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Reviews for The Orbs Of Passion

By : jkrocksmysocks
  • From ANON - Jenn on August 30, 2005
    This is an awsome story line. I can't wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - Elmo on August 30, 2005
    i love the basic story about it but its a killer on the eyes...maybe make the paragraphs a bit shorter...and...i cant tell when someone's talking and when they're thiinking so maybe " "s if someones talking and 's if it's a thought...
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  • From ANON - Sommer on August 30, 2005
    Great Start.
    Can't wait for more
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  • From ANON - Silver_Eyes (Not signed in) on August 30, 2005
    I liked it alot!

    Very intruiging! I wanna know what the orbs are!

    Update soon!
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