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Reviews for Snape's Redemption

By : JCB
  • From ANON - Anon on November 16, 2005

    YAY your back and with a great chapter at that and thank you for the e-mail William Shakespeare


    Estelle Etain M
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  • From ANON - SteffieSnape on November 16, 2005
    Ch. 19 - This was excellent!! i love that they are getting more intimate with each other. It's quite lovely. Wow.... I'm very sorry to hear about your computer dying. That's got to be tough. I hope things work out well. Good luck with all that, and I can't wait to read more! Woooooooo hooooooo!!! Toodles!
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  • From ANON - cat on November 16, 2005
    great chapter please add me to the update list too ., and keep up the great work
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  • From ANON - mary on November 16, 2005
    This is good! Looking forward to reading the next chapter!
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  • From ANON - Katelynxm on November 16, 2005
    Yes!! Another Severus/Lily believer!!! Shame on those of you who DIDN'T figure it out!!! It is soooo obvious, it fills in all those little holes perfectly....anyway...

    I can't believe Hermione could be so careless talking about her child! Of course, all it did was make me love Severus more (how worried he got ...AWWWWWWW!!). Seriously, this is the most well potrayed Snape I have ever read. And no, it's not because he's so in's because he's the perfect blend of ooc and've made him a wonderful lovable character who is your own, yet at the same time you kept his actions and characterizations believable. THAT IS SO AMAZING!!! Your writing is just so enjoyable to read, I can't get enough of it...Although I'm still wondering why Sev and Hermione still need to have sex... Anyway, great chapter, loved Snape's sarcasm, of course, am a little pissed at Hermione, and am now going to go read your new story b/c I'm just that damned loyal.

    *Dances on the Table*
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  • From ANON - Hypatia on November 16, 2005
    Thank you thank you THANK YOU for the update!!!! I was hoping that you hadn't abandoned this magnificent story, and today's latest installment was well worth the wait. The characterization you've given SS/HG is brilliant, and the rapport between these two is becoming most amusing.
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  • From ANON - Terri on November 10, 2005
    love this story please tell me there will be more. if you have an e-mail list PLEASE add me.
    a new fan
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  • From ANON - Divine Angel on November 05, 2005
    I am totally loving this story! Keep up the good work (and the Catherine Tate quotes! "Face. Bovvered. Face. Bovvered.")
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  • From ANON - Hypatia on November 01, 2005
    Is there no pity sitting in the clouds That sees into the bottom of thy readers grief??? O sweet, my author, cast us not away!! Delay this update.........NOT!!!
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  • From ANON - SteffisSnape on October 31, 2005
    Ch.18 - Ooooooh excellent! Wonderful, brilliant, fantastic! I loved this chapter! So many small hints and such that made me smile and go weeeeeeeee!!! The conversation between Rodolphus and Snape was great, very foreboding and angsty. Loved it! Sigh.... and I think my favorite part was when Hermione draped herself over his body... and I suppose he was smiling or smirking on the inside. Hmm..... also I LOVE how protective he is of her. It's so Snape-ish! GREAT! When he pulled her on his lap, away from the creep, I grinned widely and got really excited, hahahahahaa! Ooo.... and I can't wait to see how tis coupling will go every other day now, hahahaha! More lemons perhaps and maybe some more exploring?!?!?!?!! woooooo!!! Wow..... I really am starting to wonder how this story will go as far as the Snape/Granger pairing goes. Will it be romance in the end, an understanding, death, ect etc.... I can't wait to find out!!! One more thing..... you Snape is so delicious..... and he gets even more so each chapter! wooooooo! Excellent read as usual! Can't wait for the next chapter! Ad no.... I am not going to scream at you for not responding to reviews. Everyone is busy, so you take care of yourself first! AND HURRY UP WITH THE NEXT CHAPTER TOO!!!! muahahahahhahaa! nooo... take your time, just not too long, hahahaha! GAH! I'm torn here! Ok hurry, but don't rush? Ok, yeah! That works! hahahaha! Toodles dear!
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 31, 2005
    Oh no! I read all of this tonight and I *LOVE* it. I can't wait to see how you work romance into this...but it's going to be awesome. I looove snarky Snape.

    Yay for you! :)
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  • From ANON - Kris on October 30, 2005
    This is a really good read, I cant wait for the next chapter's though!
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  • From ANON - KatelynXM on October 30, 2005
    hmm, why am i reviewing again, you may ask? Well, this story is so awesome and i loved chapter 18 so much that it deserved two reviews! Even though it did make me argue at the computer screan when Roldolphus called hermione fat.

    yeah, im that big a dork.

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  • From ANON - Estelle Etain M on October 30, 2005
    once again loved it this story is soon becoming my all time fave on this site and I read Strange Meeting and you should really put it up on AFF I'm sure it would make a big slash on this site

    anyway parting is such sweet sorrow

    Estell Etain M
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  • From ANON - KatelynXM on October 29, 2005
    soory, forgot to add, i luved how you made fun of cliche's in the snape/hermonie fanfic area. Too true, too true.... HERMIONE IS NOT FAT! jus curvy man, curvy....
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