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Reviews for Itoshii Sune-ku

By : Messa
  • From ANON - MissAdora on November 14, 2015
    Amazing! Please continue!
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  • From Ewe on September 27, 2008
    please....oh pretty please.....write more on this story.

    it is good, but sometimes i have trouble understanding everything you are saying

    also is there any way to get a translation of the chapter titles...I don't know what they mean
    English is my language.

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  • From DaemonSadi on March 09, 2007
    Im rather tired as I wright this so Ill make it short pleas pleas contiue the story as its one of the best I have read sofar.
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  • From Selera on February 27, 2007
    I hope you can upload more of this soon. I am enjoying it greatly.
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  • From Aalto on February 23, 2007
    I like your story wery much, though I don't understand why you had to go and change the main caracters names. I just don't get it. It's a good story, the chapters could be a bit longer and you could update a bit more often. Bu, the story is good so far.
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  • From ArtificialDawn on December 14, 2006
    I love it!! It's great- and I'm glad your not making it a harry/ginny I abhor that pairing... So you've goy it in harry snape- so I take it he's going to one day e his new siblings dominate father's lover or something like that? lol Good story though- update when you can!!!
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  • From ANON - Fear Sin on December 01, 2006
    So Voldie made them Horcuxes, right?
    Their 'Father' is Snape?
    The other donors are various death eaters?
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  • From ANON - Rempadfoot on October 05, 2006
    I don't know if you know this but you got the dates wrong. Harry was born in 1980 and would have been left at the Dursley's 1981 and in 1992 he would be at Hogwarts already
    Okay I go read some more now only on chapter two ^_^
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 22, 2006
    Ok, it was pretty easy to read and interesting up until the snake girl....then it got jumbled up and confusing..and seemed like a really long boring babble instead of a dialog. I think it could be a really good scene if you change it around a little bit, make it less redundant and give the characters more emotion and personality. Try to make it clear what they are talking about and take out the random "joke" type sentances that don't contribute to your story. They are a distraction..if you want jokes to be in harry's personality...well..try to not make the jokes ramble on like a run on sentance (yes i know i'm a hypocrite..but then again i'm not a writer, i just enjoy reading fanfic)
    I really think your ideas are great..and your writing will improve if you work on your dialog and take out destracting parts that don't contribute towards your plotline. Keep writing and keep improving!
    Oh, by the way i like taht Peteunia was actually..semi kind to never made sense to me in JK's books that she would have completly neglected him..'cause a child wont develop properly...learn to talk properly...and things like that if they have NEVER been shown anything but...yelling..or being ignored.
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  • From ANON - Bookworm51485 on March 14, 2006
    Being obsessive compulsive myself, I can tell you that people with OCD can be aware of what they're doing. There is just this obsessive need to do it anyways and if you don't it just drives you up a wall.
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  • From ANON - JJ on January 13, 2006
    Sorry about the computer. Just update when you can. You can still write the story with a pencil and paper, then put it on the net when you get the chance. Sounds like your characters are still putting things together. A little action or some more info would be nice.
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  • From ANON - JJ on December 30, 2005
    It's been a long time between updates so let me get some things straight. A house elf from Japan is taking them in??? And the newbies are animal crosses with Voldy? And they escaped and took Harry with them? I kinda thought the dark man was Snape. I really want to know what cross the boy is. I guessed he was a vamp cross, but not any longer. You still have my interest and I look forward to more. Hopefully they will be in a safe place soon so they can grow up. It will be interesting to see what they turn into. I wonder if Dumbledore knows that Harry is missing yet? After all, if they do get to Japan, how is Harry going to meet up with Sirius? Thanks for continuing your story.
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  • From ANON - shay on December 17, 2005
    he maybe you should have an incident when Harry's eyes flash red b/c he's pissed adn they find out that he has a connection with Voldy moldy but. ?hmmmmmmmmmmm
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  • From Reamar on December 16, 2005
    hmmm...a good prank... one on the twins would be to make them look different from one another, or a spell that flashes neon lights over their head warning other people "they're trying to prank you"
    Sorry...the week is ended and my brain has finally gone into sleep mode. i liked these past chapters, by the way. ^.~
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  • From ANON - JJ on December 16, 2005
    After writing my review, I like to read others to see what they think. In rereading an old one I wrote you I wondered why they had to meet the Weasleys. Did you do that so Harry can tell us about his family and Japan through his letters to Ginny? If so, that was great planning! Are they really going to Japan? Why Japan?
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