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Reviews for Unwanted Repercussions - formerly consequences

By : Blipo
  • From ANON - ::giggle:: on August 29, 2005
    ooh, nice......
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  • From ANON - firewall on August 29, 2005
    Hmmmm, getting a little flack I see. Because you are dealing with such a sensitive subject, you are bound to get divergent points of view. Again as you say it is a personal thing and if the reader finds it too difficult to deal with or too close to the subject being portrayed, then perhaps the fanfic is not the one to read. I think we all have subject matter we find difficult to deal with. I know myself, if the story I'm reading begins going where I'm not comfortable...I'm gone.

    That being said, I like how you are having Hermione act with Draco. She is NOT flling into his arms after the despicable thing he did. He deserves to suffer and he needs to stop pretending at being a big bad Death Eater. That is something he'll have to come to terms with before he becomes a father and is accepted by Hermione as such.

    Okay, enough pontificating. I enjoyed your chapter. You dealt with the subject most sensitively.
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  • From ANON - ~Sakurashope7~ on August 29, 2005
    Wow cliff hanger....kind of haha well its still really good...twins!!! How exciting!! Update soon!!!!
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  • From ANON - moi on August 29, 2005
    Love the fic! hope you continue.

    OMG whats finn's problem.

    I would have deleted the flame too if it wasn't constructive!

    Yikes someone has too much spare time!
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  • From Blipo on August 29, 2005
    Finn, I'm sorry for taking your reveiw down and I agree it was hypocritical of me.

    but like you I reacted out of anger.

    I am very sorry if my story offends you.

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  • From ANON - finn on August 29, 2005
    Re: A/N to Finn

    "This is a fictional story and to be honest its mine so I can do what I like."

    True. Not arguing with that, but if you're going to put your stuff out there, be prepared for people to react in different ways. I have to admit that after reading this A/N, I thought... hmm, maybe I was too harsh, but when I went to re-read what I had wrote, I noticed that my remarks had been removed (though not the few that had responded). So, wow... you're free to post whatever you like, but I'm not free to post a response in the open review book?

    "Secondly if you yourself have ever been a victim of rape or, you know someone that has then i truly feel for you, but how dare you suggest that victims of rape will generally mis-treat a resulting child because I KNOW from first hand experience that it isn't true!"

    I have been a victim, and thanks for the "feel"ings and if the way I worded my remarks implied that all victims who keep the child who is the result of an attack will mistreat him or her, that's not what I meant... but I can't very well go back and see what I said now can I? But if you look at statistics, many mothers of children of rape often misdirect whatever feelings and fears and anger they have about the attack towards that child which is constant reminder. I know this b/c in the course of my recovery, I became a peer counselor for other victims of rape. That is not to say that happy families cannot result from these horrible incidents. That is not what I meant to say, and if that is how I worded it, I apologize.

    "If you feel so strongly about the subject of rape then you really shouldn't be reading this fic now should you?"

    Um, I give many fics a chance on this site that I don't continue with and this is just one of them, but seeing as thought this is the Internet and an open site, I can write whatever I feel at the time about what I had read. I have read many stories here that deal with the subject of rape and many of them handle it in a responsible way. I'm not offended by fictionalizing a tragedy like rape. I'm offended by the implication that she and her rapist are going to fall in love. My reaction, by my own admission, was a knee-jerk response towards your fic b/c it happened to be one I was reading after encountering a long line of "Draco rapes Hermione stories and they fall in love"- a story line that I usually just silently back away from when I find it. I'm sorry that you got the brunt of my frustration. I know this is fiction.

    "and I'm very sorry that I didn't make Hermione a shattered broken soul? is that what you wanted?"

    No. I myself am not shattered, nor broken but we are talking about hours (days?) since she realized she'd been attacked? My problem is not with her reaction thus far, anyway... it is with the fact that it is clear where you are (ulitimately) taking this- Draco and Hermione and children who are the result of a viscous and humiliating act make a family. It's unfair to judge your story by what may come next, I admit. But again, you got the brunt of my frustration with fics of this ilk. I shouldn't have made it personal.

    "I havent changed my mind in continuing to update this fic"

    Never asked you to stop. It's a free country and I like the First Amendment... I would like to think that I can luxuriate in it's promise of freedom of speech as well without you deleting these remarks too. Rather hypocritical wouldn't you say?

    "and I'm sure you will find MANY other fic's on this site with very similar story lines including the aptly named 'Consequences' sequel to 'Last resort'."

    I haven't read your examples and therefore cannot comment.

    "To my other reveiwers thankyou very very much for your reveiws and sorry you had to put up with this little rant :) "

    I'm sure they appreciate it.

    Now, while I can't believe I spent so much time doing this, I have one final thing to say. While my pride, though anonymous, wouldn't allow me to just let this pass without clarifying comments I made while ranting, I hope you do continue with your story... I hope those enjoying it continue to do so and I will no longer bother you.

    What I do hope is that you don't take this down. As I said above, I think its rather hypocritical to take down my remarks b/c you didn't like what I had to say (the 14 yearold comment... implications of brain sickness aside... I resort to name calling rarely), though I know how I can be when I type first and think later. Yes, you can post whatever you have written here. But this little review button I see below here says that I can as well. Whatever you choose to do, you won't have to hear from me again.

    Good luck.
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  • From ANON - Sommer on August 29, 2005
    Blaise wasn't that good of an actor.
    Great Part
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  • From ANON - Bunni on August 29, 2005
    I personally know what a horrible situation rape is but that doesn't make your story bad. It is a good well worded piece & I will continue to read it and support you to the very end.
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  • From ANON - angel on August 29, 2005
    i hope they get all this fixedamd she will let him woo her ... i justy love it sooo please update soon and well in till next time keep ypu the great work later

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  • From ANON - angel on August 29, 2005
    good ud really soon plz i love this story and can't get enough of it!!!!
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  • From ANON - ancientgirl on August 29, 2005
    I haven't reviewed until now, since I've been with no power for a while. I love your story. And while rape is no laughing matter and nothing to be taken lightly, I'm glad you didn't have Hermione just shut herself off or become some broken individual.

    I'm looking forward to seeing if Draco's feelings change and he begins to care for her. I'm especially curious as to Lucius' reaction. Wait I have to go back, Lucius is still around isn't he?
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  • From ANON - Angel on August 29, 2005
    I love the story so far i hope that you get the next chapter up soon.
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  • From ANON - Pam on August 29, 2005
    I really like your fic, and hope you post again soon. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - JTBJAB on August 29, 2005
    I really hate it when people get on their bloody high horse and start shouting a story down - I mean if they hate it so much, or disagree with such venom- stop reading the blasted thing, but leave the author and the readers who are enjoying the story in peace!

    I have been attacked, and yes it was upsetting, but I saw myself through it, and had great friends who helped me - AND I NEVER BROKE DOWN, I stayed as strong as I normally was, and people who weren't there at the time (it was at a party) never knew, and still don't know. Not even my family.

    So if you haven't experienced something like this, stop inferring that it is offensive - cause it isn't!

    Personally I love this story, and I feel it is closely related to how some people cope with rape. Yes some break down, and yes they might find this story offensive, but bloody hell leave the rest of us in peace!

    Sorry this is more of a rant then a review, but I hate it when people flame for no valid reason other than their own tastes "don't like it, don't read it!" Remember that people!
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 29, 2005
    i think that your story is brilliant and i really want to know what happens so please update soon!
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