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Reviews for Unwanted Repercussions - formerly consequences

By : Blipo
  • From ANON - audry on September 19, 2005
    hey its me i met thanx for updating. anywho i typed that before i read it and OMG! Pansy is such a noisy little bitch. I can't wait to see what happens when Draco and Mione find out. anyways i was hoping that you could tell me how to get my own story published on this site. u can im me or just E-mail me. My sn is DarkAngleCU thanx again.

    big baer hugs,

    PS. if u do E-mail me use the E-mail address on this one not the others
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  • From ANON - audry on September 19, 2005
    thanx so much for finnaly reviewing

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  • From ANON - Avanell on September 19, 2005
    Ack! What is Pansy going to do? Please don't make them get kicked out of school!
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  • From ANON - Lyndie578 on September 19, 2005
    [Gasp] The cat is out of the bag now! What ever will happen to our Head students? Please don't leave us hanging for too long!
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  • From ANON - michelle on September 19, 2005
    ooooohooooooo! Here comes trouble. I wonder what draco would do if pansy hurt his kids? keep updating.
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  • From ANON - AUDRY on September 18, 2005
    Ok now im begging you pliz update

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  • From ANON - the best reader on September 17, 2005
    hey im sorry for before i was really harsh. I just thoght that maybe if someone was a little mean then you would review to prove that you wern't any of the things i called you. anyways pliz review fast.

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  • From ANON - audry on September 16, 2005
    Hey its me again and i mit have used a diff. E-mail, but w/e. anywho i 4real need u to finish this story or update/add something pliz im like dieing i told u allready i dont like to wait so keep working hard,but like speed up or something. And thanx for reading

    luv ya/chow
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  • From ANON - best reader ever on September 16, 2005
    Hey when the hell are you going to update. I've been checking every single day sense i finished what is already up there. You are a great authur but your not showing it very well. your acking like a jackass to all of us who cant wait for the further chapters.
    I am like the biggset harry potter freak ever, and these fan fiction stories are what keeps me bussy between books of the real harry potter world. so pliz update soon so far so good and if you dont soon i'll just keep doing this and my name calling will get worse.

    luv ya lots, the best reader ever

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  • From ANON - AJ on September 14, 2005
    I love this story! Please update soon, I am dying to know what happens!
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  • From ANON - LaLa on September 10, 2005
    A very lovely story. Please update soon. I want to read the results for each potion.
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  • From ANON - Sarah on September 10, 2005
    SPIFFY SPIFFY SPIFFY SPIFFY SPIFFY! THIS STORY IS SOOOO GOOD! Wow Sanpe almost seems nice.... whats he upto? Have you read the half blood prince? If u have you know why it's difficult to see Snape in the same light anymore, but i still like your story a whole bunch. Please update ASAP.
    Sarah B.
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  • From ANON - audry on September 09, 2005
    hey i really like ur story i think its great. and to all the peps who dont like fuck u and if u dont like then dont read it really isnt that hard. any who pliz add chapters. and soon im dying to know wat happens next. Im the reader that doesnt like to wait. Also u no how u said that people that r raped dont always break down? thats true and i no from first hand eaxperince. At first i did but then i bruoght my self back up. and to any one that has been raped or molested pliz E-mail me or im me. my screen name is DarkAngleCU. and again pliz up date and keep up the good work. Also i think its cute that there falling in love!!!!!!!!! ^_^
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  • From ANON - Katie on September 08, 2005
    Oh, so excited. Awesome story! Love it completely!!! wOOt!
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  • From ANON - Katie on September 08, 2005
    I am so confused in chapter 4...i couldnt even read on. I had to comment. How did she know? thats really confusing. Im sorry...good chapter but needs to be better explained how she found out.
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