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Reviews for Unwanted Repercussions - formerly consequences

By : Blipo
  • From ANON - JTBJAB on September 21, 2005
    Oh dear! Ooops! I can't wait for you to update again!
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  • From ANON - angel on September 21, 2005
    blast you to hell pansy look what you have done now he going to hurt mione you bi*** i hope snape tells the headmaster what pansy has done so they can keep mion,draco,and the twins safe and ron harry and ginny help to and look on the good side of thing and helps out to .... well in till next time ~prays for quick update ~ keep up the awesome work and later for now

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  • From ANON - Sage on September 21, 2005
    This is getting a little borning now.
    Can something big happen soon??
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  • From ANON - Eddie The Black Maru on September 21, 2005
    chills in a good way! a good way!!!! my favorite chill-causer was when Draco sweeps out of a room in a blur of black, green and blond....not the exact quote....i will have to re-read to memorize.....(has a thing for billowing cloaks ^.^);
    -sorry, i just read the various reviews (intense y'all) and wanted to make sure that you knew the chills were good.-
    that being said, Eddie is going to make a cup of tea.
    Much love
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  • From ANON - Eddie The Black Maru on September 21, 2005
    "mwhahahah" my ass. you are sooo evil for leaving it off there. Although I have to say I am glad I read this later verus from the begining, i would have had to kill you if i had been made to wait after some of the cliff hangers you pulled. gawd. But now I know why this has some of the highest viewings. imperfect but utterly stellar. the quality is surberb. it totally makes up for the few and far between gramar errors. although you had such lovely describitions....some of them oh...*chills*
    Much love and for the love of the Nine Update!
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  • From ANON - Avanell on September 21, 2005
    Yikes! He escaped again! Glad Snape is clever enough to catch Pansy's actions. Hope he'll help with whatever comes next!
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  • From ANON - Pam on September 21, 2005
    Great story, please post again soon. Thanks.
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  • From ANON - MICHELLE on September 21, 2005
    Imagen if something bad happen to draco's children. Pansy is so death, he will probably kill her. I can't believe lucius escaped. I wonder wants going to happened? please update soon. I love your story very much. I HATE THAT PUG, SLYTHERIN B****. I WISH I COULD SQIUSH HER NECK.

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  • From ANON - scarlett raven on September 21, 2005
    wow what a cliffy ! hurry and update would you! love your story
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  • From ANON - jax on September 20, 2005
    i love it!

    good work
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  • From ANON - firewall on September 19, 2005
    Grrrrr, that Pansy.
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  • From ANON - LaLa on September 19, 2005
    A cliff. Hmm. I can't believe you updated with sucha tiny chapter. Write more next time!
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  • From ANON - JTBJAB on September 19, 2005
    Dude!!!!! You have 2 update soon...I need to know what Pansy is going to do!
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  • From ANON - angel on September 19, 2005
    blast pansy she should just but out and man what is going to happen i hope snape will save the day if pansy dose something stupid .... i hope draco and mine stay sweet like this the hole holding each other and just being gooffy and i hope harry and ron wont turn on mione and they will be friendly to draco ... well in till next time later and please update soon adn keep up the great work and rememder love peace and fan fics

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  • From ANON - --- on September 19, 2005
    OH NO!! stupid evil pansy! I hope she doesn't do something too drastic...

    Great job with the story so far! I'm always eager to continue reading it!

    Keep up the wonderful work!
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