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Reviews for Snape's Redemption

By : JCB
  • From ANON - Estelle Etain M on November 23, 2005
    YAY an update and what an UPDATE IT WAS I CAN WAIT TO READ MORE


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  • From ANON - Rose Evans on November 23, 2005
    Okay I downed a tub of ice cream. Thats how good this story is. I'm making cheese cake today so if you update let me know. Rose
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  • From ANON - serena on November 22, 2005
    I just found your story but I will be looking for updates from now on...This really is good, it hooks ya and just doesn't want to let go...I have enjoyed your story, hurry and update..
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  • From ANON - Terri on November 22, 2005
    OMG can you make cliff hangers, sitting on pins and neddles, hope we don't have long to wait
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  • From ANON - Katelynxm on November 22, 2005
    Augghh, sorry I'm late reviewing...thanks for the email, those are awesome!! Hee hee, I'm a repeat offender...*holds out hands while Snape clasps cuffs around them* Oh, yeah, what was I talking about? Oh right...

    I liked where you hid the horcrux, little Tom was just like he was pulled straight out of J.K.R's hands! I was wondering at the begining of the chapter what the *perverted child* warning was, and now I fist I thought you were refering to yourself or something..he he... So, I'm assuming it was Rudolphus who said mudbloods could be useful, right? I got kinda confused on that part. And I'm not worried abnout Snape being evil(or that evil) because some chapters have been told from his pint of view and they would revealed anything too one way or another, but anyway, I hope in the next chapter that Hermione doern't just stare and get caught like an idiot. I would love to see her fight a bit, b/c in the books, she's always been way smart, but when it came to any kind of battle, she'd be, please? With cherries on top?

    Can't wait to see how Severus tries to save her, will he be too late? Will she be forced to reveal information about the Order? And what about Lucius, will he reveal to Lord Voldemort about Hermione and Severus's unbreakable vow? (does lucius even know about that, I think I forgot...) Augghh, and a cliffhanger to top everything else!!! Oh, this chapter was short Juliet, but oh so sweet!


    Saw the GOF Fire movie. No Snape and Karkaroff blasting apart rosebushes. (frowns) but instead they showed Snape and Karkaroof getting caught in the closet. o-0

    Go see this movie folks! Even if there are like, four potential set-ups for rape scenes! No, seriously, like the part where Voldie was all "I can touch you now Harry, ha ha!" yeah....
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  • From ANON - Brittney on November 22, 2005
    I Love It, Can't Wait To See What Happens Next!
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  • From ANON - Sorceress Black on November 22, 2005
    HOLY FUCKING CRAP OMG!!!!!!!! Damn if that's not one of the worst cliff hangers then I don't know what is lol. That chapter was absolutely fantatsic! The whole part with the creepy perverted Voldy memory with the cup was so creative, and then the huge shocker there at the end. WOW I cant wait to see just what the hell is going on, whether they just got caught and Severus had to play along so Voldemort didn't suspect him, or if that was the plan all along and he really is evil. I can't wait to see Hermione's reaction, holy crap you really left me with a nail biter this time grrrr lol. Excellent writing as usual, update soon so I don't lose my mind ;).
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  • From ANON - Erin on November 21, 2005
    Her interaction with Tom Riddle was fun. I was shocked when she came outside and there was Severus with Voldemort laughing. I am looking forward to seeing what this means.
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  • From ANON - Vickie on November 21, 2005
    Ch. 19 "captivity". Wow! What a cliffhanger! But I trust you. Even if Snape was in on this (which I doubt), Hermione will straighten him out. Now if he's not in on it, and is just playing along, he's going to have a hell of a time convincing Hermione. Great chapter!
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  • From ANON - SteffieSnape on November 21, 2005
    Ch.20 - Wha- wha- What? WHAT!!!!!! Ooooooooohhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyy gooooooooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are evil!!!! Evil evil evil!!!!!!! Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! You canNOT make Snape loyal to Voldemort! NO NO NO!!!!!!! I hope this is like a really nasty bunch of boggarts or something dreadful! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Or this better be a dream or something!!!! OMG!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Either all of that or this is a set up for Harry to kill Voldie once and for all! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVIL EVIL CLIFFIE!!!! GAH!

    Wow...... that was brilliant!!!!! Please update soon or I shall die of angst and overdosage of suspense!!! PLEASE!!!! I will give oyu a lifetime supply of chocolate Snape's, I promise!!!! Well..... excellent read any how..... BAH! Now I'm all out of sorts and such, grrrrrrrrr!!!!! I am going to walk around all day and mumble to myself and yell NOOOO SNAPE IS GOOD to random people at random moments! hahahahhahahaa!!!! HURRY DEAR HURRY!!! Toodles! ::cries and sobs::
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  • From ANON - michelle on November 21, 2005
    oh my effing... cliffhanger! i just read your fic in one sitting and i'm left with that.. that chapter 19.. boo! update soon please!
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 20, 2005
    Oh my goodness. Now that has to be the most EVIL cliffie I have EVER encountered. Please update soon!!
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  • From ANON - a_reader on November 20, 2005
    KLJDFKDHGLKLSJFLSJF! What a cliffhanger!
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  • From slygriff21 on November 20, 2005

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  • From ANON - carri on November 20, 2005
    This is one of the best stories. The plot and twist and turns keep you interested. Always looking forward to the next chapter.
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