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Reviews for Unwanted Repercussions - formerly consequences

By : Blipo
  • From Blipo on September 08, 2005
    Ah BTW

    I do agree I should have deleted the A/N but I actually forgot that I'd left it there.

    I normally just post new chapters and then go without checking previous ones.

    I've deleted it now and apologise to finn (though it is doubtful that s/he will ever actually see this apology)

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  • From ANON - Silver_Eyes (not signed in) on September 08, 2005
    I think it was well within my rights to delete finn's comments and not my own because Finn's were very offensive to me and my reveiwers, irrelevent to the story and non-constructive, wheras mine were polite and I didn't resort to needless name calling. I kept Finn's second set up because they were polite and expressed a valid opinion without being insulting. I will only ever delete flames which are assuming and rude.

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  • From ANON - doofus on September 08, 2005
    Gee, that is hypocritical of you to delete finn's comments. I think that since you deleted the post which you responded to in your A/N, you should delete the A/N. Otherwise you're pillorying finn, by showing your response to her to everyone who reads the fic without anyone being able to read finn's original comments.
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  • From ANON - Nova on September 07, 2005
    Sneak Snape! Aahahaha! I'm actually liking him in this fic! Heheheh. Now we just have to worry about slut pans.
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  • From ANON - JTBJAB on September 07, 2005
    Bless! Severus Snape is such a cool guy *swoons*

    I can't wait for your update!
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  • From ANON - sliver_eyes (not signed in) on September 07, 2005
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 07, 2005
    pliz give up the next chapter as soon as posible. I am really curise to see what happens. I never have been this interested in a fan fiction before. I reaaly like so keep up the good work and finish it.:>

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  • From ANON - michelle on September 07, 2005
    sniky snape. i love this chapter. update soon.
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  • From ANON - angel on September 07, 2005
    ~lol~ man i feel sorriy for ron and nevill .... yeah for snape the is hope for draco and mione and the twins yet .... i cant waitin till next time and in till then keep up the great work and later for now

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  • From ANON - Sommer on September 07, 2005
    Another great part
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  • From ANON - ancientgirl on September 07, 2005
    Why that sneaky Potions Master! I love him! Pansy needs to be done away with, does that girl need a brick wall to fall on her? Great chapter. Thanks for updating so frequently.
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  • From cruttan on September 07, 2005
    Ooohhh... What's the evil laugh for? *claps hands excitedly* Are we going to get to hear more about Ron and Neville? I thought it was so sweet that Draco was feeling protective- I hope he wasn't put off by her knee-jerk reaction. Great chapter!
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  • From on September 06, 2005
    This is a VERY good piece of fic! I mean that! and i'm one of the many that don't review unless the story's good....And i really like this stotry, i've read one like it at, but Draco was a huge jerk. i like this one very much, and i noticed that some reviewer, (finn, i think?) made a comment about mothers not liking a child out of rape, and i totally agree with you, i think that's complete rubbish, although i won't deny that there are mothers that aren't really mothers at all if they treat their children badly just because it was a consequence of what happened. I just really wanted to tell you that, and remind you that this story is very good. My own story is about this, Gleaming. though i haven't posted all the chaps yet. Keep updating please!!!

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  • From ANON - Nova on September 05, 2005
    Nasty Pansy, Drakie Pooh, ::lerch:: Ew. The plot thinks, clique, but lol true. At least they were making head way before she began to become nosie.
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  • From ANON - sugamama on September 05, 2005
    this story is really good. i love the names you picked out
    i would like to know how u pronouce the girls name as
    i think the name is georgous. where did you find it
    please email me if you like with the answer or i will just look
    out for a reply in you A/N at the end of the chapters
    well done

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