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Reviews for Unexpected Love

By : DeirdraDomain
  • From ANON - Embyr on January 09, 2006
    Dude! I hope you can Find some time soon! I am SOOOOOO Anxious to find out what happens to the boys next!!! lol the interlude sounds great. PLease PLEASE PLEASE!!! update soON!!!!! *is excited* I'll keep watch for you!!! lol
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  • From ANON - lena on January 09, 2006
    i understand you completely, dear. the best thing tom do is that, if you've no time, whenever you get any ideas or inspiration, jot them down on a spare piece of paper so you can refer back to it later and not lose the flow of the story.
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  • From ANON - anjellic on January 09, 2006
    Hey girl....take your time....we, your dedicated fans, can wait for a little longer :O) I read the whole chapter 13 and it was really poignant, touching, and overall wonderfully done. It explained so much. Really loved this story and I hope you keep writing in the future....I know i'll read them.
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  • From ANON - Demon on December 16, 2005
    I look forward to the next chapter and great job on this
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  • From ANON - amanda on December 07, 2005
    great chapter update soon
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  • From ANON - ryu-chan on November 07, 2005
    muhaha...when Hermione started going on about "the little children" I was SO reminded of Micheal Jackson. * in simpering voice*we must heal the world for the little children...*slightly mad giggle*
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  • From ANON - Rose on November 06, 2005
    I adore it... I totally and completely can't wait until you write more and update! yes... updates are good... weeeeee... looking forward to friday... ^_^

    Great job on your story!

    much love and llama's

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  • From ANON - Narcissa Black on November 06, 2005
    I'm such a bad reviewer, but I just wanted to tell you how much I have been enjoying the story. You have all my favorites together. Lucius, Severus, Blaise, Draco and Harry...sigh. You think there's a bed in Malfoy Manor big enough for the 5 of them? I bet there is.
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  • From ANON - yoblossom on November 05, 2005
    I hope those three die in hell.... ^^ loved the chapter
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  • From ANON - Storm on November 04, 2005
    It was a great chapter and I was all for Narcissa going along and creating a 'bloody' (literally and figuratively) mess to the little farts. The only thing I had a problem with was how long they took to do everything although knowing that time was of the essence to save Harry's life. I also kinda looked down upon Sev and the twins when Sev said that all the potions and spells would kill Harry and then the twins laughed at Severus, causing Severus to laugh as well. In my head I was going, 'wait, if I found out someone I thought of as a friend, brother, what not was being tortured and would die if not reached in time, I would damn well not find anything funny nor would I waste time in getting him out, I would have gone as quickly as I was able to, definitely not wait until morning, at the latest maybe late in the night. But it was great except for that. I was just wondering if all that was pertinent to the story or if there was another reason it went like that. I left my email in case you felt it was worth it to explain why it seemed so unreal in that respect. (I know its fanfiction, it's not supposed to be real, but I just thought that in a general situation like that, it would be more realistic) But good job and I can't wait to read more. Good luck on your writing.
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  • From ANON - jess on November 04, 2005
    let the general public give the malfoys the right to choose the bloody i don't know what's punishment! (please)
    i like the twins and aurther how will bill and charly react? (percy i don't care about)
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  • From ANON - Missi on November 04, 2005
    SQUEE!! YOU UPDATED!! *happy dance* And now my dogs are scared. Anyway, this chapter was amazing, this fic is amazing,!! Yep, movies are amazing. Now that that bit of insanity is over (no idea where it comes from) I'm so happy they got Harry! I hope he's basically alright! Stupid Weasel bitch. Anyway, I'm so glad Arthur wasn't involved! and the twins! *gives the three men puppies* Well, there's that insanity again. Take your time writing the rest because as much as I want updates, every chapter you post means it's one chapter closer to being finished. And that will be sad. Thanks for writing this amazing fic! Luv'nstuff!
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  • From ANON - ... on November 04, 2005
    umm...dont you think that sev and luc and the aurors should send harry to the hospital first?
    after they know that he's safe with the mediwizards they can then talk to shacklebolt about what happened...
    for all we know, he could be dying while they talk!
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  • From ANON - insolence on November 04, 2005
    ooohh kaay..
    i like it
    but I had a few complaints:
    1) why did you make the slytherins soo dumb?! Anyone can put 2&2 together and figure out "Oh it must be the Gryffindors...after all, it says so IN THE F*****G LETTER and they were the ones who abandoned them!" Sev Luc and Draco are smart enuff to deduce that!
    2) there was a lot of unnecessary clutter in the would sev and blaise really kiss when harry's in danger? why make sev scared of cissa? thats idiotic! There was too much fun going on for my liking...
    Harry's kidnapped! Dont just stand there! DO SOMTHING!
    *shakes head*
    3) Luc was too effeminate in his was very OOC of him
    4) the characters spent WAY too much time talking about planning than actually going over and getting him;
    its disappointing bc thats not their personality
    *rolls eyes*
    all in all, it was a so-so chapter
    pluses for effort
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 04, 2005
    its ok
    but I was sick of the amount of gabbering these people did!
    Instead of talking through ur ass, DO SOMETHING!!!
    they talked too much and there was too much amusement!
    I felt like shaking the screen when Lucius pouted and everyone chuckled! WTF!

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