Woo!!!

    Well I hope you have a wonderful holiday! I think I can live for awhile while you are away, because this wasn't a terrible cliffie to the point I'd go insane so, have fun and enjoy yourself, you really deserve it! I'm going to Australia in June for 3 weeks and I can't wait! Well stay safe, take care, and lots of hugs and fluff to ya! Toodles!
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 10, 2005
    Have a safe trip and I hope you can update soon after!!
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  • From ANON - Hypatia on December 10, 2005
    Oh, no!! Must we really wait a month before another update?? (wailing, gnashing teeth)

    Thou art most cruel, Juliet!
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  • From ANON - Marsha on December 10, 2005
    This is one of the few stories where I look for updates. I like a complex Snape that goes beyond snarky, to dark and devious. The fact that you're not quite sure where he stands at first is fun. Taking care of Draco, friend to Lucius, abuser of teen-age Hermione, saviour to the Order, upset over Narcissa's demise, willing to do whatever it takes to win...your Snape is complex, interesting and enthralling.

    Hermione's seduction, "you mean I can do things" is in turn heart-wrenching and hilarious.

    Bravo! Enjoy your holidays! Will wait with baited breath for a new chapter after the New Year.
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  • From ANON - .. on December 07, 2005
    luv it!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Katelynxm on December 06, 2005


    It's okay abou thte long waited update, it's good to keep your reviewers begging for more(if the cliffhangers weren't enough for em'). Ahh, were to begin...I'm so glad how defiant Hermione was, and smart of you making her forget her wand... Voldie probably would have killed her if she tried to cast a spell...or if he didn't, it would have been difficult for Harry to have retrieved her wand in the darkness, forgetting her wand in the midst of FEAR and anger and desperation to hide the horcrux, I believe we can cut Hermione some slack and say that her forgetting her wand and instead hiding the cup was very...very...realistic!
    Snape laughing*giggles* ..uh, sorry about that! Anyway, Oh, I want to smote the Weaslys! Ron is stupid and well a big meanie! Mrs. Weasly should learn not to jump to conclusions(wait, applies to Ron as well) and Bill is such a sheep-following-the herd / showoff! Oh, and I don't like Ginny...
    Yeah Harry! He broke the vow, without even knowing it!!! Does this reveal some new power of his? Will it help or hinder him? 'Cuz his eyes did glow red afterwards, which is very similar to a certain pair of eyes belonging to one very bad Dark Lord... Also, his bond and loyalty to Hermione, so sweet, yet not to fluffy!!!
    Ahh, the suspense! How will Hermione help Sevvie? How will their relationship(?) change now that the vow is broken? Will Lupin and Tonks ever snog??? Oh, wait, scratch that last part *coughs*. And bonus points for adding buckbeak to this one, and for the not-quite-a-cliffhanger-but-still-very-foreshow-ey ending!
    Can't wait fo rthe next chapter, as always,


    P.S- Love your description of how Harry took out the order members!
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  • From ANON - Imrastro on November 27, 2005
    Well, color me totally surprised! But I like it.
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  • From ANON - Makota on November 26, 2005

    I have to say I'm quite fond of this fic. It's been my reward through writing up my reports...every 100 words I get to read another chapter. Needless to say, I got a lot done.

    Very very well done, I had wondered where Snape's loyalties lie...I still do.

    I can't wait for an update which I hope will be soon.

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