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Reviews for Unwanted Repercussions - formerly consequences

By : Blipo
  • From ANON - sailormoonhannah on October 21, 2005
    PLEASE update soon!!! you cant leave it like that!! you just cant!!! Draco is gonna save her right?!! oh please update!!
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  • From ANON - lilycat on October 21, 2005
    Oh no! I am so distraught for Hermione. Draco had better get to realizing that Hermione Granger would never be that cowardly or cruel- he has to rescue her!

    I am glad that you're back- we missed you!

    A wonderful chapter, though I'm filled with angst for Hermione and Draco. Lucius is very VERY naughty. And NOT in a good way...
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  • From ANON - Americus on October 20, 2005
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  • From ANON - jem89 on October 20, 2005
    I love this story! Don't let Lucious get the best of Harmione. Have Draco save her! Please update soon :)
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  • From ANON - JTBJAB on October 19, 2005
    Glad you are ok, and I'm glad you are getting back into things - that was cruel though - especially Draco going back to his bastard self...please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Experience My Dreams on October 19, 2005
    Awesome!! I am on the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter!!
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  • From ANON - Alina on October 18, 2005
    I love this story its good taht my friend told me to read it the best!!! its realy sad and i cant wait for u to continue writing it!!! i hope the next chapter wil come soon cant wait for u to update!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Scarlet on October 18, 2005
    nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! how could he do that?!?!?!?!?!

    and why is Draco too stupid to realise what his mad insane father has just done??

    poor Hermione

    Great fan fic by the way, i am really quite gripped
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  • From ANON - Hataki on October 18, 2005
    Bravo! This story thread gave me the fix I needed after recently completing the 6th book in the series yesterday. I am very curious to see where it is heading. It was an ingenious pairing of HG/DM. If you need someone to beta this, please, I would be honored! Looking foward to more.
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  • From ANON - rachel on October 18, 2005
    i hope you are alright after your visit to the hospital. what a great chapter i cant believe draco believed the note that quickly. cant wait to see what happens next and how it hopefully turns around for the better. update soon please.
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  • From ANON - Michelle on October 17, 2005
    Poor draco and Hermione. I wouldn't want to be in her place. I wonder what draco's going to do when he finds out what happend to hermione. I mean he just can't foget about her, she would never leaver her children. she loved them, he saw. I think he will get a clue, when he finds out his father desapered from azkaban. Update soon please. IT'S GOOD TO HAVE YOUR BACK. I HOPE THAT YOU'RE FIND NOW. GLAD TO HAVE YOU BACK.
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  • From ANON - audry on October 17, 2005
    omg how could he do that to his own son? i mean just take them all away l8ike that! nuts, but anyway im so glad ur feeling better. this chapter was even better then the last one. ur really doing good!

    update agoin and soon plz that was short.

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  • From Chavela25 on October 17, 2005
    Wow! I hope someone comes soon.
    I can't believe Draco really believes that letter! I really hope you update as soon as you can. This story is so awesome! Keep up the aweome work!
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  • From ANON - luna luck on October 17, 2005
    Glad to see your back at it! I really hate Lucious ...... and now I hate him even more. I loved this chapter even though you said it was short it had alot of info. Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - angel on October 17, 2005
    noooooooooo please draco do not belive the note you should now mione by now she loves you and the twins go tell snape any one you have to find her you .... remember you father is out he could have dont some thing hint hint ... please update soon and keep up the awesome work ...ohhh and welcome back im gald all when well for you ... sooooooo in till next time keep well and later for now

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